
May 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Mike Huckabee is from Arkansas so he damn well knows better.


Seriously.  He said that.  Out stinkin’ loud.

At a campaign stop at an Iowa gun range yesterday, Mike Huckabee dismissed concerns about lax state requirements for gun permits, saying he wasn’t very worried about a permit-holder “not being as trained as they could be” because “a good guy armed is still better than a good guy unarmed.”

Oh yeah, Billy Bob is gonna go get himself some training with his weapon.  Yeah, he dropped outta school in the 8th grade but he recognizes that he needs more education before he accidentally shoots somedamnbody.

That’s what we need in America – more guys with guns who don’t know how to use guns.

Y’all, I hate Republicans.  God forgive me but I just hate them.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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