How About Breathing Air? Would That Count?

February 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And you thought Texas was bad?

Screen Shot 2014-02-10 at 5.10.26 PMAn Arizona republican, Carl Seel, recently introduced legislation that would make it a crime for a ‘person in the state illegally’ to use any public resource or facility. This would include sidewalks, roads, parks and yes, even public restrooms.

The first time, it’s a misdemeanor, but the second time it’s a felony.  So, apparently it’s okay to use public jails.

He wants to take their cars if undocumented workers are found driving on public streets, so drive on up in the yards, guys, because it’ll keep big bad Carl Seel off your butt.

And as far as not being able to use public restrooms, if somebody will get Carl Seel’s address we can all use his driveway.

You think I’m joking, don’t you?

Okay, you caught me.  I’m joking.

Use his flower bed.

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0 Comments to “How About Breathing Air? Would That Count?”

  1. Corinne Sabo says:

    In dry Arizona, that might be good.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    This is so unbelieveable … good grief, Hannah!! I think peeing on this creeps flowers would be far too good for him!!

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    That’s the ticket, Juanita Jean. His flower beds would be concrete with gohmerts in the summer.

  4. Uh huh. Yeah, great idea. How, by the way, is this going to be enforceable? The man is stupid, bigoted, and useless, just like his proposed law. Oh, wait, he’s a repuglican. Never mind.

  5. I agree with Marcia. How about using his mailbox?

  6. paper bag
    fecal matter
    the address of Carl Seel’s door step

    pn Carl Seel’s stoop, place fecal matter in paper bag. set paper bag afire. ring door bell. run as fast as possible away.
    (bear in mind you cant do so as fast as you did at 14, the last time you did this)

    repeat if you’re able

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    So the second parking ticket is a felony?

    Their jails are going to fill up pretty fast.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Not to worry, Ralph Wiggam. Jails are not expensive in AZ/Arpaio land. Erect a few more army surplus tents in the desert and AZ has no limits to who they will incarcerate. It’s win-win in AZ, turning uninhabitable land into prison profit.

    Arizona is a waste of air conditioning. Temporary relief from the heat hasn’t reduced the crazy. We water providers should pull the plug on the AZ golf courses, as a test on any chance of bringing AZ Republicans to sanity.

  9. Looking at the pic, I’m pretty sure this guy plants poison ivy.

  10. Al in Arizona says:

    I am still a firm believer that we should have erected a border fence to keep idiots like this out of Arizona…they’ve proven to be more of a threat to my home state…look at our governor. Seel came out MD. He and his immigrant repugnicants have given us a bad name. However, he’s on the list to get his caboose turned lose.

    By the way, he was wonderful on the Daily Show:

  11. 13236 N 7th Street #4305 Phoenix AZ 85022

  12. Mary Patri says:

    The young activists from Citizens for a Better Arizona are way ahead of you. See attached link. Heads up to Matt Hendley of the Valley Fever blog at the invaluable Phoenix New Times.

  13. There are some really smart people in AZ. I met quite a few of them (mostly retired engineers) when the ex and I took rides in a glider. One of them said to me, “As long as we keep putting drinking water in the toilets, we won’t last long.” As someone who’s a huge fan of gray water in toilets (e.g. the stuff we bathed in or used to wash the dishes), I was in complete agreement with him. Unfortunately, Arizona’s brain trust doesn’t seem to encompass all that many of its voters.
