How You Know Your Governor Is An Egg Sucking Dog

April 29, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know your Governor sucks big time when Democrats in other states start using his name and the threat of becoming like Texas to raise money.



Click her to see the whole thing. Lord help us, they’ve tied a can to Perry’s tail and are parading him all over the US of A as a warning to other states.  Hell, Democrats pay him money to show up in other states.

If there’s ever a reading of things Rick Perry has done to hurt Texas, you better bring a lunch if you’re going.  And a sleeping bag.

Honey, it’s third and long in Texas.  Pennsylvania is right about one thing – it got that way since we elected Republican Governors.  I ain’t real proud of being used as a bad example.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “How You Know Your Governor Is An Egg Sucking Dog”

  1. W C Peterson says:

    The more I read about this kind of stuff, the more I miss Ann Richards and Molly Ivins.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    I griped all day about Perry last Monday to my captive audience from Canada. Finally one said, “You haven’t said one good thing about Perry all day.” I thought and said, “Well, he has good hair.”

  3. Bo Leeyeau says:

    “Hell, Democrats pay him money to show up in other states.”
    That one made me snort, JJ 🙂

  4. ks sunflower says:

    I wish someone had warned us here in Kansas, but now it is too late. We are saddled with Sam Brownback who has, what many call, a bromance with Rick Perry. Heck, I think he has cloned Rick’s itty bitty brain and swallowed it whole.

    Everything that has happened in Texas has either happened here, is starting to happen, or is on the drawing board. Trouble is, Brownback doesn’t let anyone know – he just uses the lege here as his personal poodle pack to jump through whatever hoops he puts before them.

    He keeps saying he is cutting this, doing away with that, and ignoring the needy because doing so will create jobs. The heck it will. We are losing jobs big time and any that do come in are the low wage jobs with no benefits.

    Kansans have been bamboolzed just as Texas has. Funny thing is, though, neither state seems capable of dumping these guys and their hangers on. Up here, everything – like Texas I guess – is wrapped in Xhristian (faux Christian) wrappings and the flag (backed by a gun).

    Maybe if Texas can turn itself around there will be hope for KS and PA. The pople of Texas could be our example. Our KS Democratic party lacks the zest of yours – it is growing but oh, so, slowly.

  5. jla in pa says:

    Hey, whatever works. Sitting as I am here in PA, I want to thank Jesus for having caused Rick’s mother to give birth to him in your great state.

  6. UmptyDump says:

    Any other states that want to pay Perry to visit them should also be prepared to comp the airfare for one of his submissive staff aides, along with the aide’s hotel room and a supply of Fleet enemas. And remember … what happens in (name of city) stays in (name of city).

  7. I am also a PA resident and we have been experiencing the same kinds of Republican hogwash from Tom Corbett. Unfortunately he’s also got a Republican controlled state congress and the damage he’s done to education, infrastructure, healthcare etc. is mind-boggling. The voter ID law was supposed to serve us up on a platter to Romney. Thank God a judge postponed it for the pres election, but it will be enforced for the 2014 election. Corbett is also trying to change the way electoral college votes are distributed: winner of the state will not get all of them as Obama did. Corbett’s approval rating is in the tank, which is our ray of hope this time. We don’t need no stinkin’ Perry or Corbett!

  8. You know I’m going to pull out the Molly Ivins quotes, so…

    “Bush was replaced by his exceedingly Lite Guv Rick Perry, who has really good hair. Governor Goodhair, or the Ken Doll (see, all Texans use nicknames—it’s not that odd), is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But the chair of a major House committee says, “Goodhair is much more engaged as governor than Bush was.” As the refrain of the country song goes, “O Please, Dear God, Not Another One.””

    And lets add this one from Jim Hightower:

    “…Perry-jobs are really ‘jobettes,’ offering low pay, no benefits and no upward mobility. In fact, under Rickonomics, Texas has added more minimum wage jobs than all other states combined! After 10 years in office, Gov. Perry presides over a state that has more people in poverty and more without health coverage than any other.”

    I know, Texas really shouldn’t be held up as a bad example, but Lord, why do we continue to be saddled with Rick Perry?

  9. UmptyDumpty, I was about to take a lunch break, but reading your post just did wonders for my diet plan…

  10. Braxton Braggart says:

    TalG says,

    “I know, Texas really shouldn’t be held up as a bad example. . . .”

    But we are one.

  11. Aggieland liz says:

    I hang my head in shame twice: he is the face of Texas right now (16 yrs? 20?!) and he’s a Texas Aggie too! My poor alma mater 🙁 🙁 🙁

  12. Sam in Kyle says:

    Goes to prove that Rick Perry is not totally worthless, he serves as a heckuva a bad example.

  13. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    My Mom has an old saying…. Darlin, he’s an ass at heart.

    The visual… ugh.

  14. Mary Melton says:

    And NC is on the track to take a footnote from TX and make it into a novel now that we have our own Republican guvnor, Pat McCrory. But he can’t do it all on his own, and has the red house and senate to prove it. God help me………..

  15. And here I sit in Gawgia with Nathan the Nasty Deal/Raw Deal trying to sue the Prez but laying off teachers like swattin’ skeeters….Lawd, we all sound so dam pitiful!
