Holy Crap: Theatrical Appreciation Edition

March 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

After all, it is Kentucky.

Kentucky Pastor Jeff Fugate said this week that his assistant pastor, Joseph Pickens, felt hurt by Internet comments from people who did not appreciate him wearing blackface for a church skit.

It appears that the assistant pastor was trying to be “cool” for the kids and wore blackface to be Mr. T in a skit.

Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 11.21.54 AMOh dear Lord.  Then Pastor Fugate grants a teevee interview and says he didn’t mean to be racist and that they have “lot of black folks” in their church and none of them complained.

Ya know, I somehow doubt there at “lots” of black people at the “Clay Mills Road Baptist Church 2014 National Young Fundamentalist Conference.”  And if there are, they more than likely were terrified.

And, as happens in all these cases, the right-winger  becomes the victim and there is a non-apology …

Fugate said that the boxing skit was supposed to be “inspiring” and humorous to teens. Instead, Internet commenters accused Pickens of making Kentucky look bad.

“He is so hurt,” Fugate said. “I’m not a racist, and I sure am sorry if I’ve offended you or anybody.”

Yeah, he’s so hurt that he can’t even walk out here in blackface and do a tap dance.

Thanks to Karl for the heads up.

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