Homeward Bound

July 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

After sleeping the whole morning, ole Bubba and I are headed back home today.

There’s something I want to say. I know that State Rep and bill sponsor Jodie Lauberberg repeatedly says, in fact it’s all she says, that this bill is about women’s health and safety. I imagine there’s a third thing involved here but they had to shorten it to two things to avoid another embarrassing oops moment.

However, if that is true, how come every damn anti-choice speaker spoke only on abortion? The speakers were supposed to speak on topic. The Republicans in the Texas House keep saying this is not about abortion; it’s about health and safety. Their speeches weren’t on that topic. Not a word from the chairman to stop them. Not a damn word.

I know I’m supposed to feel that the anti-choice people are good people with good intentions. Well, screw me. I do not feel that way. I also know that they are sick people who wish to impose their religious beliefs on others and I should feel compassion for someone so insecure and mentally tilted. I do not. Those people just sucked all the nice out of me.

They are mean and hateful. They would rule my life if they could. They are the Talibaptist.

Ole Bubba and I will get home this evening – we are going to toot around Austin to see friends for a while – and I will be back to holler about other subjects by tonight.

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0 Comments to “Homeward Bound”

  1. W C Peterson says:

    TheFarLeft Side is citing an article in the Nation that says a normal vaginal birth now costs $40,000 and a C-section $50,000. There is huge money in the birthing industry, and eliminating abortions makes the hospital cash registers ring. Eliminating contraception also makes the cash registers ring from future pregnacies. It’s worth maybe a hundred billion dollars per year just to birth babies in the country, not to mention costing a family maybe $10,000 a year to raise a child.
    The Baby Industry is greedy, and they’ve figured out how to rile up the stupid with the ‘moral argument’ of abortion while hiding their cash-making machine from public scrutiny.

  2. bighardy says:

    Talibaptist!!! Sure hope you don’t have a patent on this title! Too apt!!! Safe trip.

  3. Thank you so much for being in Austin fighting this battle for all women. I’m so proud of Texas women!

  4. “Talibaptist.” That says it all. Unfortunately. Thank you from the bottom of heart for fighting the good fight. Get some rest and enjoy your friends.

  5. It was disgusting to watch the Chairman ignore Jessica Farrar! Bless her heart, she tried! Despicable people! I think we are all learning very quickly that rules mean nothing to republicans on a mission. If that thought doesn’t scare the bejeezus out of you, you haven’t been paying attention!

    Remember in November. This November and everyone after that!

  6. Talibaptist! An appropriate moniker if I’ve ever heard one. I’ll drop that one in my next conversation with one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  7. I had not heard that term before.

    I looked it up – and sure enough:

    Talibaptist – A conservative Christian who tries to impose their fundamentalist and often oppressive views on others.

    This type of person has always been with us. I just don’t think they have had this much political power since The Spanish Inquisition. Their victory on one thing means they push for even more stringent oppression. They have to be stopped.

  8. daChipster says:

    Relax for a bit, JJ. Spend time with family and friends. You’ve earned it this past week…

    Enjoy the 237th birthday of this noble experiment. As well as the 150th birthday of two great battles that turned the tide of history BACK towards liberal democracy…

    …Then tape your socks, strap on your head gear (seems to be a floppy hat, most times) and get back out there and TURN TEXAS BLUE. Doesn’t have to happen Friday. Monday’s fine.

    For my part, I promise that I will work hard to maintain Ohio’s Presidential blue-ness, while trying my damnedest to fix our own state house.

    Kasich: desperate Republicans and clueless MSM pundits are bandying about his name as a potential 2016 nominee. His comparatively low profile, relative to some of the other knuckleheads with bigger mouths, has kept him off of most people’s radars.

    But first he has to face us in his 2014 re-election battle, which he had locked up until this past week and all the anti-abortion nonsense that got tagged on the budget at the last minute. At that point, with his line-item veto, he could have played for the 2014 Ohio win, or he could have played for the 2016 GOP nomination.

    He chose the latter.

    Dumb, dumb, dumb move. No GOTPer is going to beat Hillary, and no former FAUX News star is ever going to become President, EVAH. It’s where Presidential aspirations go to die, not to be born.

    da Mrs and I are looking for a good Ohio House or Senate race nearby where we can help change one seat to blue. I’d consider a good Congressional race, but I think we need to fix each state, then fix the district maps, then finish the job.

    We may not get that done by Monday. But can we get it done at all?

