How to Resist

February 11, 2025 By: El Jefe Category: Coup, Resist

I don’t often just republish others’ work in its entirety, but this one is probably the most important pieces we’ll post in the near future.  Originally published in the New American Journal, Dr. Timothy D. Snyder, the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale, has issued a warning, and a guide how to resist the coup that’s occurring in Washington DC right before our eyes.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

The Logic of Destruction: How to Resist

“What is a country? The way its people govern themselves. America exists because its people elect those who make and execute laws. The assumption of a democracy is that individuals have dignity and rights that they realize and protect by acting together.

The people who now dominate the executive branch of the government deny all of this, and are acting, quite deliberately, to destroy the nation. For them, only a few people, the very wealthy with a certain worldview, have rights, and the first among these is to dominate.

For them, there is no such thing as an America, or Americans, or democracy, or citizens, and they act accordingly. Now that the oligarchs and their clients are inside the federal government, they are moving, illegally and unconstitutionally, to take over its institutions.

The parts of the government that work to implement laws have been maligned for decades. Americans have been told that the people who provide them with services are conspirators within a “deep state.” We have been instructed that the billionaires are the heroes.

All of this work was preparatory to the coup that is going on now. The federal government has immense capacity and control over trillions of dollars. That power was a cocreation of the American people. It belongs to them. The oligarchs around Trump are working now to take it for themselves.

Theirs is a logic of destruction. It is very hard to create a large, legitimate, functioning government. The oligarchs have no plan to govern. They will take what they can, and disable the rest. The destruction is the point. They don’t want to control the existing order. They want disorder in which their relative power will grow.

Think of the federal government as a car. You might have thought that the election was like getting the car serviced. Instead, when you come into the shop, the mechanics, who somehow don’t look like mechanics, tell you that they have taken the parts of your car that work and sold them and kept the money. And that this was the most efficient thing to do. And that you should thank them.

The gap between the oligarchs’ wealth and everyone else’s will grow. Knowing what they themselves will do and when, they will have bet against the stock market in advance of Trump’s deliberately destructive tariffs, and will be ready to tell everyone to buy the crypto they already own. But that is just tomorrow and the day after.

In general, the economic collapse they plan is more like a reverse flood from the Book of Genesis, in which the righteous will all be submerged while the very worst ride Satan’s ark. The self-chosen few will ride out the forty days and forty night. When the waters subside, they will be alone to dominate.

Trump’s tariffs (which are also likely illegal) are there to make us poor. Trump’s attacks on America’s closest friends, countries such as Canada and Denmark, are there to make enemies of countries where constitutionalism works and people are prosperous. As their country is destroyed, Americans must be denied the idea that anything else is possible.

Deportations are a spectacle to turn Americans against one another, to make us afraid, and to get us to see pain and camps as normal. They also create busy-work for law enforcement, locating the “criminals” in workplaces across the country, as the crime of the century takes place at the very center of power.

The best people in American federal law enforcement, national security, and national intelligence are being fired. The reasons given for this are DEI and trumpwashing the past. Of course, if you fire everyone who was concerned in some way with the investigations of January 6th or of Russia, that will be much or even most of the FBI. Those are bad reasons, but the reality is worse: the aim is lawlessness: to get the police and the patriots out of the way.

In the logic of destruction, there is no need to rebuild afterwards. In this chaos, the oligarchs will tell us that there is no choice but to have a strong man in charge. It can be a befuddled Trump signing ever larger pieces of paper for the cameras, or a conniving Vance who, unlike Trump, has always known the plot. Or someone else.

After we are all poor and isolated, the logic goes, we will be consoled by the thought that there is at least a human being to whom we can appeal. We will settle for a kind of anthropological minimum, wishful contact with the strong man. As in Russia, pathetic video selfies sent to the Leader will be the extent of politics.

For the men currently pillaging the federal government, the data from those video selfies is more important than the people who will make them. The new world they imagine is not just anti-American but anti-human. The people are just data, means to the end of accumulating wealth.

They see themselves as the servants of the freedom of the chosen few, but in fact they are possessed, like millennia of tyrants before them, of fantastic dreams: they will live forever, they will go to Mars. None of that will happen; they will die here on Earth, with the rest of us, their only legacy, if we let it happen, one of ruins. They are god-level brainrotted.

The attempt by the oligarchs to destroy our government is illegal, unconstitutional, and more than a little mad. The people in charge, though, are very intelligent politically, and have a plan. I describe it not because it must succeed but because it must be described so that we can make it fail. This will require clarity, and speed, and coalitions. I try to capture the mood in my little book On Tyranny. Here are a few ideas.

If you voted Republican, and you care about your country, please act rather than rationalize. Unless you cast your ballot so that South African oligarchs could steal your data, your money, your country, and your future, make it known to your elected officials that you wanted something else. And get ready to protest with people with whom you otherwise disagree.

