Hope and Change
There’s going to be a few changes around this joint.
First, if you go to TELL JUANITA, you will notice that you now have to fill out something called Captcha. That’s because some spammers got ahold of a way to bypass the online comments and fill my mailbox with things no decent human being would ever have the nerve to say to me.
I am sorry about this. However, I operate from the theory that the more crap you put up with, the more crap you’re going to get. So, please do no not let this discourage you from sending me messages. That’s where I get 90% of my ideas. Get to work! I need stories. (By the way, Fun With Guns is only Fun With Guns if nobody gets killed, unless it’s an accidental self inflicted gunshot. Maimed is okay, though.)
Customer and all-around good person Anna in Austin is kind enough to make these changes for me. There will be other changes that you won’t see but will make my life so much easier.