However, We Do Have A Designated Dying Area In The Parking Lot.

October 18, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Congressvarmint Diane Black of Tennessee has an idea.  She believes that hospital emergency rooms should be able to turn patients away because that keeps health care costs down.

Do we need to hold a contest where you bet which party she belongs to?

Diane says that she’s an emergency room nurse so she knows that people come to the emergency room because they know they can’t be turned away.  But Diane, a nurse, knows all medical issues and who should be where and why.

Diane, Honey, if you’re so smart how come you didn’t notice that you’re wearing a blonde football helmet on your head?

Diane says that people using the emergency room for sore throats just clogs up the system.  This woman apparently did not hear what her godforsaken damn party did to Medicaid.

Diane, listen up, we told you from the beginning that this is what would happen if you cut Medicaid.  People don’t have anywhere else to go because they can’t afford a private doctor.

So your solution is to let them die in the parking lot or to wait there until they are much, much sicker and so they can pass your test of what is required to deserve medical treatment.

Diane, go brush your hair because something hiding in there is eating your damn brain.


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0 Comments to “However, We Do Have A Designated Dying Area In The Parking Lot.”

  1. I know people go to the ER when they don’t have other options, but there are people who abuse the system, just as there are people who call 911 and get an ambulance for a hangnail. Some of them call the ambulance at least once a week, and it ties the thing up so they’re delayed in responding to real emergencies. So I can see her point.

    But there needs to be another option. Walk-in clinics that take people with no coverage, or something. I’m looking at it from the standpoint of getting people the level of care they need when they need it, not from the viewpoint of saving money.

  2. I think we should be able to turn away politicians who are idiots, from voting on legislation. Oh sure, they were “elected” in pre-existing gerrymandered districts, but that doesn’t mean we should physically let them into a house or senate and clog up the system with their stupid votes.

    Let them vote somewhere else, like out in a Walmart parking lot, or the woods.

  3. Reading the linked article is interesting. Apparently, ERs can turn patients away….what they cannot do is bill Medicare if they do. So, does this representative want to keep giving “hand outs” to the hospitals but without them having to treat certain patients?

    I wonder if she has a subset of the genes that makes up Genene Anne Jones.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Does Congress still have psychiatric benefits with their medical? If so, they should partake more frequently; beginning with Diane Black. Not to be confused with Marsha Blackburn, Louie Gohmert or Steve King. Or, we could save transportation costs by having a mobile unit set up to do House calls.

  5. I want to fix problems. Since these people show up to the House of Representatives from divergent parts of the country, the cause of their insanity must be in either the water or air inside the House chambers. Maybe it is time to declare the House chambers a superfund site and begin a to the dirt cleanup.

  6. So, just another Republican who doesn’t care about anyone other than herself or those who put money in her pocket. SOP for today’s government.

  7. Maybe if the Tennessee governor had taken the medicaid expansion Diane wouldn’t have to be the arbiter of who needs to see their maybe non-existent family doctor the next day because she blocked their entry to the emergency room. Stupid woman.

  8. Ah, yes! The Imperial Nurse. She knows more than anybody. I did see this video. She believes that ER staff have the right and even the duty to tell people to go to a Doc in the Box. Oddly enough she has no idea that a Doc in the Box sent the patient to her celestial ER because they were over-worked, understaffed and just about out of every possible antiseptic and antibiotic known to humankind. She is just plain damn snooty and a snob! Hell, when she was an active RN she didn’t do bedpans. You know, the way some hired housekeepers don’t do windows.

  9. Sam in St Paul says:

    The most loathsome State Senator in Texas ( a very low bar) is Donna Campbell who is an emergency room doctor….and a Super Deluxe Christian. I’m guessing that and GOP fever is what these two have in common.

  10. If something is hiding in her hair and eating her brain it’s on a really low calorie diet.

  11. And it’s montag for the win!

  12. Cooties dying of malnutrition is a damn shame.

  13. How many times do we hear about people who are turned away from Emergency Rooms because the EC staff don’t believe that they are sick enough?

    The person who was turned away then dies after returning home.

  14. Mr. Diane:

    David Black says his aha! moment came in the grocery store parking lot after church one day in 2011, when his wife criticized him for impulsively agreeing to give a dollar to March of Dimes. Didn’t he know the group supports Planned Parenthood?

    Black’s wife is Republican Representative Diane Black, a candidate for Tennessee governor and chair of the powerful House Budget Committee.[…]

    In 2012 he began meeting with some tech-savvy evangelical friends to discuss what eventually became 2ndVote Inc., a conservative answer to liberal watchdog groups such as Color of Change that pressure companies to support progressive causes. Black’s organization developed a website and smartphone app that rates the conservative values of retailers and nonprofit groups on issues such as abortion, gay rights, and immigration.

  15. I’m betting the following: that David Black won’t be Mr. Diane Black for the rest of his life. Cuz Diane can’t find anything in life that is really good enough for her. As noted above: Imperial Nurse. Emphasis on Imperial.

  16. Lunargent says:

    Unless they arrive by ambulance, the first stop for any ER patients is the Triage Nurse, who does a preliminary evaluation of their condition. The purpose of triage is to prioritize the severity of the condition, and see the most urgent cases first. Low-risk cases like sore throats, URI’s (colds), etc. are then referred to the walk-in clinic, if the facility has one, and it’s open at the time. Barring that, patients may have a very long wait before thay’re treated.

    You know what worked pretty well in reducing the number of ER visits for minor ailments? OBAMACARE!!

  17. She looks like she could be Betsy DeVos’ twin sister from another mother, and her politics equally despicable.

    What is it about “love your brother (and sister) as yourself” that white conservative Republican Christians don’t seem to grasp? The so-called ‘good book’ doesn’t say “love your brother as yourself, but only if they’re white” (or male, or straight, or Christian, or otherwise just-like-you). Was caring for “the least of these” just a suggestion, and the whole book just a bunch of divine suggestions for how to get into heaven?

    Then why so much fuss over 10 COMMANDments? Are they not also part of this book, allegedly dictated to divinely-inspired and selected scribes, as the official word of the one and only God Almighty?

    Why is the GOP always against anything that helps the most of us while running up huge debts giving tax cuts to people and companies who don’t need them? And why the hell do Dems consistently try to adopt their political “model”?

    I remember a time in this country when it didn’t used to be so, and wil