Almost everything that has happened during this attempted takeover is illegal. Lawsuits can be filed and courts can order that executive orders be halted. This is crucial work.

Much of what is happening, though, involves private individuals whose names are not even known, and who have no legal authority, wandering through government offices and issuing orders beyond even the questionable authority of executive orders. Their idea is that they will be immunized by their boldness. This must be proven wrong.

Some of this will reach the Supreme Court quickly. I am under no illusion that the majority of justices care about the rule of law. They know, however, that our belief in it makes their office something other than the undignified handmaiden of oligarchy. If they legalize the coup, they are irrelevant forever.

Individual Democrats in the Senate and House have legal and institutional tools to slow down the attempted oligarchical takeover. There should also be legislation. It might take a moment, but even Republican leaders might recognize that the Senate and House will no longer matter in a post-American oligarchy without citizens.

Trump should obviously be impeached. Either he has lost control, or he is using his power to do obviously illegal things. If Republicans have a sense of where this is going, there could be the votes for an impeachment and prosecution.

(Sorry, professor, but this is unlikely to happen – GW).

Those considering impeachment should also include Vance. He is closer to the relevant oligarchs than Trump, and more likely to be aware of the logic of destruction than he. The oligarchs have likely factored in, or perhaps even want, the impeachment and prosecution of Trump. Unlike Vance, Trump has charisma and followers, and could theoretically resist them. He won’t; but he poses a hypothetical risk to the oligarchs that Vance does not.

Democrats who serve in state office as governors have a chance to profile themselves, or more importantly to profile an America that still works. Attorneys general in states have a chance to enforce state laws, which will no doubt have been broken.

The Democratic Party has a talented new chair. Democrats will need instruments of active opposition, such as a People’s Cabinet, in which prominent Democrats take responsibility for following government departments. It would be really helpful to have someone who can report to the press and the people what is happening inside Justice, Defense, Transportation, and the Treasury, and all the others, starting this week.

Federal workers should stay in office, if they can, for as long as they can. This is not political, but existential, for them and for all of us. They will have a better chance of getting jobs afterwards if they are fired. And the logic of their firing is to make the whole government fail. The more this can be slowed down, the longer the rest of us have to get traction.

And companies? As every CEO knows, the workings of markets depend upon the government creating a fair playing field. The ongoing takeover will make life impossible for all but a few companies. Can American companies responsibly pay taxes to a US Treasury controlled by their private competitors? Tesla paid no federal tax at all in 2024. Should other companies pay taxes that, for all they know, will just enrich Tesla’s owner?

Commentators should please stop using words such as “digital” and “progress” and “efficiency” and “vision” when describing this coup attempt. The plotting oligarchs have legacy money from an earlier era of software, which they are now seeking to leverage, using destructive political techniques, to destroy human institutions. That’s it. They are offering no future beyond acting out their midlife crises on the rest of us. It is demeaning to pretend that they represent something besides a logic of destruction.

As for the rest of us: Make sure you are talking to people and doing something. The logic of “move fast and break things,” like the logic of all coups, is to gain quick dramatic successes that deter and demoralize and create the impression of inevitability. Nothing is inevitable. Do not be alone and do not be dismayed. Find someone who is doing something you admire and join them.

What is a country? The way its people govern themselves. Sometimes self-government just means elections. And sometimes it means recognizing the deeper dignity and meaning of what it means to be a people. That means speaking up, standing out, and protesting. We can only be free together.

From the New American Journal, an appeal from them:

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0 Comments to “How to Resist”

  1. I plan on fighting any way I can. I have a 5 generation family tradition to uphold. My great great grandfather was officially excommunicated in what was then northern Italy for publicly questioning the Pope’s infallibility. My grandparents and my mother survived Hitler for 7 years in Vienna and my grandfather was a member of O5-the Austrian resistance. I was taught to question authority and not blindly follow orders at an early age-which got me into trouble more than once from 1969-73 when I was in the Air Farce. I don’t have any kids but my nieces and nephews are carrying on the tradition.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    First off, El Jefe, thank you for copying this for us and for all your posts. This article is a lot to digest. Not sure I can do justice in responding right now. I need to give more thought to putting down everything on my mind. In my 74 years, nothing comes close to what we’re living through now.
    It’ll take a lot of actions on different fronts to counter the coup that is without any doubt going on right now.
    I knew that many republicans despise what democrats stand for and do to help people, but I just couldn’t believe they would go this far to follow a criminal, fraud, malignant narcissist that doesn’t hide hide how despicable he is. I’m not talking about just TrumpF because he’s full of greed, vengeance, hate and self centeredness. I’m talking about republicans in congress that for the most part are part of it now. It’s like they can’t draw on the history of this country’s democracy, constitution, rule of law, etc., etc. I’m afraid there has to be a ground swell of conscience among republicans in congress to overcome the momentum of the trumpF authoritarian regime. I’m very concerned about the federalist supremes and the blatantly corrupt justices among them. When these lawsuits finally end up in front of them, there’s no in between. Either they clearly side with the rule of law or officially declare trumpF king.
    The article you copied is correct. We must resist and somehow up the pressure on congress until they finally get out of trumpF’s grip. Our democracy has withstood going on almost 250 years but is now in jeopardy of a maniac and a few billionaires with the help of musk and his bandits destroying it before we can vote again. It’ll take all of us and a lot more put this coup down.

