Hurricane Donald

August 25, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this is how weird it has gotten.

Trump is having ideas. Really bad ideas. He thinks maybe dropping a nuke into a hurricane to stop it.

During one hurricane briefing at the White House, Trump said, “I got it. I got it. Why don’t we nuke them?” according to one source who was there. “They start forming off the coast of Africa, as they’re moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can’t we do that?” the source added, paraphrasing the president’s remarks.

Oh dear Lord, he can’t wait to nuke some damn thing.  Why not wait until just before it makes landfall?

So if a nuclear power plant goes bad, we should nuke it?  That would make it even?  They would cancel each other out and it would suddenly become just a pleasant day?

  • Asked how the briefer reacted, the source recalled he said something to the effect of, “Sir, we’ll look into that.”

  • Trump replied by asking incredulously how many hurricanes the U.S. could handle and reiterating his suggestion that the government intervene before they make landfall.

  • The briefer “was knocked back on his heels,” the source in the room added. “You could hear a gnat fart in that meeting. People were astonished. After the meeting ended, we thought, ‘What the f—? What do we do with this?'”

I dunno.  Cry.


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0 Comments to “Hurricane Donald”

  1. hey, 60,000,000 voters can’t all be wrong! oh, wait, it turns out they can. we’re all going to die.

  2. WA Skeptic says:

    At what point do these so-called “advisors” tell that idiot “NO”??? I’m so tired of people letting this stupidity slide just because the fool in the middle seat has a certain label.

  3. Okay.
    Hear me out.
    We get some actors to impersonate Putin and Kim.
    To convince him that he’ll guaranty his reelection if we can get footage of him riding a nuke down into the eye of the storm like Slim Pickens in Dr. Stranglove.
    It could work.
    PS. I didn’t say it had to be a live nuke. Just as long as the altitude was sufficient.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    The idea that turning a possible hurricane into a radioactive hurricane is one that only Trump could propose.

  5. Sandridge says:

    A stable genius…
    He hasn’t made any major FUs at the G7 yet, amazing.

    On hurricanes, this aprx moment this evening is the 2nd anniversary of Hurricane Harvey’s first landfalls. I had skedaddled out of Rockport early in the morning.
    Harvey’s eye hit San Jose Island ~10PM, 25Aug, 2017 as a Cat 4, crossed Aransas Bay, hit Rockport, Fulton, Holiday Beach, TX, then crossed Copano Bay and went inland ~100 miles Harvey then reversed and went back to the coast, then offshore. it drifted towards Houston and finally made it’s fifth landfall in southwestern Louisiana.
    Rockport today still is ~20% less in population [~8000 now vs 10500 then]. I’m still fixing Harvey damage.
    People forget that Harvey did two days of destruction before it began beating Houston.

    Harvey tied with Katrina for first place as most expensive US hurricane’, at ~$125 billion.
    And the 2019 hurricane season is just beginning ‘peak activity’, for the next two months.

  6. I thought this was interesting.

    If did not vote were a candidate in 2016

  7. Sandridge says:

    Nuking a hurricane might even cause it to intensify. Then you’d have a huge radioactive hurricane raining and outflowing nuclear waste in every direction.
    Some ‘canes track all the way across the US into Canada. That would work, sure it would.
    Since even a small to medium hurricane generates far more heat energy than any nuclear bombs [see below].
    Enhancing such a fearsome beast by making it radioactive, every damned raindrop becomes weaponized, flinging cancer-causing materials across thousands of square miles of ocean and land.
    It would be a spinning Chernobyl-Three Mile Island on nucleotides, tracking along for hundreds of miles.
    Brilliant! TS Dorian looks like it’ll be a hurricane shortly, headed for Florida, maybe Mar-A-Pendejo, let’s do it!

    “Scientists estimate that a tropical cyclone releases heat energy at the rate of 50 to 200 exajoules (1018 J) per day,[28] equivalent to about 1 PW (Petawatt, 10 -15 watt). This rate of energy release is equivalent to 70 times the world energy consumption of humans and 200 times the worldwide electrical generating capacity, or to exploding a 10-megaton nuclear bomb every 20 minutes.[28][29]”

  8. slipstream says:

    I hereby order all hurricanes to turn in the middle of the Atlantic and go to Denmark.

  9. The next time Trump gets a brainstorm, could we nuke it?

  10. I am coming around to the opinion that a dead cockroach would exhibit more intelligence than IQ4.5.

  11. Question is
    Are there enough, or any, people left in the chain of command that would disabey a direct order from this mad man to nuke anything (i.e. Mt. Rushmore for not adding him) for any reason ( i.e. refusing to sell Greenland) or would be just a snappy salute with a Yes Sir and armegeddon is unleashed.

    Wait till he hears of the idea to explode a small nuke in a volcano so as to create an ash cloud “protection” from global warming ( ala theory behind cause of the Little Ice Age)

    Or he just gets pissed off if Pepsi changes its formula and he doesn’t like the taste.

