Horror of Horrors!

November 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, clutch your hands to your breasts, hang your head, and sigh deeply.

The NAACP has gotten involved in humanitarian efforts.  And they did it in the Acres Homes area of Houston.

I know.  It’s shocking.

The way True the Vote tells it, those NAACP people were intimating people at the polls, probably Republicans,  into voting Democratic by giving voters bottles of water in Houston’s 90 degree weather yesterday and helping move the elderly people to the front of the line, which, by the way, was curled around the building all day long.

What True the Vote did not tell you is that Houston broke all kinds of voting records yesterday and it was so hot that reportedly one of the True the Vote men was frying a steak on his bald spot.

The Acres Homes area is an almost totally African American precinct so it was highly unlikely that there are any Republicans there except for the really pissed off True the Vote people, who are notoriously glaringly white.  White like Eve Rockford from True the Vote who is certain, certain I tell you, that giving thirsty people some water is a partisan political act beyond the pale.  And moving the elderly and the handicapped to the front of the line just screams “Vote Democratic!”  Okay, so she might be right.  Paul Ryan’s hero Ayn Rand would stand by and gleefully watch them die.

After handing out water and advocating for President Obama, the NAACP members started handpicking and moving people to the front of a long voting line inside the polling place according to the incident report. After multiple complaints from voters about the line cutting, Rockford received a phone call from downtown telling her to “stand down.”

Stand down, of course, is a sweet Texas phrase meaning “Are you freekin’ nuts?”  Giving people water in Houston’s heat and moving elderly people to the front of the line is what we call “Christian duty.”

But, the rightwing calls it an invasion!


Invasion?  Honey, I think when they told you to stand down they really said Calm The Hell Down, Woman!

Even True the Vote admits that it was only three people, but they were all black men and you know how scary black men are, especially those wearing NAACP shirts and giving water to people who are thirsty and hot.

Members of True the Vote get little gold stars on their badges if minorities die of heat and dehydration while waiting to vote.  Poor Eve just barely missed her gold star, but bless her heart, she did everything she could to earn it.

But you haven’t heard the worst.

Texas State Representative Sylvester Turner, a former Texas NAACP leader, was also seen outside the building talking with voters.

Imagine that!  A state representative standing 100 feet from the door of a voting location talking to voters.  What the hell has this country come to?

And rightwing bloggers are shocked that the lamestream media hadn’t picked up this obviously important story:  NAACP Helps Black People and State Rep Sylvester Turner Legally Campaigns In Front of His Polling Place.

Alert the damn media!

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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