Hugh Jass

June 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, rats!, they took it down.  They took down the wonderful website and directed it to which is not near as much fun.

Okay, so maybe it is.

Here’s what you missed:

A new Web site is urging people to “Boycott Houston.”

Why? Because the site’s owner thinks the city is becoming “a Texas version of San Francisco” and “the abortion capital of America.” Translation: David Grisham of Amarillo doesn’t like Houston electing a gay mayor or Planned Parenthood’s plans to open a big facility here.

“If you were to do a poll 85 to 90 percent of people in Houston would say they were a Christian. Well how in the world could an openly homosexual mayor get elected?” Grisham asked during a brief interview, where he also said he has nothing personal against Parker.

So far, the boycott hasn’t gained much traction. A petition on the Web site in support of the boycott has been signed by just four people so far, including “Hugh Jass.”

Repent Amarillo is a lot of fun, but it isn’t as classy as BoycottHouston.  David Grissom is the guy who tried to barbeque the Quran on a grill.

He started a petition to boycott Houston but only got 4 signatures – one of them being from Hugh Jass.

Maybe the fact that the Southern Baptist are coming to Houston for their annual meeting might be putting a damper on the whole boycott Houston thing.  They do, however, appear to be very pissed off at the gays and Barack Obama.

That’s whats great about Christian love – it always has a loophole.

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0 Comments to “Hugh Jass”

  1. Oh, really!!!! Huge Ass?

  2. I had totally forgot about the Houston boycott. Guess that didn’t turn out so well. We grew by almost 140,000 people last year.

  3. And the other three names on the petition were I. P. Freely, Maya Normusbutt and Jacques Strap.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    Come on now, let us all promise to resist the temptation to dredge up to all of those juvenile, imaginary names.

    Thank you,

    Ben Dover

  5. Since our mayor is in her second term, it took him long enough to notice our apparent descent into San Francisco culture. So who in Houston insulted the lil manchild for this hissy fit of his?

  6. I heard Peter Horney signed on. (Actually I knew a guy with that name – he was a nice guy in spite of it)

  7. Perhaps the problem is that plenty of Christians are willing to elect a qualified gay candidate.

    It’s only Kristians who are so bigoted they won’t.

  8. daChipster says:

    Having spent some really raucous nights in Amarillo, I’d admire did they not repent all at once.

  9. Elise Von Holten says:

    Okay–I read his rant about pagans and witchcraft and got mad. The constitution of the United States (regretting not letting the South go personally–but all civilized countries would have had to war with them eventually to get rid of slavery) establishes freedom of religion and from religion. If he was misguided before he was “saved” (with his 3rd ex wife)
    thats fine. But interfering with others while they do their worship of season changes (most “Christian” practices overlay older seasonal rites) is wrong–their worship is none of his business. Pisses me (sorry, I’m just so angry!) off big time and makes me ask is there anyway to stop him? He’ll be petitioning to take people’s children (like they did to the American Indians) to “save” them into bigotry and prejudice so they are like him, scared and hateful–if his God is love how can he talk like that…ohh!

  10. “If you were to do a poll 85 to 90 percent of people in Houston would say they were a Christian. Well how in the world could an openly homosexual mayor get elected?”

    Aliens. Must be space aliens. Couldn’t be anything like… oh, not giving a fart about a mayor’s sexual orientation.

    ErikaF, then I guess it must have been aliens twice.

  11. maryelle says:

    Uncle Dave: Sorry but the temptation is overwhelming. Here some people anxious to sign that petition:
    Al Koholik
    Xavier Breath
    Anita Bath
    Ella Finoe
    B. O’Problem
    Gil T. Azell
    Viola Fuss
    Lois Steem
    Menachem Down
    Lotta B. Essen
    Hugo Origo

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    That don’t make no never mind to me. I’ve been boycotting Texas since I took I-10 East over 10 years ago.

  13. donquijoterocket says:

    @ Don A #12- Only 10 years. I guess I’ve been boycotting Texas since the Army in its infinite wisdom saw fit to send me to Ft.Hood upon my return to the world from my walking tour of the sun-and-fun capitol of southeast Asia.Was to Houston once during that spell in purgatory, didn’t lose a thing there so no reason to go back and look for it, or anything.Even in that antedeluvian age Houston was the absolute worst place to drive I’d ever been in, rest of Texas wasn’t much better though it did have less traffic.Soft spot forever for Austin.

  14. Bosco Brown says:

    How about these authors:
    “Under the Grandstand” by C More Butts
    “Fifty yard dash to the Outhouse” by Willie Makeit
    “The Yellow River” by I P Freely

  15. Well, I remember the Southern Baptists boycotting Disney… look at how well that one went over.

    “I’m not a member of any organized religion, I’m a Baptist.”
    — with apologies to Will Rogers

  16. Sam in Kyle says:

    Anyone else notice who he resembles with that mustache?

  17. Kate Dungan says:

    Don’t forget two denizens of Tuna, Texas…Helen Bedd and Anita Goodwin.

    The guy reminds me of someone, I just can’t place who.

  18. Houston must be an anomaly in Texas. It’s resided by intelligent people. NASA, partly based in Houston, does not hire rednecks. Nor do the many of the other corporate offices based in Houston.

  19. OleScout says:

    Hugh Jass is alive and well on the campus at UK, in Lexington. Selling and serving great hamburgers. Look’em up! (859) 357-8934 — online, too!!!

  20. Jass? When did he drop the “cka?”

  21. maryelle says:

    LynnN: You win the prize today!
