
April 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This billboard is on US 290 in Washington County, Texas.

image003 2

All the words are spelled correctly, which seems suspicious to me.  However, none of us here at the Beauty Salon can figure out what it means.

Your suggestions would be appreciated.  There’s not much help on their website.  At all.

(By the way, it says it’s “Paid for by Washington County Republicans.”  That’s peculiar because you have to report expenditures of over $500 to the Texas Ethics Commission.  There is no Washington County Republicans reporting.  There is, however, Washington County Republican Party, who filed their last report in 2008 saying they have zero money.  Zero.)

Thanks to Cecil and Vickie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Huh?”

  1. I saw this crap Monday, as I was heading from Austin to Houston.

    As to it’s meaning…even if they told us today…they’d change it tomorrow if todays meaning gets “taken out of context”.

  2. You can’t be impeached just for being black.

  3. Aggieland liz says:

    Is it someones name perhaps? Like Steve Green from flipping Hobby Lobby maybe? Btw, he will never see another penny of my money as long as I’m competent…

  4. Why are we trying to make sense of things Republicans do? What is that definition of insanity (Einstein): Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    I gave up Hobby Lobby long ago. And all their lamps look like they came from a bordello.

  5. I saw that sign during this weekends MS150 event. I was thinking that I had been biking too long cause that sign made no sense at all.

  6. W. C. Peterson says:

    Don’t worry. Your average Republican won’t know what the word “cleanse” means, judging by the photos of Steve Stockman’s pig sty you ran a few months ago.

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Would they rather have a green Martian than a black Earthling? Beats me.

  8. gabberflasted says:

    Have any of you clicked on the wb site provided?
    What language is that? Latin or Spanish, mabe Fraunch?

  9. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Gabberflasted, I believe it is pseudo-latin used as a placeholder in web design. Been around forever.

  10. The confusion seems to be over what they mean by “green.” To me it seems they they think the only way they can “go green” and get all that Koch cash is to “cleanse the house of libs.”

  11. I went to their website and maybe they’re trying elect Julius Caesar or Caligula.

  12. Help me with this one. You can cleanse the House of Representatives, already dominated by Republicans, by impeaching President Obama? What am I missing here, other than total ignorance of government by the so-called Washington County Republicans? They really are that dumb. Why am I not surprised?

  13. daChipster says:

    I looked at the Washington County Republican ballot – after which I had to wash my eyes out with lye after reading the referendumbs (my spelling, they actually got it right) – and I found no one named Green, Greene or Verde on the ballot for anything.

    So maybe they mean “green” as in cash, dough, pelf, greenbacks, boodle, clams, simoleons, scratch, bucks, and any other euphemism for the medium of exchange that they are using to buy up government, for the benefit of buyer.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    They are talking money for the koch bros. Wingnuts=cash/koch bros.

  15. Perhaps they are hoping to attract the ecologically minded Republicans. Do any exist? ‘Tis a puzzlement.

  16. Go green and watch your bank accounts rise from 0 to hero in no time, just like us. In five years by selling out to the Kochs we now have lots. As you can see by our flashy billboard. Just my speculating 2 cents.

  17. Translation . . . .

    Suck up to the corporations.
    Get rid of the caring openminded people.
    Fire the black man for being black and that is all.
    Vote for the evolution challenged and anti-education party.
    Paid for by dark Koch money.

  18. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Who owns the sign? Follow the money trail.

  19. Aggieland liz says:

    You know Ralph, they probably WOULD like a green Martian: look at the way the Rethugs have all run around bleating about how wonderful and tough ex KGB Putin is compared to Mr Obama; a real damn Soviet communist from the Cold War days! They’re flippin schizophrenic, and ought to be medicated!

  20. Marcia in CO says:

    I think the sign may be trying to encourage voters to go with the Green Party since the don’t like the Dems, and the Repukes are just plain nuts as are the TeePee’ers and the Libertarians. So, I’m guessing the only other choice for these off-the-wall idiots would be the Green Party.

  21. screecherguy says:

    My prayer: God, please let me live long enough to see Texas go blue.

    Yeah, the GREEN part is the confusing issue. My guess, as others have alluded to, is that GREEN represents their desire to have more green koch-sucking cash. It’s the only thing that makes sense (barely).

  22. The sign should read: GO STUPID. Vote Republican.

  23. So, the Republican Party is promoting the Green Party… wait. WHAT.

  24. Been thinkin’, thinkin’, thinkin’ . . . and all I could come up with was from high school days when there was always a seat left open on the band bus for an imaginary student who just never showed up . . . but he was the one who played the bassoon, a musical instrument rather like a shoulder mounted rocket launcher if you were looking at it in a fog . . . an enormous instrument to simply carry around . . . the bus driver never said anything about the missing student as he figured it was the band teacher’s bailiwick . . . or whoever was taking attendance that day.

