Honey, Be Nice, This Poor Man Doesn’t Know Where He Is

November 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I need to get to some truth here and quit coyoting  around the rim of the canyon.

East Texas Congressman Steve Stockman is truly insane.

Tom DeLay is evil.  Ted Cruz would sell his grandmother for attention. Louie Gohmert is a fox who knows what his constituents want to hear.  Joe Barton is bought and paid for.  Randy Neugebauer is whore.  Rick Perry is just dumber than bean dip.  Greg Abbott is going straight to hell.

Screen Shot 2013-11-25 at 10.10.56 AMBut Steve Stockman is delusional. It’s just a matter of time before he does something that is going to get banner headlines. I mean, look at those eyes. Would you want those eyes looking at you?  No, you would not. It would creep you out. And this man carries a gun.

Rep. Steve Stockman is offering free breakfast in exchange for pro-gun conversation. On Thursday, he invited Capitol Hill staffers to join a discussion being by the  Gun Owners of America entitled, “The Fallacy of Gun-Free School Zones.”

Stockman, R-Friendswood, posted on his website about the event underneath the headline, “Grab free donuts and coffee before Obama grabs your gun!”

The Houston Chronicle is doing a big investigation around where Stockman gets his money and how he reports it.  On the surface it appears that he just makes up companies he owns and claims he has money they make but only sometimes.  The Chronicle’s story on Sunday completely detailed the financial mess around Stockman, including proof of everything.  Stockman’s only reply: the writer of the column is liberal.

The Chronicle’s story is behind closed doors to non-subscribers. But, the Huffington Post picked up some of it.

Stockman doesn’t act crazy – he is crazy.  The last time he got booted out of congress, he ended up homeless and eating out of trash cans.  Being a congressman is the only way he can make money and appear to be sane – you know, in comparison.

I’m tellin’ ya, he’s a creepy headline just waiting to happen.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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