Honey, Whack Your Head Against the Wall a Couple of Times and See If That Helps

April 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you want to start your week with a giant Huh? and a mild throbbing headache, then do I have a gift for you!

There’s this rightwing talk radio host named Bryan Fischer who, not surprisingly for a man with a radio microphone, is nuts.  Wacko.  I believe the correct medical term is “ohmygodheiscrazzzzy.”

So last week Fischer goes on the electric radio all a’thundering about Brack Obama and Sharia Law.

And so President Obama has issued this fatwa, as Imam Obama, the head of secular Sharia, that Christians have the same choice as Christians have when Muslim armies come to town … Muslims armies come into a land and they give Christians three choices: you convert, you submit, or you die; those are your choices.

First, I think it’s nice of him not to call President Obama “Imam Obama” more than once in a sentence.  That’s a step forward.

Then opps, two steps back with the “secular Sharia” thing.  Darlin’, Secular Sharia takes the oxy out of oxymoron.   Ain’t that kinda like saying “secular holy communion”?  Or “secular baptism”?  Or even “holy craps game”?

Third, has this dude never heard of The Crusades?

Fourth, I think Fischer is in for a hard time come this November.  He’s also said —

“Mormonism is not an orthodox Christian faith. It just is not … It’s very clear that the Founding Fathers did not intend to preserve automatically religious liberty for non-Christian faiths.”

Bless his heart, he’s facing 4 more years of crusades no matter who wins.  I mean, you just gotta feel a little bad about that.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

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