
August 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Governor Greg Abbott should be required to hang a For Sale sign around his neck.

Here’s what happened.  Lubbock is a town in west Texas best known as the home of Texas Tech University and the birthplace of Buddy Holly. They haven’t done much you could call distinguished since then.  Some big wig out in Lubbock by the name of George McMahon decided he’d attend a fancy fundraiser for Abbott and was so damn proud of it that he gave the teevee station an interview.

In the interview he burped up a state secret right there in front of God and Aunt Meryl.

He said – outloud, mind you – that he was going to give Greg Abbott $10,000 because …

“You make a large donation to the governor, and in turn you are eligible for appointment to the Board of Regents,” he told the ABC affiliate station, KAMC, referring to the Texas Tech University board.

That a secret in Texas unknown by people who cannot do math and think an abundance of coincidences is pretty much normal.  Which means Republicans.

The Governor’s office was indignant.

“What this individual suggested is not only false, but also illegal,” said Ciara Matthews, a spokeswoman for Abbott, in a prepared statement. “Because of the unfortunate comments, the donation was returned. This is not how the Governor does business.”

Hell yeah, it’s illegal and that’s exactly how the Governor does business.  Every  board member at Texas Tech has donated to Abbott’s campaign, sweetening his campaign war chest by $1 million.  And, of course, they are all male.

Remember George McMahon, the guy who openly tried to buy a Board of Regents position for $10,000?

“It’s not a bad thing,” McMahan said in an interview with the Chronicle. “It’s common knowledge that that’s the way it works.”

Abbott returned McMahan’s check and de-invited him to the fundraiser.

Probably because $10,000 wasn’t near enough.

Thanks to Beverly for the heads up.


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