Holy Crap

March 04, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican State Representative Rick Miller is a man well-known to me.  He is a neighbor of mine.

Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 9.03.09 AMI had occasion to watch him and a few of his thugs “wreck” a local Democratic press conference.  He stood by while air horns were blown into children’s ears and a 72 year old woman was pushed to the ground because somebody dared to run against Miller’s idol, Tom DeLay.  Miller, who claims to be a veteran, stood by, smiled, and did nothing.

He was linked to an anonymous hate mail piece about a Republican Muslim candidate running for school board.  He can deny it all he wants but everybody in town knows he did it.

And he does all this because he is a Super DeLux Brand Christian.

Yesterday he gored the bull. He introduced legislation to undo LGBT protections enacted by cities.  That’s right, the man who bellows “local control” wants big state government to overrule local folks.

As a result, state Rep. Rick Miller’s House Bill 1556 would undo LGBT protections passed by numerous cities, including Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston and Plano. Altogether more than 7.5 million Texas are covered by such ordinances.

But, it gets far worse.  

Miller’s 41 year old son, Beau, who is a respected lawyer in Houston, is a proud openly gay man.

Holy crap.  I mean, think about that.

Beau Miller said he was “extremely disappointed” to hear about his father’s bill.

Boy, ain’t that an understatement? I cannot imagine how it feels to have your own father of this.  It’s one thing if Miller had simply and quietly vote for the bill, but he wrote and introduced the damn thing.

Which brings us to: what kind of father doesn’t want to protect his son?

Hell, even God told Abraham not to kill Issac.  You’d think a Super DeLux Brand Christian would know that.

Miller says his motivations were economic.

“Competing and inconsistent local ordinances interfere with economic liberty and discourage business expansion. By promoting instead of restricting business growth, this bill is about job creation and an improved state economy, both of which have a direct, positive impact on Texas citizens.”

Dammit!  Even the Mafia kept family out of business.

And you know that statement is hogwash because that would also mean that “inconsistent and competing” state laws should be overruled by the federal government.  Right, Rick?

Even Darth Vader couldn’t bring himself to kill his son.

Jerk.  There’s no job creation about this.  This is just mean.  To your own damn child.  And that, my friends, is breathtakingly sad.

I just don’t understand that much hate.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap”

  1. More hatred than love in that man’s heart. Sad and ugly. But what’s worse is that he’s been given the power to spread that hatred.

    “Economic liberty”? I guess that’s what he calls being fired, or not hired in the first place, because of something that’s as much a part of you as your skin color. Someday these bigots will be as baffling as racists are now (to nearly everyone), but that day can’t come too soon.

    And yeah, another example of “The GOP is full-bore crazy for local control, except when the locals do something we don’t like.” Talk to the residents of DC about how the GOP in Congress likes to dick with local laws.

    “To hate people just because they’re [gay, black, redheaded, etc.] is moronic – it’s not an opinion, it’s a phobia, a superstition. It means you’re a bit nuts, like someone who has a panic attack every time they see a stapler. You can’t trust people like that, personally or professionally. They’re unreliable, an increased insurance risk, because their brains have gone wrong.” — David Mitchell in The Guardian

  2. They’re pushing this garbage in a lot of states– it just passed in Arkansas. It’s the organized bigots’ way of saying “The left-wing anti-Christian judges may force us to let you queers get married, but as soon as we find out what you are, we can take away your job, your apartment, and probably your kids.”

    Frankly makes me glad we live in Maryland, where the city and Dem suburbs can nearly always outvote the rest of the state.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Dana Fontaine “Rick” Miller. I can think of better uses for the letters D and F than Rick. Dumb #$%^ comes to mind. Belongs to the Baptist church which helps splain things.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Nice neighbor you got,JJ. I know you don’t choose them,but still…..:)

  5. Sociopaths normally display a lack of empathy for others. I see no reason why that would not include sons.

  6. Want to see the bigots heads explode? So many of them think that the Pentagon is a total bastion of full out freaking masculinity. Tell them to stick a pin in the place and watch it bleed purple all the way into the Potomac. Then tell them whether they like it or not, they really should support ALL of our wounded warriors.

  7. After reading his wikipedia biography, this doesn’t surprise me. His choices consistently look ultra-Conservative. How the reality of his own child’s life makes no impact on his reality is a mystery to me.

  8. “this bill is about job creation and an improved state economy”

    Someone should make him state point by point how this bill will create jobs and improve state economy. I’m sick and tired of people flapping their lips and using these buzzwords knowing full well people will never question them about how whatever they claim will get accomplished.

