Hummm …. Did Someone Say 911

December 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Russian hacks are kinda a big deal.

The former acting director of the CIA said Sunday that Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections constituted a significant attack on the United States, calling it “the political equivalent of 9/11.”

Okay, but since there’s a Republican in office for a 911-like event, instead of responding Russian hacking, we block Canada’s email?

Here’s how you know they have a smoking gun:

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he supports an investigation into the hacking, adding that it “defies belief that somehow Republicans in the Senate are reluctant to either review Russian tactics or ignore them.”

Oh dear, do they have a picture of Steve Bannon sitting on top of Russian computers?  If not, I know a guy who can make one.


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0 Comments to “Hummm …. Did Someone Say 911”

  1. So were all those illegals voting from Russia for Trump?

  2. Wait, didn’t Mitch McTurtle previously refute the CIA report?
    Wonder what made him change what passes for a mind.

  3. Gary St.Arnauld says:

    And despite this, Hillary received 2.8 million more votes than Mr. Trump. When you add in the third party candidates, 10,575,451 more votes were for Presidential candidates other than Mr. Trump. To put that into perspective, that is as many votes as Mr. Trump received in Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma,South Carolina, South Dakota,Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming combined. And Mr. Trump thinks he has a mandate?

  4. Maryelle: Yeah, the story goes that back in September when congress was briefed that the Russians were actively trying to influence the election in favor of Trump, Mitchyboy “expressed doubts about the veracity of the intel” and squashed the idea of informing the public. You know, when people were still making up their minds. But now that repugnantcans are getting all 3 branches of government, OUTRAGED!!! Funny how that works, huh. Something I don’t hear anyone talking about though, (and I doubt we will until December 20th) is that a whole lot of repugnantcans would love nothing better than to see Donnie Douchebag choke on a big Mac and die. That would be their dream come true. I think they salivate over the idea of a Pence presidency. So, time to dust off the ole articles f impeachment.

  5. The betting here is that it definitely will be someone from his own side of the aisle – so to speak – that will pull the level on the trap door in the middle of the stage in the abandoned theatre.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Mitchie-Poo says wingnut Richard Burr is capable of leading the intelligence committee hearing all by his lonesome. Mitchie doesn’t want a select committee, those are reserved for real criminals like HRC. Every investigation from a Dem administration has been led by a non-rabid right winger. Every investigation instigated by a wingnut administration is led by the most vicious, viscerally rabid wingnut who is kept in a cage and prodded with sticks before being turned loose on Dems.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Sounds like Roe v Wade is in serious trouble according to Lisa Bloom. There are times I feel the need to apologize to all females just for being a man. This could be one of those times.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Inaugurate and Impeach has ousted Repeal and Replace.

    The Republicans are finally realizing that the only way they can save a shred of their dignity is to put P. Grabber in the history books as soon as possible.

    There is an old line I first read in a Pogo comic strip, “He may go down in history if not sooner.”

  9. The Republicans aren’t realizing a thing yet, and the Dems less so. He will be the next Prexy and unless we repeal the EC, it will be an eight year term.