  25. Edward Starsmith says:

    I have little doubt that your link to them here caused more hits for their website than they’ve had all year.


    We need to shine a light on these people so we can get a good look at them and let others see them for the nuts they are.

  26. Marge Wood says:

    Scratching my head here. All I can figure is somebody owns the sign and told his brother in law whom he owes a favor to, that he could put up anything on the billboard that wouldn’t get him put in jail. Who knows. Or maybe the wife of the sign owner is a rabid environmentalist and the husband is owned by the Koch brothers so it’s a compromise? I’m going to go get a cuppa black something. Or maybe someone built the sign and made mistakes and gave it away for free. Or……hey, diversion here. I just read the most marvelous juvenile novel and I didn’t write it. It’s called THE GHOSTS OF TUPELO LANDING. Hilarious, great characters, I hope it wins an award. You have a ten year old niece that has a birthday coming up, buy it for her. Myself, working on inking illustrations for THE SECRET BUZZARD SOCIETY. How much do you think I should charge for it in paperback form? It’s about 200 pages. C’mon, I know someone here is a liberrian.

  27. I ran that website Latin through Google Translate and got this:

    Let’s see what loves or pursues or desires the pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it. And demoralized by the charms of pleasure is to be welcomed pain that produces no resultant pleasure. So blinded by desire that they can not foresee the to those who fail their duty through weakness of will, because it is pleasure.

    Now, granted sometimes the translation needs some translating, because it’s mechanically going word by word, but I still don’t see what any of that has to do with the GOP, except that they’re trivial and painful.

  28. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The two middle lines are self-explanatory; more of the standard vitriol against President Obama and liberals. But the first and fourth lines go, “clank.” Go Green, vote Republican does not compute. A Green Republican would be more rare than a sane Republican woman.

    The website was quite the head scratch-er. Appeared as if someone had hacked Opus Dei, then did a Latin translation into a computer programming language.

    The Latin words chosen were possibly from one of the free on line translators. My Latin is corroded, but not that bad, yet. Most of the Latin words chosen had multiple meanings. My rough translation would be: Let’s see what loves or pursues or desires the pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it. And demoralized by the charms of pleasure is to be welcomed pain that produces no resultant pleasure. So blinded by desire that they can not foresee the to those who fail their duty through weakness of will, because it is pleasure.

    And, that was a stretch, trying to impart some form of sense into the many possible word combinations. Maybe Bubba, Sr can help us out. Ran my rough translation through grammar and spell check and nearly blew up the program.

  29. daChipster says:

    Marge, whatever you end up charging, I think you owe Juanita ad money. I think one point off the top – that’s gross revenue, not net – for every “speaking of non sequiturs, buzzards are scavengers” post would be fair.

  30. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Could they be talking about Steve Green of Hobby Lobby? This article made me think of that. Or do they have a Green in local politics. Heck I don’t know, I need coffee, just woke up, not on any sane sleep schedule and am rambling.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    Might be something to that Martian thingy. Last week the House of Ill Repute passed a bill okaying a mission to mars. Maybe the Cayman banks are full and they need new tax shelters.

  32. Glen Maxey says:

    Let’s brush up on campaign finance law here.

    Republican Party at the county level would not have to even file a report with the Texas Ethics Commission until they raise or spend $25,000 in this cycle.

    Clearly they didn’t spend that much on the billboard. Ergo (that’s Latin, too) they wouldn’t have to file with the TEC.

  33. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, House of Ill Repute. Perfect!

    Am all for space exploration and a myriad of research. But until the chicken hawks pay for their two off budget wars with a substantial reverse of the Bush tax cuts to pay for education, infrastructure and health care, as well as their wars, it’s pay in advance.

    If Sheldon, Charles and David are willing to personally finance the launch, soar away and take Paul Ryan with them. Bon Voyage!

  34. It’s Republicans after all so I am pretty sure it has to do with speaking in tongues.

  35. Balloon Twister says:

    I saw the sign on the 3rd as I headed to Houston. We decided we better get the hell out of Washington County since our little group of 1 black man and 3 women (one of whom is a lesbian) didn’t figure any of us really fit in there too well.

  36. (At least it didn’t say “libtards…” That one makes me utterly crazy.) It obviously means nothing: go green is short for telling people to go right ahead, it’s a green light, to clean their houses in order to rid them of pests, the dreaded lib-ido bugs, and in the process, help shower Mr. Obama with peaches (but it should be “empeach”)in honor of his popularity in Georgia, led by the Republicans in Georgia.
    Okay– I give up. Who knows…

  37. Marge Wood says:

    Sure, I’ll pay Juanita Jean ad money. You want to make up the invoice?

  38. I know nothing about setting up web sites, but I’ve seen that Latin gobbledegook before on other sites. I think it’s done in order to show the owner of a new site, with those rudimentary tabs and Latin sentences, how to replace the provided Latin stuff and format it anew with his/her own information.

