How NOT To Do It

February 11, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Goat Rodeos

Kesha Rogers is running for the Democratic nomination in CD 22 – Tom DeLay’s old seat now occupied by empty suit Pete Olson.

Ms. Rogers showed up with her supporters last night at the Democratic primary candidate forum looking for all the world like a cross between a Teabagger and a Scientologist.

Needless to say, she didn’t pick up any votes.

“You know,” starts Juanita, “I can call myself a Junebug, but that don’t make me a Junebug.  Kesha can call herself a Democrat but if she supports impeaching Barack Obama, she might as well be a Junebug.”

“Personally, I think she’s taken a few too many trips on that spaceship thingy.”

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