    Yes We Can.

  9. Sharia law prohibits abortions. Why does the Texas Lege want to institute Sharia law in Texas. (just taking a page from the GOP play book)

  10. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    That part about good intentions is spot on. Too many people feel that they have the right to impose their beliefs on others and this may be one of the reasons why I keep hearing about the “nanny state”. A well-intentioned legislator may easily think that because “I” think that this is good, it should be that way for everyone whether they want it or not.

    Of course, the world would be a much better place if everyone thought like I do.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    I’m back home where I belong, making noise as always. Enjoy your little break, JJ.

  12. charles phillips says:

    You know, most say republicans are stupid and ignorant. I say that’s letting them off way too easy. They are evil, hateful bullies with black hearts and greedy souls.

  13. JJ, those **** TX legers that support the anti-choice bill should have it rubbed in their faces till the Second Coming in this way: all birth certificates issued in Texas must tell the truth; i.e., “state enforced birth.” All such states should be compelled to do this. And another very, very relevant issue: those states should enact a law forbidding any parental rights to a rapist. I would bet my last and only nickle that they will never do that. Tells ya somthin’, doesn’t it.

  14. Litlhorn says:

    Girl, you have earned that day of rest the Lord said you ought to have. It just bewilders me so, that people spouting on and on about their religious morals, will Lie, Cheat, steal, break every damn law to get their way. In this country we do have a 1st Amendment, Freedom of Religion, which is also freedom from Religion, and this crusade the Kochs and ALEC are on to keep folks enmeshed in this so last-century argument just so they can rob them blind is getting tiring. Bout ready to pick up here in NY and come on home to lend my humble services… Texas is the Battleground, and the Sky is getting bluer by the day! Keep up the good work Darlin!

  15. In my neck of the woods it’s more the Talicatholics.

  16. If it were about health & safety, they would demand hospital-level standards for EVERY medical clinic, not just the ones that do abortions among other things. They don’t. They demand hallways wide enough for two gurneys to pass each other. One clinic said they only had one gurney, and had never needed to use that one. “Health and safety” my Aunt Fanny; it’s a mealy-mouthed excuse. Next they’ll go after any kind of birth control, because they know better how you should live your life than you do. But they just hate “big government”!

    Talibaptists, talicatholics, taliban– religious fanatics of any kind give me the creeps.

  17. Aggieland liz says:

    That would be “Talipapists” Web 🙂 – or worse, Opus Dei which is a VERY fundamental and conservative movement in the RC church! They all have the same anti-American mindset, however 🙁

  18. The really ……. really….. unfortunate thing is this.

    Representative Jodie Laudenberg….. has no idea what is written in this bill. I’d venture to say…. she has never read it. …. This bill was written for her by The American Legislative Exchange Council. And the Koch Brothers. They told her to get it passed in Texas. No Amendments allowed…That unfortunate comment about “rape kits” Texas women will forget that…. Uh No…. we won’t.

    So, they wrote the same bill for North Carolina, and obviously Ohio.

    Are we really going to let the Koch heads, and their minions run our state and our country.

    I say….. not only “NO” BUT “HELL NO”.

    I’m not at all ready to sign off on the Koch heads running my country…. let alone my state.

  19. Rest well my friends.

  20. Look out….I’m on a tear here…. fair warning….

    We all know that the Talibaptists pick-and-choose which specific parts of the Bible they want to follow and it’s pretty much all about following the tenets of a hateful, hating god. And one of the top couple of things they are taught to do is to go out and proselytize to bring others into the Chosen Few who fit their narrowly defined ideas of who gets to go to heaven. They need to fix EVERYBODY, ’cause if you don’t think like them, then you are wrong and will burn in everlasting fire and damnation. (Pardon me while I yawn about now…..)

    And some of what they ignore is where Jesus (ya know, the LOVING God) warned that “whatever you did not do for one of the least among you, you did not do for me”.

    Today’s arrogant Talibaptists believe that if you don’t have money or a job, and you really need a hand up, then it’s your own stupid fault — not the fault of sickness, bad circumstances, the economy, your broken body, or your mental illness, so tough cookies to you. You undeserving little people can just go starve.

    It really helps me to differentiate between my old Loving God from church when I was young, and the new evangelical hating god (little “g”) who condemns everyone not like the Talibaptists and, after all these years, even closes their church facilities to the boy scouts! Haters, all of them.


