
May 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Mike Huckabee is from Arkansas so he damn well knows better.


Seriously.  He said that.  Out stinkin’ loud.

At a campaign stop at an Iowa gun range yesterday, Mike Huckabee dismissed concerns about lax state requirements for gun permits, saying he wasn’t very worried about a permit-holder “not being as trained as they could be” because “a good guy armed is still better than a good guy unarmed.”

Oh yeah, Billy Bob is gonna go get himself some training with his weapon.  Yeah, he dropped outta school in the 8th grade but he recognizes that he needs more education before he accidentally shoots somedamnbody.

That’s what we need in America – more guys with guns who don’t know how to use guns.

Y’all, I hate Republicans.  God forgive me but I just hate them.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Huckadamnbee”

  1. UmptyDump says:

    Hey, Mike, you forgot to tell the folks how all those bike riders down in Waco are good guys!

  2. Re your last sentence: I thought it was just me because I was a Republican all my life (except voted for Jimmy Carter) until W’s second term. Even so I still don’t know how a Republican brain functions (or dysfunctions) but pretty sure I’m cured.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    First debate for the Klown Kar to be sponsored by Fox not the News. I’m a little unsure about that whole limit the debate thing Fox proposed. Suck it up Buttercup and buy a few more podiums. As to open carry for the debate? You sponsored both the debate and open carry, now own both and let the games begin unencumbered.

    Yee Haw, Ya’ll Qaeda for freedumb!

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Merry, consider yourself cured, in my humble opinion. We can debate the best and worst presidents ever, but you voted for the most decent president ever.

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    What a jerk!

  6. Yee-haw, I love me some “good guys with guns” who don’t have a clue about gun safety! At least if they’re all in one place and can eliminate each other.

    Why does anyone still listen to anything Huckabee says?

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    I forgive you. Is that good enough? The Big Guy is kinda busy these days.

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    Glad you came to our side, Merry!!

    And, JJ, I’ve said it before and, like you, I’ll say it again … I hate Republicans, too!! I believe God does a lot of forgiving us for saying it and doing it!! But those RWNJs just make it so damned easy!!

  9. Hey, what can anyone expect from someone who pals around with Ted Nugent but another Nugent wannabe.

  10. Old Bob says:

    I tried to be a nice guy, but I agree; I hate these “new” Republicans too. They make it so easy.

    At least the Republicans in the pre-Cheney-Bush-Rove-Limbaugh-FoxLies-Koch-Adelson-RobertsCourt-TeaParty days understood what the word “compromise” meant and could actually do it.

    We are doomed, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up.

    Can they have the Republican debates in a Twin Peaks restaurant with the regular second amendment customers in the audience?

  11. coozledad says:

    Y’all, I hate Republicans. God forgive me but I just hate them.

    A perfectly natural response to treasonous, amoral skanks who are a threat to everything worth living for. We need to take the jails they built and fill them to bursting with them.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    I’d leave it to you,but iowa is my home and always will be my home. Aside from “Cantaloupe Calves” Kingbat and “Ivana Kuturnutzov” Ernst,there arent that many rabidly stoopid teabagger nutjobs in iowa. They just vote for the whackos.

  13. There’s stupid and then there’s crazy. These guys have the added benefit of being both. Most of us have an internal governor that clamps down on the crazy when it pops into our head or we are sane enough to admit when we are stupid. When you’re both it’s just a barrel of laughs.

  14. Scott, I think George Carlin said that there are three kinds of people to avoid: stupid, crazy, and fill of ****. Especially the ones who are all three.

  15. Should have been “stupid, crazy, and full of ****.”

  16. AliceBeth says:

    He is like McCain . He will say anything to try to get elected. I hate gun violence but really do not care if he is trapped somewhere with some good guy yahoos who want to show off their guns and have no training at all. He is despicable.

  17. Fred Farklestone says:

    Huck-a-Buck’s, a never leave home without this 2 for 1 special! At only $99.99 a month and no interest, for 12 months!

  18. Fred, Ross Phares may have to re-title his book:,672810.aspx?skuid=10365 which is well researched and worth the read. It seems that some of that “old time” religious thought is still among us.

  19. Treehugger says:

    The current Republican party hates poor people, women, anybody of color, people who don’t speak English, anybody who comes to America in hopes of a better life. Pretty much everybody but rich white males. Yet these are the people who at the same time loudly proclaim how Christian they are. I hate these Republicans. What happened to the party of Theodore Roosevelt?

  20. maryelle says:

    He may call himself a Christian, but his words and actions betray him. Huckleberry, like so many of those rwnj’s, is doing the devil’s work, sewing fear and hatred and preying on the ignorant. For shame.

  21. linda phipps says:

    Huckabible’s most recent foray into the never never land of political black holes has also endorsed Josh Duggar as a fine example of Christian men. Maryelle,it’s “sowing” not sewing, but that actually is a fine metaphor of the far right candidates who have indeed sewn a good insulation of fear and hatred into their political jackets.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    The huckster is defending the Dugster who apparently touched young kids inappropriately as a teenster.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Dugger admits he molested. Oh,those crazy family values wingnuts are at it again.
