Holy Holy Holy Holy ….

May 26, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look at this.

Twitter has decided to fact check Trump.

A new warning label encouraging Twitter users to “Get the facts about mail-in ballots” appeared on a series of tweets in which the president baselessly claimed ballots received through mail-in voting methods are “fraudulent.”



Clicking through the new prompt from Twitter brings users to a fact-checking page highlighting a CNN story debunking the president’s false claims. The page also offers a summary with bullet points providing useful context for the misleading tweets, including the fact that vote-by-mail is already widely in use around the country.

Well, I wonder when Tump will have a conniption fit?


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0 Comments to “Holy Holy Holy Holy ….”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He’s getting frantic. He’s said batshit stuff for years, but seems the past week he’s gone up to a new level of craziness. He’s paranoid about losing. Poor looser will take on a whole new dimension. Then you take a loony yahoo like the guy below from New Mexico inciting already crazed Trump cultists, and the next 6 months will be scary, not even including the pandemic. There’s plenty of those nutjob yahoos around for Trump to stir up.

  2. Old Fart says:

    This is the most Twitter has pushed back on Cheatolini, yet I wonder what could he do without damaging his own message systems…

  3. I reported 3 tweets Trump made about Joe Scarborough.
    I have had enough.
    He is POTUS.
    He needs to act like one.
    I am not hesitating any longer.
    To call out Trump and other Republicans for their lie.

  4. Finally.
    Free-Dumb gets a warning label.

    It would be even better if it listed side effects from the original Tweet.

  5. He has already started throwing poo via tweet and threatening Twitter for depriving him of free speech.

  6. Irene Hahn says:


    “ .@Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election. They are saying my statement on Mail-In Ballots, which will lead to massive corruption and fraud, is incorrect, based on fact-checking by Fake News CNN and the Amazon Washington Post…. ….Twitter is completely stifling FREE SPEECH, and I, as President, will not allow it to happen!”

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    “He has already started throwing poo via tweet and threatening Twitter for depriving him of free speech.”

    … and uses Twitter to do that. The cognitive dissonance would be mind-destroying, if he had a mind to destroy.

  8. twocrows says:

    If only his conniption fit would include threatening to boycott Twitter. And then making good on his threat.

    The world would definitely be a better place. And that would be the first time he EVER made that happen.

  9. thatotherjean says:

    Conniption incoming in 5. . .4. . .3 . . .

    Of course, it will be on Twitter. Irony is wasted on Trump.

  10. Jere Armen says:

    He has already had the conniption fit, asserting that he will shut down social media for fact-checking him. The hilarity of it all …!

  11. Teh Gerg says:

    Word is out that Con Man Don is going to issue an executive order. Let him make a total fool of himself. It’s just another incident in a long chain.

  12. philquat says:

    As he gears up for defeat and rejection by rigging the mail-in ballots with his running dog, the new Post Master General, one can only hope that Joe will NOT let bygones be bygones.
    This boy has earned the inside of a cell, coronavirus or no.

  13. Oops! Twitter is encouraging people to damn THINK! No wonder tRump is furious! This is actually worse for him than a complete ban on his tweets. Shucks! Now even Ann Coulter thinks she may not vote for tRump! And its going to get worse!

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    All Twitter said was “get the facts.” They did not slap on a skull and crossbones with a red label reading LIE. Anyone who is speaking the truth should not be afraid of facts, you’d think.

    I wonder if we will survive the delusion that everybody is entitled to his own facts. Reality itself is under siege.
