Holy Trash Talk – UPDATED
UPDATED: I guess that Republicans have had ironyectomies to go with their humorectomies. There have been 4 more emails with the “c” word featured repeatedly. In those same emails they add that we have no class because, you know, calling women the c word is so damn classy. One of them is coming from the Czech Republic by a guy who claims to be Canadian. So, that happened.
Okay, I guess our picture of Amanda made the Rush Limbaugh show or something because we are suddenly being inundated by some rather harsh emails.
We took a vote a year ago and decided that this was not going to be a debating society and we are not going to feed the trolls.
I couldn’t post most of these comments even if I wanted to because Momma would whack me upside the head. Seventy percent of the emails complain that we are not classy and they other thirty percent use words demeaning to women, including the “c” word. Yes, that “c” word and by “c” word, I do not mean classy.
One charmingly amusing one was a woman who submitted five comments complaining that I was “censoring” her by not letting her and her fake email address post. Note the times on these three of her comments. Click the little one to get the big one.
Her ip address comes back to Raleigh, North Carolina. Odd, because I was betting on Alabama.
We were also called “Libtardos” by Michael Moore.
Hello, Louisville, Kentucky.
Just thought you’d want to know.