Holy Crap: South Carolina Ain’t Dumb Enough Already? Edition

April 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There a guy named Ray Moore running for Lt. Governor of South Carolina.  His big plan is to shut down all public schools and replace them with church run schools.

Screen Shot 2014-04-28 at 8.59.16 AMAnd the details to his plan?

“Then the states would then negotiate, perhaps taking out of their constitution platform, or the provision, that says the state had to provide education, and it would gradually be handed over to churches, families, and private associations,” Moore said. “That’s the way it was for the first 200 years of American history.”

He said non-religious schools, which he has called “the Pharaoh’s schools,” posed an existential threat to Christians.

Go Pharaoh High!  Push ‘um back, push ‘um back, waaaaaay back!

And where, you wonder, would Rev. Moore get such a damn crazy unAmerican idea?

Dan Patrick.  Yep.

Texas Republican Dan Patrick told the Family Research Council’s Washington Watch on Thursday that public schools in his state indoctrinate children with anti-American, left-wing, and environmental propaganda.

Yeah, stuff like that rain isn’t angel tears and gravity isn’t because the devil sucks.

I told you that crazy is contagious and that Republicans are carriers.

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