Holy Crap. Phil Gramm? Seriously, Romney? You Are Parading Out Phil Gramm? Phil Gramm?

September 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, out in West Texas it is said that there are water wells so deep that you have to strain the rice out before you can drink it.

Mitt Romney’s campaign is now straining the rice out.  You cannnot go deeper and lower than he’s gone.

He is sashaying out Phil Gramm.  Paul Krugman explains.

But what really boggles my mind is the Romney campaign’s evident belief that it gains credibility by rolling out Phil “Mental Recession” Gramm as a spokesman. Gramm is best known these days for dismissing the risks to the economy when a recession was already underway and a catastrophic crisis was just around the corner, meanwhile denouncing us as a “nation of whiners”.

So, you’ve got a guy who thinks we’re whiners because we won’t buck up and take the economic beating he and his friends have given this country.  A guy who could very well be heading to prison for helping rich dudes (yeah, I’m looking at you, Mitt Romney) illegally hide money while he was vice-chair of the Swiss Bank, UBS.

What?  This is hush-attention?  Phil Gramm will keep his mouth shut about Romney’s hidden money if Romney lets him screw this country one more time?

Seriously, Romney.  You need a big ole mug of reality.


Thanks to Tony C for the heads up.

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