    This rant is now concluded. You may return to your normal programming.

  21. From @RepSticky on Twitter: What if a bill closed all but 5 gun stores in TX? Not eliminating the 2nd amend, just making it safer for everyone Thats cool right? #txlege

  22. A Message From HuffPost To Our Readers In Texas
    Wednesday, July 3, 2013
    Hello from HuffPost Open Reporting –

    This is a one-time email to our readers in Texas.

    This week, state lawmakers fast-tracked a bill that could effectively close down most of the health clinics in Texas that provide abortions, making it harder for many people to access a wide range of health services.

    If you or someone you know would be affected by this bill, we’d like to hear from you.

    Would the bill have an impact on any clinics in your area? Do you currently have a hard time getting the health care you need? Send us a note at openreporting@huffingtonpost.com, or just reply to this email, and let us know how the bill could change things for you.

    Please let us know if you’d like to remain anonymous. We will never publish your name or any identifying details without your permission.

    Thanks for your help,

  23. Celebrate the 4th by finding a candidate to replace your local senator, representative or even school board member who doesn’t understand separation of church/state.
    Or consider running for a position yourself.
    (ya hear me, JJ and Bubba?)

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Let’s try it! Close the gun stores. I like it.

  25. David in Tyler says:

    Anti-choice people are not good people with good intentions. They are good people with bad infections.

  26. virginiamary says:

    Good people do not shove their religion down other people’s throats.

  27. What you and Bubba are doing matters so much, to everyone. I’m a total atheist and living on the opposite side of the country from you but you are inspiring me, and everyone who reads your site. Recharge your batteries and when you go back out to fight remember that your example is shining through to all of us.

  28. Apparently one woman at a protest today sarcastically said, “Hail Satan”, and the story went out that a lot of people were chanting it and forming “human pentagrams”, whatever those are.

  29. cairocat says:

    High as those numbers are they don’t include the social-welfare-law-enforcement-special-needs-programs that will be an inevitable result of forcing people to have babies they do not want and will therefore, in too many cases, neglect.

  30. In the Volunteer State they are EvangeliBaggers. Wish they would be raptured (captured) already and get out of way!

  31. Has anyone seen the TV ad with Cruz asking everyone to help abolish the IRS? Dumb. And other words I can’t say. But it makes me want to laugh, too! What a critter!

  32. This is off topic but I have to share.
    Two sentences from a Daily Kos diary about Allen West being mad at Lady Gaga for changing words of the national anthem:
    West says:

    This young lady should be taken to Ft. McHenry and given a history lesson as to why Francis Scott Key wrote those incredible words.

    The diarist replies:

    And Francis Scott Key should be taken to a recording studio and learn how to write a *^&%#$ song, but I digress.

    I just thought it was funny because the song is next to impossible for the ordinary person to sing totally in the same key.
    Just sayin’

  33. Aggieland liz says:

    Jan, the melody is an old English boozing song!! Nobody cared about staying on key!

  34. OleScout says:

    Simply … thanks.
    From a guy that cares about women’s health, really.
    Your analysis of policy and observations of others exposed these charlatans for what they are.
    Congratulations to Bubba, also.

  35. Liz:
    Yeah, I knew that. It was actually fairly common to do that. But it sort of makes you wonder about FS Key that he chose that particular tune!
    The image of a pub-full of tipsy Brits singing that song – boggles the mind!

  36. Geri Wells says:

    I find it interesting that the same stealth tactics are being used in North Carolina to push through almost the identical legislation as an extension of an ANTI-SHARIA bill! What irony!

  37. ChynnaBlue says:

    It’s amazing to hear anti-choicers say, one after another, how they either a) had an abortion and regret it or b) were advised to terminate a pregnancy of a fetus which was “incompatible with life” and chose not to and then the baby died anyway. They mostly either made a choice they regret or made a choice they felt was best for them, but it all involves choice. They made a bad one, so now you shouldn’t be able to make one. They made a good one, so you shouldn’t be able to make one. They don’t get it at all.

    Also, of we are going to start legislating based on decisions we regret, none of you will ever be able to eat a habanero popper because of my bad choice. That’s how we roll now.

