Home From the Texas Rally

February 27, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, Dudes and Dudettes, I’m home from the rally in Austin.  I took my camera and will share pictures of my favorite signs.  There were about 1,000 people there, including the damn near perfect Jim Hightower, who announced that Rick Perry puts the goober in gubernatorial.  Hal’s got the speech.  You’ll love it!  Hal’s also got some pictures.

I took pictures of signs. Enjoy!  You can click on any of the signs to see them larger.

We didn't cause the fire

Not a bad idea

Keeping it simple

It wouldn't be an Austin rally without Rick Perry

He's right, you know

The Koch Beast?

Please start noticing that all the words on these signs are spelled correctly

My friend and frequent beauty salon visitor, Lyn

This was a popular theme

Popular and correct

Bubba's personal favorite

The Texas Observer Button

Oh yeah, I forgot about that

Yes, we are and we are not amused

If you haven't seen The Big Lebowski ...

This here is your all-purpose, reuseable, got it covered, ready made general progressive rally sign.

My personal favorite, referring to Texas' rainy day fund that Rick Perry refuses to use

Bubba and me enjoying it all

I want my friends in Wisconsin to know that Texas cares.

And our Washington DeeCee foreign correspondent, Barbara, sent us this cutie pie from the DeeCee rally —

I also need to tell you that there was a Planned Parenthood rally at noon in Texas.  Here’s my favorite signs from that one:

You go girl!

and, of course ….

I love this young woman.

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