The city of Houston, Texas, took a clean sweep of local elections in November with Democrats winning almost everydamnthing. Since elections have consequences, something we’re all learning the hard way, there will be changes in Houston.

Kim Ogg
The new District Attorney, Kim Ogg, is having a press conference today — mind you, she hasn’t even had it yet — but boy howdy the super-red county to our north is already screaming and hollering.
Ogg is going to have a press conference about how her office will handle misdemeanor marijuana cases.
Ogg, who took office Jan. 1, is expected to announce her plan Thursday at a press conference with Mayor Sylvester Turner, Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo and Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez.
Ogg’s plan will save taxpayers about $10 million a year, free up police to go after real criminals, divert 12,000 people from jail, and alleviate the backlog in our courts.
Her action – not even announced yet – will be about misdemeanor marijuana possession, not major dealers. It is a plan endorsed by the mayor, the police chief, and the sheriff.
But, the DA in Montgomery County, which is officially East Texas, is pitching a snot nosed hissy fit.
Brett Ligon
Even before her plan was officially rolled out, however, news of the change prompted Montgomery County District Attorney Brett Ligon to attack Ogg, saying was trying to legalize marijuana.
“Unlike Harris County, Montgomery County will not become a sanctuary for dope smokers,” Ligon said in a press release. “I swore an oath to follow the law – all the laws, as written by the Texas Legislature. I don’t get to pick and choose which laws I enforce.”
A sanctuary city for dope smokers. Hell, Honey, we need to put that in the Chamber of Commerce Guide! That should be the city motto.
Montgomery County has a population of half a million. Harris County has a population of four and half million. We could all just exhale toward Montgomery County and drive Ligon nuts.
But, to give you an idea of how butt ignorant this Ligon guy is, he says, “Despite a rise in violent crime rates in Harris County, Ms. Ogg chooses to focus her attention on the issue of legalization of marijuana.” Putting aside that Ogg has only been in office for 6 weeks and probably isn’t responsible for the rise in crime, you gotta admit that she’s not legalizing marijuana, she’s simply putting resources where they belong – which will. help. lower. violent. crime. rates.
I’ll let you know what happens at the press conference but unless she her plan involves growing weed at city parks, I suspect I’ll probably like it.
Fair caveat: at one of my paying jobs, I endorsed Kim Ogg for DA. And I am damn proud of it.