  38. Ellen Childress says:

    Givernor Perry keeps repeating that the only sure fire method of birth control, in his own experience and opinion, is total abstinence from sexual activity.
    He’s absolutely right. That would remove all controversy over abortion, the pill (s ), child abuse, child hunger, the cost of birthing a baby, the astronomical cost of rearing a child and educating it. He’s telling every female of every age in America to “just say no”. The women of America should take the man’s advice. He obviously knows what he’s talking about.
    Of course, it does seem kind of funny that every time some politician gets caught at something unethical, he gets dragged out from under a rock with a mistress attached to him like a fungus.

  39. Aggieland liz says:

    Yes, these people aren’t good people at all: they are nosy, bossy people who don’t like sex and above all don’t like to see other people enjoying themselves. They are the philosophical grandchildren of the Puritans. They want to punish people that have sex by forcing them to become pregnant and bear children as a consequence – and anything we try just proves to them that women are sl*ts. All this “social issue” crap boils down to just that. It’s the most honest thing that has ever dropped out of Perry’s lousy lying mouth.

    @Jan, it can’t be worse than a stadium full of ‘Mericans wailing away – and most of them don’t know the words

  40. Aggieland liz says:

    Except, Jan the hockey fans in Boston – the whole arena stood and sang the anthem when normal life resumed after the Marathon bombing. No accompaniment and they nearly raised the roof. It moved me to tears (of course!) 🙂

  41. I have a question and it’s not meant to be cute or sarcastic. I really would like an answer (other than “it would never pass”). The Republicans are big on saying no spending without cuts to offset spending. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it make sense to pass a law that says if the state forces a woman to bear a child into poverty and the attendant horrors, then the state must have in place an adoptive parent ready to receive and raise the child at no expense to the state? This seems logical to me. Am I wrong?

  42. Marge Wood says:

    Great comment, Nancy. And that would help address the question I always ask: what happens to full term fetuses aborted? Nobody wants to ask that. I’m not talking about fetuses with horrible abnormalities like no brain, etc. Talking about intermediate solutions such as adoption would help a lot. We have friends who adopted a baby with spinal bifida 40 years ago. Her body is wearing out now but she has had 40 happy, productive years.
    Marge, who is fence straddling but one has to think of these things.

  43. So over the past few days, the Talibaptists in three states used underhanded tactics for pro-birth bills: Texas, Ohio and North Carolina. Either they stacked the deck for scheduling testimony, or they introduced bills or amendments at the last minute.

    If you have to lie or obfuscate to do the right thing, are you really doing the right thing?

    Plus, I have noticed that pro-choice rallies draw a lot of women who are too old to get pregnant. Yet they fight pro-birth bills tooth and nail. Perhaps the pro-birth crowd should stop and think about why old women are so ardently pro-choice.

    And, yes, I wrote “pro-birth” on purpose. We need to stop letting them get away with saying they are pro-life. If you fight tooth and nail for an unborn child, but then refuse to lift a finger once the child is born, you are not pro-life.

  44. Aggieland liz says:

    Dear Nancy: the REASON Republicans aren’t interested in bills like yours (which is an excellent idea, BTW) is because they do not give a rats arse about these unborn, in the same way that they don’t give a rats arse about women’s health and safety! They are attempting to use pregnancy and childbearing as a punishment so as to bring about what they feel is a desirable, more moral behavior-change: they want only married people to have sex, preferably in the dark, missionary style, while wearing sackcloth and ashes, and praying the rosary or the Te Deum or some other appropriate long dull prayer. That’s why gays SHOULD NOT to them, under any circumstances, be allowed to regularized their relationships: because then they would be ALLOWED TO HAVE SEX! And that is also why birth control wlll be next on the chopping block, because birth control allows all kinds of people to have sex, and ANY TIME THEY WANT, too! To the real hardliners, even married people should have to get pregnant if they have sex!!

    What I want to know is why we need all this ins-co covered Viagra for a bunch of old impotent men if they arent trying to get anybody pregnant? Seems to me only the Mormons really need that, and only Talipolygamists, at that!

  45. Nancy, PLEASE don’t assume that a woman who wants to have an abortion does so because she doesn’t want / need / love the baby, and that all she has to do is have a family ready to adopt the baby when the baby is born. Abortion and adoption are not the same thing. The sadness of carrying a baby to term and then saying goodbye forever by making an adoption plan does not equate to having an abortion before the fetus is big enough to be considered a child. It is not the same thing at all!
    Carrying a baby for nine months, feeling it move inside you, makes you develop a bond with the baby, and turning it over to even the most deserving of childless couples (at whose judgement?) is so NOT THE SAME thing as having an abortion. Please, do not even go there!
