Holy Crap: Whoopie Edition

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mega churches may not be a hell hole of adultery but they sure have real bad luck with having pastors who can keep their zippers up.

The latest is in Florida

11BobCoy_400_124762785The senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale has resigned after confessing to cheating on his wife, according to WPLG Miami.

Calvary is one of the largest churches in Florida, with some 20,000 members who worship in 10 locations across the state.

Bob Coy, who is 58 years old and should know better, had no statement, thank goodness.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: Whoopie Edition”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Bob Coy, Vance McAllister … the list is substantial, but perhaps Newtie is the poster boy for how a man should not treat his wife(s). It’s gohmert amazing how the hypocrites are the loudest howlers, until they are caught. Party of Family values and spiritual leaders; ok someone competent in the Bible help me out here, please. How was it the devil would disguise himself?

  2. scottybeamer says:

    And yet another hypocrite bites the dust! Good! But I’m sure some of his devoted followers are damn glad it was a woman and not a man…….we all know how much worse that would be.
    I’ve know a lot of gay people in my many years on this planet, and I’ve never known one that acted like this man. Let’s hear it again for “natural marriage”….whatever the hell that means!!!

  3. daChipster says:

    I’m sorry, but isn’t it SO prevalent as to be practically routine? Think about it: you are an authority figure with power that women turn to in their hour of greatest emotional vulnerability, and it’s actually your job description to give them comfort. Lots and lots of comfort. Sorry honey, gotta go out tonight and comfort someone.

    For the Lord.

    If you want a bunch of dollars and sex, no better way to get it than starting a church.

  4. “He will now focus his full attention on his personal relationship with God and his family.”

    Amazing what ill gotten goods allows you to do before (adultery) and after (don’t have to work thanks to monetary donations). The gift that keeps on giving.

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    Maybe he misunderstood “Go forth and multiply.” That was really a math assignment.

  6. maryelle says:

    Corinne, that was a knee slapper.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Always a good idea for a preacher to keep a desk between himself and a weeping woman.

  8. DaddyWasATexan says:

    The old folks say whenever the preacher left the widow’s house, he was either wiping chicken grease off his chin or zipping up his pants.

    Seems like times never change…

  9. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I wonder if his healthcare plan paid for the pills and was it paid for by his employer?

  10. Coy should know better? Any woman in his vicinity should know better.

  11. I filed this under “What, again?”

    As I will file the “forgiveness” sequel.

  12. UmptyDump says:

    If you care to pay a short visit to The Far Side, check out the comments following the church’s official statement on its website.


  13. I doubt that he “resigned” so much as “retired.” My guess is that he has a hefty nest egg from his service to the church, and I’ll also bet that the nest egg practically ensures his “good Kristian” wifey will forgive him.

    As for Newt, at least he dreamed up an entertaining excuse — extreme patriotism, you know. What is it about the family values party that makes them want to oversee everyone else’s values?

  14. Damn, where’s an airsick bag when you need one?

  15. Zyxomma says:

    UmptyDump, I followed your link. It was a trip to Bizarro World.
