
May 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, it’s this simple – Trump might as well take hydroxychloroquine.  Seriously, he has all the side effects except the one that kills you.

Let’s go look at the FDA website.

Central nervous system effects: Hydroxychloroquine sulfate may increase the risk of convulsions in patients with a history of seizures. Acute extrapyramidal disorders may occur with hydroxychloroquine sulfate. Psychosis, delirium, agitation, confusion, suicidal behavior, and hallucinations may occur with hydroxychloroquine sulfate.

That’s a grave medical thing – how will they know if he’s having side effects?

But the thing most MAGA people are the most horribly upset about is Nancy Pelosi.

“As far as the president is concerned, he’s our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group, morbidly obese, they say,” Pelosi said during an interview with CNN on Monday night. “So I think it’s not a good idea.”

Now them going bonkers over that proves the emperor has no clothes.  They haven’t noticed that he’s chubby?  I mean, have they seen his butt?  His butt is big enough for someone to climb and plant a flag on. Goodness sake, they think he’s a bodybuilder.

And I’m not even gonna talk about those people who say that Nancy was being mean and unChristian for calling him names.  Have they seen what he’s called Neil Cavuto lately?  Or anybody who has ever disagreed with him.


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0 Comments to “Hydroxychloroquine?”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    You’re right about his back end – he could have a MAGA bumper sticker back there spelled out! Also, I wonder what the drug interaction is between adderall and hydroxychloroquine? We know his brain is shot, will a body part fall off?

  2. I am pretty sure he passed “chubby” a long time ago. Grandma Ada – you win the internet today.

    He once said he was in better physical shape than any president ever. Dude, we could see JFK’s and Obama’s abs. The only way we are getting a glimpse of your abs is if a surgeon goes looking for them.

  3. Adam Eran says:

    Sure, hydroxy..etc. makes people crazy…so how will we notice?

  4. Malarkey says:

    A lot of friends are calling what Ms. Pelosi said “fat shaming.” I don’t think it is; I think it’s accurate.

  5. BarbinDC says:

    His Heinous was right just this once: after an early meeting with Nancy, he called her an “assassin”. Yup. I wouldn’t mess with her–a lesson he has refused to learn.

  6. Pridetyper says:

    Trending on twitter

  7. Thinking about what Cheryl said

    Reading Cheryl’s comment reminds me of Harry Truman. The much younger Secret Service guys said it was all they could do to keep up with Harry on his daily morning walk.

  8. Skyblue says:


    “Now it makes sense. He’s not taking it. He is using it. He’s using it to deflect news of his firing of the IG who was about to release his investigation of the unapproved and illegal sale of nuclear tech & $8B of high tech weapons to KSA. Illegal ? Congress forbade both. The Admin over rose both saying it was an emergency …. sorry – selling tech thats delivered 12-18 months later doesn’t wash – So, they got caught. The drug stuff was just the headline to get this pushed out – and now we are on to the next assault.”


    What do you think?

  9. Nancy went too far??? How??? Everything she said was 100% true! Also the trumpkin is a consummate LIAR, so I doubt he is taking the very dangerous not proven drug. But if he is then he has two good chances of dying. Which I DON’T want, as I want him VOTED out of office!!!!

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The MAGAts howled with laughter when trump mocked Serge Kovaleski (the disabled journalist). They didn’t protest when he called Rosie O’Donnell “a fat pig” and Stormy Daniels “horse faced.” And now they’re upset?

    F*** their feelings.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Read this morning that Trump is taking heavier doses than one would take legitimately, so watch for him to squint more than normal, wear sunglasses. Hydroxychloroquine also causes serious eye damage. Maybe the Pencester will also take it for the boss, and they’ll both become incapacitated. So let’s see, who’s #3 in the line of succession.

  12. hydroxychloroquine? Well, hell’s bells! It is aso used in fish tanks! And I just printed out several pages of side effects which range from embarassment to dropping dead. And none of it is easy! It is pure agony as your lunch cells crap out, etc. etc. Kinda wondo evtRump is actually giving him a panacea and telling him blad-face lies, which is rather poteic justice inasmuch a tRump has made a career of foind such. Wonder how things are going in Pence’s office. Heard someone had to go on self-isolaiton as he showed positive. Wonder if htat was before or after he sneezed and coughed on everybody and never washed his hands no matter what.

  13. Pardon the typing clitches. My computer is showing signs of fading.

  14. Trump’s doctor probably gave him a placebo. No legit doctor in his right mind would give him a med that would kill him.What he really needs is elephant-strength ant-psychotic meds with a chaser of chlorox.

  15. Opinionated Hussy says:

    First laugh of a very busy day….Thanks! “#presidentplump is the absolute best so far, though Nancy’s “morbidly obese” is more accurate. ROFLMAO

  16. maryelle says:

    Nancy Pelosi used the medical term for someone who is in that weight range. If his doctor wasn’t a coward, he would agree with that term instead of telling Drumpf what he wants to hear.
    I may be mistaken, but it would seem that a great many of his supporters fall into that category. It is a medical description of those whose weight is a health hazard, not an insult.

  17. The Surly Professor says:

    “Psychosis, delirium, agitation, confusion, suicidal behavior, and hallucinations may occur in the population with a Trump presidency”

  18. barbara allen says:

    Thank god for the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon!!! After reading Juanita’s entries and all the replies I laughed myself right back to mental health!! I kinda like #pleasantly plump – reminds me of Charles Laughton in Witness for the Prosecution. Keep up the good work.

  19. Hydroxychlorokarma, I’d call the end result if he’s really taking it (which I doubt).

  20. Bill F. says:

    While I would shed no tears if Orange Julius was hit with bad side affects, he probably won’t be. I took chloroquine for a couple of months in 1983 with no issues. My daughter has taken it too. Definitely worth getting a prescription if you are going somewhere with malaria carrying mosquitoes. OTOH, if he is taking extra high doses, I’d love to see karma slap him up side the head.

  21. KAREN BYRD says:

    If trump had read all of the side effects of hydroxichloroquine, we would have never heard a peep out of him. One of the side effects is hair loss.

  22. Karen, 45 read? Now we are arguing facts not in evidence.

  23. As his personal doctor (cough, cough) I advise him to err on the side of caution and take quadruple the standard dose. You know, just to make sure.