  9. Chloe Bear says:

    Christian law Sharia law all the same. People trying to control the folks who believe, think and act differently from them.

  10. SteveTheReturned says:

    Business privilege uber alles. Rick Miller’s ugly bigotry fits in perfectly with the “Texas Model” that Dan Patrick & co. are busily trying to impose on us. At some point, we’re going to have to take to streets about all this. I’m looking forward to it.

  11. Rick Miller says his anti-LGBT legislation is economic.

    God says in his Top Ten Commandments “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

    If Rick Miller thinks he’s helping God with his work, Rick Miller doesn’t understand priorities. Even if God gave Moses 100 Commandments to carry down the mountain, an anti-LGBT edict probably wouldn’t have made the list. Unless L stands for lobster.

  12. maggie, I read years ago that when Eisenhower was a general, he was supposed to either sign or implement an order to get homosexuals out of the military. Three very good workers in his office (possibly all women) informed him that that would include them. Eisenhower tore up the order. Sensible man.

  13. maryelle says:

    Those KKKristian rwnj’s just spew hate, ignorance and fear. They are so full of it. They are the scourge of this country.

  14. 1smartcanerican says:

    Maybe this would help some people understand: http://www.sun-gazing.com/skeletons-dance-hug-kiss-front-crowd-step-cant-stop-smiling/

    Oh, never mind. Those people who claim that homosexuality is against God’s plan will never open their minds and heart to other people who believe differently from them. This kind of hate is definitely not from a loving God’s perspective but is far more like Sharia law as practiced by ISIS!

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He’s not just a Super DeLux Brand Christian. He is the new improved product with 30% more sanctimony.

  16. Ralph, I was going to say “and head 30% farther up his [seat cushion],” but he doesn’t have that excuse. This isn’t ignorance. Most homophobic people mellow at least a bit when they realize that someone they know (and maybe love in their family) is gay, but not this bugger. He’s so full of “I’m goin’ to Heaven and yer not” that if you stuck a big nail in him (which I recommend), he’d blow around the room spewing BS and hatred until there was nothing but a little flat ugly sack left.

  17. Mark Schlemmer says:

    I have to wonder if someone like this, so filled with hate, actually hates himself because his son is gay. This level of hatred, that directly aims at hurting your own child is truly
    a sickness. But, you also describe him hurting other children and elderly folks. Well, when there is a rabid dog loose in a community there really is only one fool-proof solution.

  18. Marge Wood says:


  19. Job creation and economic benefits my foot. The most likely result of this bill is a convention boycott, which will cost jobs and harm the economy, particularly here in ese. That’s SA in the local argot. I guarantee you that if the lege takes away our non discrimination ordinances, the ABA and many other large groups will stay away. Thanks, dufus.

  20. Phyllis Lyle says:

    Arkansas just passed this law that takes local control away from cities and they also gave the same reason , yet one legislator has filed a bill that would allow local control on whether they put fluoride in the city water.
    In that case it is supposedly very important that cities have total control because apparently there are way more John Birchers in my state than I realized.

  21. AliceBeth says:

    Hell, even the evilest man in America, Dick Cheney, supports his gay daughter. What does that make this guy??

  22. Texas state representative Rick Miller is NOT a Christian. He is a hatemonger and a sociopath. Just, you know, FYI.

  23. The economic BS is exactly wrong and a complete lie. When Minnesota had an anti-gayconstitutional amendment on the ballot in 2010, our local big corporations came out in support of full and equal rights for LBTGs in the state.

    That includes General Mills, Medtronic (Now Boston Scientific), Cargill, Mayo Clinic, etc. They support equal rights precisely because it is good business. There were boycott threats by Christianists like Rep. Miller, but Fortune 500 businesses, and smaller ones too, find equal rights good for business. Asshats like Miller are Bad for the economy.

    I know! Let’s have a law banning Rick Miller and his fellow bigots because they are Job Killers!

  24. I apparently need someone to explain to me how bigotry creates jobs. Whenever one of these idiots is trying to shove more crap down someone’s throat, he starts with “creates jobs and helps the economy.” That’s the phrase that always gets my BS meter moving.

  25. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Bigotry doesn’t create jobs. Bigotry doesn’t increase state revenues. Just as gay marriage doesn’t threaten straight marriage. These people make these accusations, but they cannot explain how, by what mechanism, any of their claims work. (Same with “cutting taxes creates jobs,” for that matter. Cutting taxes could create jobs if and only if you cut the taxes of those that created a specified number of jobs paying above X for Y years.))
