Hope My Luck Holds Out

January 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I got an email from Newt today.  He wants money.  Ain’t that the shoots?  The guy has got a half million dollar credit line at Tiffany’s and he still wants your money.  (Click the little one to get the big one.)

Newt, there’s a probloem here.  If you and Mitt Romney have all the money in the world, which appears to be both of you guy’s goal, there none left for the rest of us.

Personally, I don’t think either one of you really wants to be President.  I think both of you just want to buy the one thing you can’t – bombs.  Big ones.

I know that because you leaked it.  You want us to “bomb” you with money.  Newt, I would not be so anxious to remind people that if you’re elected President, you will have nuclear bombs at your disposal.  You are missing a few moving parts in your personality, Honey.  If we can’t trust you around a mattress, how the fool tarnation are we gonna trust you around a large phallic Tomahawk missile?

Okay, I’m sorry I brought that up, but somebody had to.

Some damn fool called me last week and asked if I was going to continue my website now that Rick Perry has dropped out of the race.

Oh dear, there is a never-ending supply of mental health poster children in the GOP.  It’s what I live for.

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