Holy Mary and Joseph.

August 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last Sunday was the Catholic observance of Assumption Day, the day Catholics believe that Mary was welcomed into heaven.  I do not know how they know the date, and maybe that’s why they call it Assumption Day.

Anyway, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is a Catholic.  So, he posted a holy card on his political Facebook page.

Here ya go.



Folk were upset.  The Baptist accused him of practicing idolatry.  The non-religious people accused him of being an idiot.  The Lutherans aren’t sure what to make of it but still think Martin Luther was right.  In short, wildness erupted on his Facebook page, which I’m sure made little baby Jesus cry.

None of that bothers me. Not at all.  What bothers me is that if you look closely, the holy card has a Greg Abbott political disclaimer on it.

Now that took some gall, didn’t it?  I just think it’s kinda inappropriate to use the Blessed Virgin Mary in your political ads, unless, of course, you have a signed endorsement from her which I doubt Greg Abbott does since he’s gone out of his way to hurt helpless little children.

I am pretty much sure that the Blessed Virgin Mother isn’t big on denying health care to children.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

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