Holy Crap: Ted Cruz and Passover Edition

January 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I don’t get this.

Ted Cruz, who views himself as some sort of John the Baptist heralding the second coming of Sweet Jesus, is the headliner at Passover.

TedCruz_snuggleTexas Sen. Ted Cruz, a likely Republican presidential candidate and a vocal pro-Israel hawk, is being advertised as a featured attraction at a string of ritzy resort vacation getaways catering to religious Jews.

The events are planned by The Prime Experience.

The one at the St. Regis Monarch Beach offers “some of the greatest rabbis and scholars of our time including Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi Eli Mansour, Rabbi Marvin Hier, Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Senator Ted Cruz.”

Darlin’, that looks like one of those “Which One Doesn’t Belong” questions.

Ya think those rabbis know why Ted Cruz wants a strong Israel?

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

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