Hummmm … Can I Think of a Racist Excuse to Show My Ta Tas?

August 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dee Dee Benkie is the former President of the National Federation of Young Republicans. Now she is the National Committeewoman from Indiana.  She went on vacation and tweeted poolside.

Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 4.04.19 PM


That’s Hot Mamas Republican- Style.

Thanks to Monty for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Hummmm … Can I Think of a Racist Excuse to Show My Ta Tas?”

  1. Hey, Dee Dee! You broke the Repub Woman dress code. You are not wearing your ruby studded GOP elephant pin. I’m sure with only a smudge of trying you could have found some place to pin it.

  2. Chloe Bear says:

    Looks like she is vacationing next to an interstate.

  3. Mary Margaret says:

    How’s that GOP outreach to minorities going?

  4. daChipster says:

    The saddest part about such sentiments is that they are just assumed as given. It’s not like she spent a long time thinking about it and decided “ya know what? There IS a war on whites.”

    Instead, it’s a cynical calculation that has taken place within the Far Reich Wing of the GOP that concluded that whiny paranoid schizophrenia on behalf of your own entitlements is a winnng strategy.

    That malformed opinion has just made its way unchecked through the empty, roomy echo chamber above their necks, until you get people too intimidated by deep thought just repeating it ad nauseam, because it fits with their own vindictive prejudice.

    Somewhere in the lizard brain recesses of the conservative mind, in a world lit only by whale oil and wax, they percieve that anychange in America is inimical to white hegemony. Well, yes, yes it is. That is the nature of change.

    Deal with it.

  5. maryelle says:

    Who’s paying for that vacation, Dee Dee?
    Sounds like you’ve got a pretty good scam going, fleecing old white Republicans with your hate mantra. Fact is most people on welfare are WHITE, so put your clothes on and STFU.

  6. I had a look at her twitter page but managed to NOT tweet her.

    It makes me sad to see things like that, because even if I don’t agree with someone’s politics, I like to believe they’re at least a well-meaning, decent human being.


  7. shortpeople says:

    Dee Dee, Dee Dee, Dee Dee . . .

    Tanning is how they make leather. At least your face will match your heart.

    Hope you have a good health insurance policy that includes regular check ups. Skin cancer isn’t cheap, particularly when it spreads. A friend may lose his wife because her melanoma metastasized before it was diagnosed.

  8. screecherguy says:

    Katy Anders: “…even if I don’t agree with someone’s politics, I like to believe they’re at least a well-meaning, decent human being.”

    No, they are nothing of the kind. They’re just ass holes. The best way to help the country (in fact, the world) is to vote out every republican in existence. No exceptions.

  9. shortpeople says:

    Oh, forgot to mention, Lobster isn’t the new brown.

    And, darlin’, not being treated as special, and not receiving deference to your every whim and fantasy is not oppression or suppression or discrimination. Getting a different salary for the same job is. Getting a different sentence for the same crime is. Getting a demand for surrender followed by a fatal choke hold is. Being asked to produce papers to prove one’s status as a documented resident is.

    Your whine is cheesey. Very stinky cheesey. Toxic mold cheesey.

  10. Bless her heart. Just because getting her nose brown got her all kinds of benefits from the Republican party does not mean that getting her whole body brown will get her anything from the rest of us. That’s just not how the world works.

  11. SomedayGirl says:

    It’s almost like some white people are worried about becoming a minority in this country, which seems kinda silly since they expel alotta hot air insisting that there’s no bigotry in America and that minorities aren’t discriminated against but are actually protected better and get more stuff than anyone else. Why wouldn’t they want that?

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Maybe her goal is to be SOTH? Maybe her role model is John Boehner? A few more years in the sun oughta do it. Of course, by then, the damage will have been done and she’ll be using that awful socialist health insurance. Then she can revisit this “funny” tweet.

    Good Grief, woman, use that giant head for something other than a hat rack.

    BTW, her bangs need trimming.

  13. I, too, didn’t understand the tweet at first. She’s tanning so I thought she’d better hope that “Zero” had some love for her and included her in the ACA because she’s going to end up with skin cancer and need the coverage.

  14. daChipster says:

    SomedayGirl – you got it just right! And you know what their biggest fear is? That as a minority, they will be treated just the way they treated other minorities.