  12. You got to admit. He’s always thinking ‘outside the box”.

  13. OK. I’m not surprised he said that. He thinks like a demented child. For the first and only time I will now refer to ex congress critter Walsh who has turned-on Trump big time. He was the one who brought up the “child think” this AM on TV. Also, the Golden Gibbon sounded like the loudmouth at a bar when he made that statement. Not just unpresidential. Purely stupid beyond belief. I am convinced that he has actually been hiding in a cave for decades in order not to learn about nuclear fall out and shock waves. Or he thinks these phenomenons are fake. I would bet on the latter inasmuch as he thinks all science is fake.

  14. Sandridge says:

    @7: Dang it, ‘radionuclides’, not ‘nucleotides’.

  15. Ya’ll missed the obvious- this is just a ploy to nuke The Shithole Continent.

  16. Trump’s stupidity and ignorance is staggering. We’ve read about his dumb**ckery for 40 years. And people (except the MAGAts that worship the manure that comes from his mouth) are now acting surprised and shocked?

    Why the f*** has the MSM and Congress been too timid to speak out?

  17. AlanInAustin ... says:

    This idea goes back to (at least) the 60’s — a time when “the atom” seemed a like a snake oil treatment that’d cure everything from A to Z.

    In fact, some folks opined that we might even power spacecraft by putting large springs on the bottom and exploding small nukes below. (If you’re thinking “That sounds like a nuclear powered pogo stick,” you’ve got the concept.)

    But this actually came up some years ago in a discussion group I follow. Even if you ignore the program of propagating a nuclear cloud, there’s the problem of simple ENERGY. Folks may not realize this but there’s far more power in a hurricane than in a nuclear bomb. Okay — so what if we nuke it early on when it’s still a tropical wave? First, lots of tropical waves don’t turn into hurricanes. Second, go talk to the folks on the African coast about how you’re going to fire off nukes there just in case a hurricane eventually might form.

    Frankly though, I think this is just another attempt to lay down a totally whacky idea which’ll later be used in by Trump’s post-Presidency prosecution. It’s the “diminished mental faculties” argument he could certainly win.

  18. Remember how, when Nixon was at his nadir, all the joint chiefs got together and agreed to disobey any orders concerning nuking other nations — and to pass THAT order down the line?

    Gee, those were the days, weren’t they?

    Given the people Trump has surrounded himself with, they’ll just stand around, wringing their hands while he destroys us all.

  19. Sandridge says:

    Tropical Storm Dorian -could- become a major hurricane and hit SE Florida around midnight Saturday through Sunday.

    The forecast is complex, but the ‘spaghetti charts’ have been very directionally consistent the last few runs in taking TS/Hurricane Dorian into SE Florida near Miami.

    Dorian’s intensity at landfall is the major forecast variable.
    Dorian is likely to be weakened by interaction with Dominican Republic and Puerto Rican mountains and other atmospheric factors.
    But it has a very good chance of significant intensification after that, passing near the Bahamas and into Florida.
    Dorian could be a Cat 2+ on a Florida landfall.

    Looks like a direct hit on Mar-A-Lago to me [Mar-A-Pendejo is probably insured for three times what it’s worth…]:

    Those of you in Florida should begin preparing and watching this puppy starting today.

  20. Trump Is Great says:

    Juanita speaks: Y’all, we decided years ago to delete any Republican comments because we didn’t want them to use our bandwidth. I have kept that policy. I just ignore them and for the most part, they have gone away. I thought you might enjoy this one.

    I love Donald Trump. He is probably our best president in decades! Thank GOD the Democrats have done nothing but piss and moan about Russians and have been incessantly denigrating working people for two plus years!!


  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    It’s expensive to repair the damage after a hurricane. We already have lots of nukes. He’s saving us money again! MAGA!!

    Also effective for sharknados.

  22. What’s the going rate for paid trolls today?

  23. Well, I ain’t no MAGAit, by the progressives, liberals and various Social Justice Warriors are doing a bang-up job of intersectionalizing various groups of otherwise placid and neutral voters.
    You don’t need to read Breitbart to see the effects — just read the comments EVERYWHERE.
    People are pissed at the disrespect that the purity signallers are heaping on them.
    Best way to elect Trump, this wallowing in selfrighteous castigation of everyone.

  24. First line. sub but for by.

  25. Mark Schlemmer says:

    okay, this isn’t the nicest idea I ever offered but
    could we drop the nuke into the hurricane just
    about when it is over Mara-Lago? The old two
    birds, one stone concept??! Just asking for a friend.

  26. I learned something tonight.
    Now there’s a thought — I wonder if anyone has suggested such a thing to the president?
    But I digress —

    I watched Lawrence who had on a professor who knows about nuclear physics and stuff. What I hadn’t known is that a level 4 hurricane creates as much energy as an average nuke every – – – wait for it – – – 20 minutes.

    So, yeah — apart from scattering nuclear material into the wind-stream which, in Hurricane Alley, is headed straight for the US — a nuke would have no effect whatsoever.

    AND, the storm usually stops along the way at various island nations where it would dump a bunch of radiation — and whose survivors would sue the pants off the US.

    And win — if we’re lucky.
    OR the Hague might just declare what the US had committed a crime against humanity.

    Well, to be fair — we’ve known that for the past 2 1/2 years, haven’t we?

  27. Hey, trumpie denied by tweet that he proposed this. So I’m sure he didn’t, right?