  3. Anyone who hopes that impeachment will solve the problem permanently is fooling themselves, and their readers/listeners too. Getting rid of Trump will decapitate his legitimacy, and it will take time for his spiritual successor to emerge, but do not doubt that one will.
    Officially, impeached & convicted Trump will be succeeded by Vice President Vance, and JD will allow shadow President Elon to continue his destructive rampage. Per the 25th Amendment, Vance gets to name his own VP, but if he is himself impeached before Vance++ is confirmed by Congress, Mike Johnson becomes Acting President, and nothing changes. If Johnson is impeached & convicted, Marco Rubio becomes Acting President, and on through the cabinet of loyalists pledged to implement their deposed boss’s orders. Et cetera for longer than you can stand it.
    Whether ex-President Trump can stand having less official power than Musk is debatable. I think it’s equally likely that he simply refuses to leave the White House, the Secret Service refuses to eject him and admit newly sworn-in Vance. Trump could emulate Napoleon III and declare himself Emperor of North America. Who would stop him?

  4. G Foresight says:

    “Resistance is not futile”– to update the Star Trek / Borg reference.

    Which, appropriately, some have speculated actually was a throwback to Nazis. The German Nazi’s declared war against the Netherlands stating “Elk verzet volledig zinloos” which can be translated as resistance is completely pointless/futile/useless/meaningless, but typically “resistance is futile.” So, we are still fighting Nazis today.

  5. “They are offering no future beyond acting out their midlife crises on the rest of us. It is demeaning to pretend that they represent something besides a logic of destruction.”

    Virtually every paragraph of Snyder’s essay deserves to be quoted somewhere on social media, and we need to shout it from the rooftops. But will it help? I dunno. I also dunno what else an ordinary citizen can do. I just hope our elected officials pull their collective head out of their collective cloaca and get to work on this. At the moment I don’t have much faith in you, Abbott, Patrick, Paxton, and the rest of the crooks in D.C. and Austin.

  6. Jefff @3: Thanks for pointing out that if we could somehow impeach and remove Trump, we get President Vance, then on down the line of succession to President Johnson, then the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the billion-year old Chuck Grassley, et seq. None of those is an improvement, and the insurrection will continue apace.

    When these lawsuits reach the Supreme Court, and they will, I have some cautious optimism that the Court will try to block him. Roberts is always thinking about his legacy and will vote with the liberal justices. Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch will be corrupt as ever. That leaves Kavanaugh and Barrett, who have surprised me in the past, and they just might consider this a bridge too far.

    And then, if they do block him judicially, will he pull an Andrew Jackson and dare them to enforce the law on him? They very likely will rue the day when they decided he can’t be prosecuted for anything he does as an ‘official’ act.

  7. Jefff @ 3,

    I don’t think impeachment will stop him, or his henchmen. They’ve made it clear that they have no intention of following court orders or the rule of law. All I will say is that fascist dictators have violent endings according to written history. Laws have never stopped them. As for myself, I have been giving out copies of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights to those that want them. Will it make a difference? Who knows?

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Far rightshus mike johnson tells the courts to back off trumpF and let him do whatever the eff he wants. Any questions about the repugnantican congress not being all in on ending democracy? Oh, and talk of impeaching trumpF- who gunna do that?

  9. OK. Here is how this works. Its the Red Maga States that will suffer the most from the coup that Musk and his co-President are producing. They will realize how badly they were HAD only when it is too late and they haven’t a chance of fighting back. Then the shock and sobbing will erupt. And thats about all the erupting they can do.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Announced today, “phase 3” of the assualt on our democracy, right out of project 2025, starts February 19th. Besides being the final daggers in anything dogeshit deems as being possibly construed as diversity, equality and inclusive, they’re going after Veterens affairs and department of health and human services. Pretty much every lizard chosen by a committee of lets find the least qualified, most obnoxious, despicable and dangerous cabinet members and department heads have been approved by the repugnantican congress that have had the nose up trumpF’s ass.
    Need a scorecard of damage done.
