How You Know You’re Screwed

April 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

1.   When Trump is your President.

2.   When Greg Abbott is your Governor.


If you think that Trump has treated this catastrophe for political gain, then you haven’t met Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

His first plan of action again the virus was to ban abortion in Texas because it unnecessarily uses medical equipment. It took three days and God only knows how much tax money to get a federal judge to overrule that.

Now he has another idea.  Remember how I told you yesterday about the preachers who want to keep churches open for services?

Churches, synagogues and mosques in San Antonio and Bexar County can technically resume in-person religious services under Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s latest emergency order handed down Tuesday.

Actually, it’s all counties, not just Bexar (pronounced Bear for people from foreign states) but this is a San Antonio (pronounced San An-tony-oh no matter what John Wane ever said) newspaper and people in San Antonio don’t give a Big Bexar’s Butt about the rest of the world.

He sits in his office handing down emergencies orders handed to him by the religious right.

As people freekin’ die.


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