    They are afraid that yes, karma is a [what deedee is].

  15. Marge Wood says:

    I don’t care how tan she gets, she is not going to look like regular brown skinned folks, who, btw, are that way because they were born that way. They are just as smart, just as hard working, (more, probably). Our granddaughter who is six and biracial, aSked her mama one day if she would be white like her mama if she scrubbed hard enough. Sad. Fortunately her parents aNd we love her the way she is.

  16. Hey, GOP snark. Who would have thought….

    How about you prove your point by dying your skin brown, keeping your fist name but changing your last name slightly to Benitez for 6 months…..and then tell us how you got all that free stuff.

    BTW, if it doesn’t quite work out, you can get bleached and get rid of the last name change thus demonstrating how easy it is for everyone else who has darker skin to get right in America.

  17. Elise Von Holten says:

    Ah, Katy Anders…
    I wish I had that belief system back, but the cost of waking up to the reality of evil (live spelled backwards) was so painful that I would warn you that not all people are decent underneath, and we, the loving and gentle, get taken advantage of by them far too often.
    When my ex finally said, “I have NO interest in being a decent person!” Is when I was able to walk away from his brutality. I was told I was lucky because most women who were in relationship with sociopathic men ended up dead, not away and in a happy new life.
    By what this woman says, she is not a decent person. All I need do is stay away from her and put my point of view out to counter balance the space. If enough of the decent people speak up and say “no”, then evil will not flourish. That’s my goal in life…small differences add up!

  18. Dee Dee Benkie is the new poster girl for Republican oureach to minorities. Good luck with that, GOP.

  19. This is what passes for a “hot mama” in the GOP? No wonder they’re angry all the time!

  20. e platypus onion says:

    You can email this link to your friends.

  21. Most kids this age on vacation would be spewing beer. What she’s spewing is far worse and much worse for her health.

  22. I’m reading backwards from the story about the guy who shot himself in the head to prove his gun (or something) was empty. This chick’s head is empty and so is her heart. I use a disrespectful term because she doesn’t deserve respect.

    Yep, when whites control most of the money, top jobs, good schools, safe neighborhoods, real estate, and all that, they must be some horribly oppressed class.

    I’m sorry, momma, but euphemisms won’t do it. She’s an [incredibly gross and offensive expletive deleted].

  23. Edward Starsmith says:

    On the bright side, Websters no longer has to search for a illustration to put next to the word “racist”.

  24. donquijoterocket says:

    I don’t recall where I heard the line but Dee Dee looks like one of those people who’s so white it would take her two days at the beach just to get the blue off

  25. Blecchhhh. An old white GOP wet dream in pink.

  26. Aggieland liz says:

    Dear me. This doesn’t sound much like a vacation. Maybe the men are all paying attention to pretty happy smiling girls who look like fun instead of little miss sourpuss here. She could curdle milk! So sad for her that her vacation is spent brooding over what other people get that isn’t really enough to help them live a reasonable life much less have a vacation! She’s not even old enough to have acquired anything to whine about yet, like bad knees or carpel tunnel. She might have a self induced case of chronic dyspepsia. Bless her selfish rudimentary little aortic arch…

  27. e platypus onion says:

    She sounds bitter enough to prevent sharks from eating her.

  28. @e platypus onion:
    As opposed to other t-publcans, say Representative Boner, for whom the sharks swim aside as a sign of professional courtesy.

  29. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Crazy beyond belief, but a Sap Palin clone possibly sappier than the original.

    We have no fear of the old Republicans, as they are dying off.

    The good news is that the spawn may die off faster than their parents and grandparents. Such is the fate of those too st00pid to breath.

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Micr says-good one. 🙂

  31. Yep, life is tough all right for the poor little white girl on vacation. I was just surprised that repugs start so young with all their stupid racist BS — makes me wonder if her parents are proud.

  32. Hippie in the Holler says:

    All I have to say (cause Mama would use Fels Naptha soap) is the teevee show True Blood and the episode at the Ted Cruz fund raiser. Y’ll know which word would cause Mama to grab the Fels Naptha.

    Hippie in the Holler

  33. UmptyDump says:

    Dee Dee Benkie hails from a part of Indiana that was a Ku Klux Klan hotbed. Her outlook proves that the KKK never really died down in those parts.


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