    The result we have here is the start of a web site with very little real information on those links. Looks like someone WANTS a web site but hasn’t a clue how to go forward, hasn’t paid more money to web designers to flesh it out, and lost any helpers who might have moved it in that direction.

    A strange deal all around but probably not too surprising.

  39. daChipster says:

    Ya know! I was so hung up yesterday on the “green” and the “prig” latin, that I entirely missed the use of a very dangerous word, with very deep, dark implications:


  40. gabberflasted says:

    Uhm, thanks to all who tackled this question. JJ’s site is the bomb! Being an codger, I’m not sure but, I think that’s good.

  41. Just Suze says:

    DaChipster, you just scared me. I suddenly remembered the former Yugoslavia and ethnic cleansing. Talk about getting goosebumps: “Cleanse the House of Libs.” Very dark and scary!

  42. Our county party secretary reminded us you use greens to cleanse the body, i.e. as a laxative. That’s probably what this means in old white man lingo. But yes, ethnic cleansing does come to mind when you read it.

  43. JAKvirginia says:

    Being a graphic designer, the ‘latin’ on their site is placeholder gobbledygook. It’s been used for a long time in design as ‘generic’ copy. If someone would say “Lorem ipsum dolor’ to an old designer like me, we would know exactly what you mean.

    But the bigger question: why have an, I suppose, active site with no text? Dumber than rocks, but at least with rocks I can make a garden. Sigh.

  44. Needlegrass says:

    Vapid blather at its worst.

  45. Ann Whitford says:

    The Green refers to Steve Green,CEO of Holly Hobby. He has started a bible study class in the public schools in one county in Oklahoma. He says one county now, and a thousand later. H also wants to build a bible museum in DC.

  46. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Needlegrass says: “Vapid blather at its worst.”

    Needlegrass, give some room at the top for the Tea Bag and Tighty Righties to say even dumber stuff. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are still out there, as so many of the other Tea Bag whacko-o-birds (compliments to Grampy McCain for recognizing the insane beyond his own personal dementia.)

    The frighty righties are so gobsmacked at the success of the ACA, they are starting to doubt their 50+ attempts to repeal the ACA could be their worst Boehner of the 2014 elections.

    Can only say, get out the vote for 2014 to smother the silly boys and their shrill women. We are making progress, and getting out the vote is paramount. Consider, the RWNJs and the RW media are out to limit the vote; they’re scared. Let’s make their nightmares come true. Vote, like we have never done in a non-presidential election.

    BLUE 2014 for Texas and any state that wants to survive!

  47. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ann Whitford, Hoibby Lobby needs to move their corporate headquarters to Israel. They want ‘the rapture,’ it’s paramount they be appropriately located.

    I’m not a suspect in the alleged ‘second coming,’ but I’d state within a certain reasonable prediction the location wouldn’t be Washington, DC. AIPAC and Hobby Lobby need to go home. Oops, not your home, Steve. Nor is the USA my home. Here’s the rub Stevie, I was born in the USA, as were a couple of generations before me. but it wasn’t our land. Some serious wrong was done to the First Nations and slaves, not to forget the indentured servants,.

    Can we right the wrongs, Craven Cliven? Probably not entirely, but we sure would take a big step forward, if we stopped repeating the same errors.

    Republican, please. It doesn’t help, when you media dumb wits plaster up slogan billboards in lieu of solutions.

  48. Marge Wood says:

    My first thought after reading through all this was, sure, it’s okay to have Bible classes anywhere someone wants them but not any written/distributed by the Hobby Lobby Green guy. Lots of history has rotated around biblical principles, good or bad, and lots of great stories are in the Book. I like it. I think release time for it is okay as an elective. But not from that Green guy. And lo, that is essentially what that link said too. Wasn’t it? I don’t want him running our country any more than I want the Kochs or AIPAC running it, or the Dominionists, or Tim LaHaye, or The Cruz, or……

  49. Elizabeth says:

    Has anyone reported the discrepancy of the sign’s claim of “paid for by” with that particular Republican party segment not having reported paying for it?

  50. Elizabeth says:

    On campaign legalities: that’s a startlingly silly rule, though I’m glad to be told what’s what. I know campaign finance stuff is full of holes that can be snuck through, but letting a group spend up to $25K before it has to report anything? And it’s not like this sign is aimed at particular county commissioner races…it’s aimed at elections for positions in the federal government.

    From their website: “We hold these truths to be self-evident”…followed by an empty space. Plus the “lorum ipsum” space-filler nonsense (yes, standard web designer stuff, but MOST website owners quickly replace it with the language of their choice saying something to the point. So I “hold [this] truth to be self-evident” that this is the worst, least informative political website I’ve ever seen. Usually even the websites of people I disagree with have both essential information and rants and pictures. This is…lame. So very lame. Impossible to tell if it’s the lameness resulting from stupidity, ignorance, or chicken-heartedness.
