How Much Smart Can A Million Dollars Buy?

July 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Rick Perry SuperPAC, Opportunity and Freedom, says that they are going to spend one. million. dollars. in advertising to insure that Rick Perry comes up enough in the polls to secure a spot in the first GOP presidential debate on Fox News on August 6th.

One. Million. Dollars.

Hell, I can’t imagine who would spend one.million.dollars. for the opportunity for Rick Perry to say, “oops” on national teevee again.

This is the ad they are going to run.  And they will run it —

Barbour noted the radio advertisements will run on the conservative Salem radio network, which boasts an estimated 10 million listeners a week and includes talk shows hosted by Bill Bennett, Hugh Hewitt and Mike Gallagher.

He said the ads were aimed at reaching a “really dedicated, loyal group of conservative activists, and it’s really important we reintroduce Perry to them.”

Hell, with loyal conservative activists, just do an ad of him saying the n-word, shooting off a bazooka on a busy street, and hollering at “baby killer” to random women.  He’s be in first place before the sun set.

Thanks to Donald for the heads up.

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