by Primo Encarnación
- The Cult of Christian Victimology Gospel Choir
- The Demonization of Same-sex Marriage Council
- The Alligators in the Moat Immigration Committee
- The Guns for Everyone Everywhere Gang
- The American Socialist White People’s Party
- The Poor Deserve It Double Board of Directors
- The Voter Suppression Battalion
- The 77₡ on a Dollar, He-Man Woman-Haters Club
- The “Bang! Bang! Bang! Freeze!“ Police Academy
- The “Oil: Miracle Cure for Too-Clean Water” Lobby
- The Gordon Gekko Greed is Good Glee Goonsquad
Why are they all so panicked? Why are they all so strident? Why are their heads a-boil, their eyes a-goggle and their tassels a-twirl?