Honey, It’s Not Your Dress That’s All Wrong. It’s Your Hypocrisy. Your Dress is Great.

May 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, North Carolina.  You took Texas off the Hypocrisy Map for today.

So there’s a Republican in North Carolina who has some ‘splainin’ to do.

UnknownSteve Wiles, a Republican state Senate candidate who supports North Carolina’s constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage, once worked as a female impersonator at a gay nightclub in Winston-Salem and was gay at the time, according to a co-owner of the nightclub and a former employee.

His stage name was Mona Sinclair.  Bless his heart, he spent 6 years denying that was him until the evidence caught up and smacked him in the hiney.

He now apologizes to everybody — not for lying but for “the things I did when I was young.”  The lying was okay because he is, after all, a Republican.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.



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0 Comments to “Honey, It’s Not Your Dress That’s All Wrong. It’s Your Hypocrisy. Your Dress is Great.”

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    Here is a question for North Carolina residents. There are three republicans in the primary, and the winner will face the only Democrat running. Do you register by party in your state, and if not, would it be feasible to cross-over and vote for Monica Steve? There may be practical considerations that would prevent a Democrat from doing so, but, in their absence, why not play the cockroach? The republicans have done that to Democrats often enough.

  2. Edward Starsmith says:

    Uncle Dave, I am a long time voter in North Carolina. There were election days when the only reason I got out of bed was to vote against Jesse Helms. We register by party here, but I think we can change party affiliation on the day of the primary. I plan on asking that very question when I go to fill out my ballot for local elections shortly. I fear I may have to change my registration to *shudder* Republican, but I may hold my nose and do so.

    It would be worth the stench to get Kay Hagan an easier opponent.

  3. Elise Von Holten says:

    Is it time yet? Can we just stop?
    What does this human ( a very fallen human, if you will) THINK? I do in general go with how you do anything is how you do everything, but why we get so fouled up by sexual escapades is beyond my comprehension.
    What is this jerk ( because he’s (R) sorry, it’s knee jerk now) think about guns, reproduction choice, taxes, jobs, etc–what are his ideas on bringing us to a new recovery, besides the same old, same old.
    I am sick of them all–the loud noise that signifies nothing.
    I am giving money that I don’t have to help change this, but the continuing sideshow of who is willing to step into the political arena makes me grieve for my country.
    Not since Ike, maybe Nixon, has there been a world class president on the side of the opposition. We have no R congressperson that I admire. Meantime, the pigs are in the trough, Rome’s burning and we are fixated on morality plays.
    Undo what that dope Reagan did, fix the infrstructure, educate our young, take insurance out of medicine (single payer), halve the military and stay out of personal decisions. Simple.
    In the meantime the least this bozo could do is show us what he looks like on Ru Paul…maybe getting Miss Congenality would satisfy him if it comes with a big cash prize…enough!

  4. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Didn’t Nat King Cole sing a song about Mona?

    Mona Sinclair, Mona Sinclair men have named you,
    You’re the dancer with a hidden secret smile.
    Mona Sinclair, Mona Sinclair you were gay then
    Now you’re “cured” and on the “right” side of the aisle.

    I could go on but I’ll spare you.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Benghazi? Wrong answer, Ms Lindsey. Anyway the topic is the apparently confused Steve Wiles, not you.

    Totally agree with all your points, Elise Von Holten. We don’t need any faux outrage or otherwise invented scandals, when our banking laws, immigration policy, education, military and so much more is such a hot mess.

    We the forgotten people are polling in excess of 70% in favor of background checks on gun sales. What are we getting from the Koch and NRA controlled state legislatures and our US Congress? We’ve got nothing or worse.

    We cannot afford to wait for 2016. We need to take care of ousting the Kochroach politicians in 2014.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    PKM, “Kochroach politicians,” I like that.

  7. e platypus onion says:


    Right up this turkey’s alley. Glaour Boy performed by one of the best voices in rock music ever-Burton Cummings and the Guess Who. ……For $25,000 you can look like a woman tonight, for $25,000 I think it will work out right.

  8. maryelle says:

    Steve Wiles….sounds like another made up name. Could he actually be woman who pretended to be a woman, but is now pretending to be a man? Gawd Amighty, those R’s are a confusing bunch.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Frankly I don’t care which sex he/she is. I guess he/she does whatever he/she has to do to get elected.

  10. What does his campaign literature say he is? Damned if I know.

  11. maggie says:

    So when he was much younger he was confused? Or is he confused now? Damn! I’m getting dizzy!

  12. If his political aspirations don’t go anywhere, at least he has a fallback position. The guys in ‘The Birdcage’ were going strong well into middle age. Kick up those heals Mona:

    You’ve got to accentuate the positive
    eliminate the negative
    Latch on to the affirmative
    But don’t mess with mister in between

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    That was one UGLY impersonator.

  14. So he was “gay at the time.” What is he now? Unless he was “cured” by Michelle Bachmann’s husband , he still is.
    If so, why does he not want to get married. To a gay. Because he is.

  15. aggieland liz says:

    I think the Q describes that one pretty well, and Elise I am with you all the way: I don’t give a rat’s a$$ about your stupid sex life WE HAVE PROBLEMS TO SOLVE! 35-40 YEARS WORTH OF PROBLEMS THAT WE’VE BEEN PUNTING DOWN THE RE-ELECTION SEWER SINCE I WAS A GIRL! and I’m 50 dammit. When are we going to get to work on this s–t?

  16. RepubAnon says:

    Last I heard, there was a Commandment against lying. I guess they left off the “unless you’re a Republican” part from my copy.

  17. Litlhorn says:

    What’s interesting is that this particular “Scandal” was all Republican Sponsored. Said scandal came out 2 weeks before primary, and I wonder which of her primary opponents did the leg work on this one? I have a fantasy of a big ole (ex)Drag queen getting elected on a anti gay agenda to appease the Kochs and then showing up for the first session with face on and in spangles, coming out like a cannon and blowing all the goobers away with her fabulousness. IF nothing else, my Utopian fantasies are entertaining……

  18. Apparently , “Mona” lost in the Primary, too bad, that story deserves to be told and retold again, over and over.
