How Does Donald Trump Spend His Day? Hint: It’s Not Making America Great Again.

February 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The reality media Washington Post played with some numbers and came up with a pretty good guesstimate of how Donald Trump spent his first month in office.


He spent 13 hours tweeting and 6 hours with intelligence briefings.  He spent 25 hours golfing and 21 hours on foreign relations.

The Post can’t venture a guess on how many hours Trumps spends watching teevee, but it’s gotta be a whole damn lot.

By the way, the Trump team has been caught twice fibbing about how long he’s on the golf course.

On the other hand, the fact that he doesn’t send much time presidenting might be the good news.


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0 Comments to “How Does Donald Trump Spend His Day? Hint: It’s Not Making America Great Again.”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Hmmmm… a bit of me doubts the accuracy of that chart. Hair fixing. Where’s that?

  2. JAK – it’s a big subcategory under non-work time. Probably a bit more than the time he spends sleeping.

    I’m constantly torn. Half the time, I’m afraid that Trump won’t ever buckle down and start working. The other half, I’m afraid that he will.

  3. How about his propaganda machine? Fake news stories have been planted in several cities regarding NOW. The story stated that NOW was boycotting Wegmans because it sells Trump wine. This is false. NOW’s bylaws prohibit boycotts. At least one paper has retracted the story. I am very afraid that fake stories will be planted regarding other organizations who oppose trump. This dangerous practice can undermine the credibility of any organization opposing trump and his horrible agenda. The nazis used this exact approach. BE WARNED!!!

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Tilphousia: I hear you. The truth started with the questioning of some saying “Why Wegmans?” when a long list of others were carrying the products. Unfortunately in this Age of Liars, EVERY organization out there will have to do a daily sweep of the Google to find these lies and refute them.

    But more than that. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US who desires the truth must call these liars out. Say the word. Practice in front of a mirror. L-I-A-R! And don’t ever hesitate to use it. The responsibility for the truth lies with the teller.

  5. As someone on the web so artfully put it:

    #MAGA = Millionaire A$$&*le Golfing Again.

  6. Trump didn’t exactly hit the ground running.
    He hasn’t taken a vacation yet either, imagine what the numbers for that month will look like.

  7. I think Trump’s intention is to show that he’s so awesome, and every other president was so incompetent, that he can knock out the job just on weekdays, with a short Friday.

    Those of us who aren’t utterly delusional can see that it’s not working.

    Also, the grind is really wearing him down fast. It’s amazing how hard the job is when the cameras aren’t rolling. When every decision isn’t a binary yes/no. And how badly he’s failing at it. Because he’s one of those guys who always skated by, and has never done the homework in his life.

    I was always a really good student. The things that came easily to me, I could accomplish with little effort. And the things that were harder – well, I just didn’t take those classes.

    This worked really well until about my junior year in college. Then, suddenly, even stuff I was good at was at a level that wasn’t easy any more. And in order to earn my degree, I had to do stuff I was really bad at, like student teaching. When the time came to really buckle down, I couldn’t; I had never learned how. I took an extra semester, cleaned up a couple of in completes, redid the student teaching, and emerged with a degree in a field that I was unsuited for, and which I never used.

    To this day, I’ve still never mastered the art of buckling down, and it’s cost me. Fortunately, I’m not the putative leader of the free world.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    And yet, Lunargent, you write and probably speak better than he does! Interesting, huh?

  9. And, Lunargent, not to even mention an excellent grasp on reality…speaking of yours, of course.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    JAKvirginia, hair? Will leave that pelt to the experts of the WMDBS to identify. As for the color of said pelt, the varying shades of yellow are best explained by Russian hookers. The House and Senate may do us a favor and keep certain aspects of their investigations classified under the TMI clause.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Oooo… Jane & PKM! You nasty. I like that. Come sit next to me. (Maybe it is a new shade from Miss Clairol: Russian Hooker Yellow.)

  12. Lunargent, my fear is that since God created the earth in seven days Trump is trying to see how quickly he can destroy it.

  13. He’s the most over compensated individual on the planet. Ever. By comparison, Nero had his nose to the grindstone. Henry VIII worked his fingers to the bone. Liberace’s boyfriend was treated like a slave.

    Wait a minute. Maybe that last example wasn’t that good. But you get the point.

  14. Debbo: T-Rex had tiny hands and couldn’t use them. No wonder he was so dang mean…

  15. Hearken back to the campaign when Hillary tried to convince voters that Dump was unfit for the job, what most of us (3 million more) felt was obvious. Here are few applicable synonyms which describe him so well:
    unqualified, unsuited, inappropriate, unequipped, inadequate (tiny hands), incapable, uneducated and unworthy.
    In the alt universe, this must translate to “somebody just like me”.

  16. charles phillips says:

    I wish he did LESS work and not more.

  17. Reminds me of Arlo Guthrie talking about Reagan (I paraphrase from memory): “People complain about how much he sleeps. I figure, the more he sleeps, the better off we are. And if we can get a bunch of national leaders together, to be sleeping all together, they could do to each other what they’ve been doing to us.”

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    I think I know why they went after Wegmans (which is a holy church to me) … drive through the parking lot, there are a lot more cars with stickers for coexist, and local democrats, and Clinton and even Obama than the others. Of course possibly Trump supporters know in this county you don’t display that unless you want to get keyed. It’s worse than having those stupid stick family figures with 11 children. Don’t know why they didn’t target Whole Foods, same demographic there, too.
