How Dare Tammy Duckworth Appear in Public Without Legs!

July 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know who I detest?  Joe Walsh, that’s who.

Joe Walsh: Bad Man

Even before he criticized Tammy Duckworth for going out in public without legs, I detested that hypocritical, lying, mean, vicious, deadbeat dad, hot tempered, arrogant sumbitch.

Now I double dog detest him.   Way back in March, he did an interview with Politico.

“I have so much respect for what she did in the fact that she sacrificed her body for this country,” said Walsh, simultaneously lowering his voice as he leaned forward before pausing for dramatic effect. “Ehhh. Now let’s move on.”

“What else has she done? Female, wounded veteran … ehhh,” he continued.

Move on?   Did that jerk say move on?  About a veteran without legs?  They don’t even allow that kind of talk in hell, Joe.

Then, not realizing what a crass twit he sounded like, he decided this was the best way to attack her.  This analysis is from a Marine veteran who lives here in Texas.

So now we have a Republican Congressman from Illinois, a fellow by the name of Joe Walsh (a deadbeat dad, too, just to put icing on this lily-white cupcake of a man), who is not a combat vet, or a vet of any kind…who apparently thought himself too good, too valuable, to risk his pretty pink backside in a uniform, right out there in public dissing the service of a 20+ year veteran combat vet, his opponent who’s a double amputee from a combat injury (she was a  helicopter pilot whose chopper was hit by an RPG), saying she’s not a “true hero” because–get this–she talks about how she lost her legs and that gives her some understanding of how important health care is for people.

Now, it’s not my job to decide the eventual eternity for folks, so I don’t know where Joe’s going after he dies, but I would be willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that he’s getting there in a hand-basket.

Thanks to Ms. Moon for the heads up.

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