Holy Trash Talk – UPDATED
UPDATED: I guess that Republicans have had ironyectomies to go with their humorectomies. There have been 4 more emails with the “c” word featured repeatedly. In those same emails they add that we have no class because, you know, calling women the c word is so damn classy. One of them is coming from the Czech Republic by a guy who claims to be Canadian. So, that happened.
Okay, I guess our picture of Amanda made the Rush Limbaugh show or something because we are suddenly being inundated by some rather harsh emails.
We took a vote a year ago and decided that this was not going to be a debating society and we are not going to feed the trolls.
I couldn’t post most of these comments even if I wanted to because Momma would whack me upside the head. Seventy percent of the emails complain that we are not classy and they other thirty percent use words demeaning to women, including the “c” word. Yes, that “c” word and by “c” word, I do not mean classy.
One charmingly amusing one was a woman who submitted five comments complaining that I was “censoring” her by not letting her and her fake email address post. Note the times on these three of her comments. Click the little one to get the big one.
Her ip address comes back to Raleigh, North Carolina. Odd, because I was betting on Alabama.
We were also called “Libtardos” by Michael Moore.
Hello, Louisville, Kentucky.
Just thought you’d want to know.
Republicans have revised their code-speak from their previous “double standard” to their latest “both sides do it” to justify using our own good manners against us. It is a thinly veiled attempt to stifle our free speech. In the case of the lovely Amanda, they direct their faux outrage at a set of bunny ears minus one ear that was not placed behind the head of Rick Perry.
We could list the multitude of disrespect aimed at President Obama, the Obama family, the really grotesque and sexually explicit depiction of Rep Pelosi and a number of beyond inappropriate faux ‘jokes’ aimed at former Sen/Sec Clinton.
But, I won’t. Nor will I ‘defend’ Amanda. She doesn’t need defending. She did nothing wrong. If the GOP can’t take a tiny taste of what they dish out daily, then I suggest they hold a prayer session and ask their God for a sense of humor.
1Yep Mr. Marxist. I have occasionally found myself at Redstate, Fox Nation or other such purveyors of mind numbing garbage. Just about ruins the remainder of my day. So, I make a pointed attempt to avoid such drivel as much as possible. Regarding the “classy” lady’s comment concerning “censorship,” my reply would have been “Yep! We don’t suffer fools too well around here!” Always enjoy your comments and Juanita Jean makes my day!
2PKM … love your comment and you definitely kept it classy!
3The picture and JJ reference was on Daily Kos.
So funny!
Odd, I posted a link to it on Google+ and only got one comment (positive)
5Good job, PKM! Ditto.
As if I needed another reason to keep stopping by the Salon — I don’t find the need to read obscene comments and foul language — thanks, JJ, for sparing us the profane idiocy.
6Your house, your rules, Ms. JJ, and if anyone doesn’t like it, they can go pound sand. I’m sure you aren’t losing any sleep over stupid people who can dish it but can’t take it.
7Ahhh F*** if they can’t take a Joke.
8See (although not safe for Mama – I think): http://castlemaineindependent.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/cheney.jpg
9In case anyone forgot the incident that caused the above pic I posted: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3699-2004Jun24.html
10I think moderating that stuff is a god ides. Also keeps me ‘clean’.
11Miz JJ, your decision to be profound rather than profane is totally first class, as are you!
12Micr, Bette Midler used that line in one of her early stage shows. It was the one where she takes the stage in a South Pacific decorated wheel chair, wearing a mermaid tail. It’s great! I love the Divine Miss M!
Her version: “It was just a joke. F*** if they can’t take a Joke.”