Holy Crap: Nearer, My Trump, To Thee

January 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh crap, the Evangelicals are hitting people with their Bibles again, daring anyone to pass judgement on Trump.  Passing judgment is only permissible against Democratic presidents, according to Corinthians 2.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council on Stormy —

“We kind of gave him—‘All right, you get a mulligan. You get a do-over here,’” Perkins told me in an interview for the latest episode of POLITICO’s Off Message podcast.

Evangelical Christians, says Perkins, “were tired of being kicked around by Barack Obama and his leftists. And I think they are finally glad that there’s somebody on the playground that is willing to punch the bully.”


Yeah, just like Jesus did.

And Franklin Graham insists on shaming Baptists again.

Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham and current president of his Evangelistic Association, said he saw no reason to believe the allegations about Trump and Stormy Daniels, nor the reports that the president called certain countries “shitholes,” despite the fact Trump reportedly bragged about saying it in private phone calls.

Head, meet sand.

Mulligan.  Trump gets a mulligan in the name of Jesus.  Holy Crap.


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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: Nearer, My Trump, To Thee”

  1. There will come a time when the evans regret this but when that time comes they will simply clutch their Old Testments even closer to their hearts and sing their version “La la la”. No chance of them learning anything even then. Sigh.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    The Pervangelicals think Donnie and Jughead Kushner are delivering them to the “Promised Land.” Declaring Jerusalem to be the capitol of Israel and promising to move our embassy there has their magic undies all a-twitter. A visit to Gaza might dampen their zeal.

  3. We all know that Bu@@ FU@@#@@ alter boys, is as christen as the crusades and the inquisition. And molesting 14 year old is A OK. As long as you do it in the name of Jesus. With Perkins and his other enablers Its all about the money. That’s their real GOD.

  4. Perkins admitted that Trump was a “transactional” president. Meaning, the Evangelicals will look the other way as long as they get all the goodies their wizened little hearts desire. Isn’t that special?

  5. I could be wrong, but their approach seems to be of the “good intentions” variety.

    I think it important to point out that Jesus was killed by the Pharisees because they (the Pharisees) represented the political and religious establishment. But somehow that got lost in the road to using the name of Jesus to maintain dominance…

  6. Pretty soon we’ll again hear of some evangelical leader getting caught with his morals down, sharing the peace of G-d with someone other than their wife. But oh how they look the other way and exclaim in the name of the holy trinity when it comes to the Rump or Roy.

    Jmho, and I mean no offense to anyone here who attends church, but some organized faith is only about money, power and control over people.

  7. Mike Pence did not meet with any christians last week in Israel.
    One would think he would have met with the Palestinian christians seeing how persecuted the christians are in the middle east according to the evangelicals.
    Nope he’s just paving the way for the end of days since we are on the accelerated path since trump got elected.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    And with no thanks to Donnie and his home brewed witch Betsy DeVile, while our tax dollars are being scraped out of our public school system to enrich the cow, parents and their associates, they’re leaving behind a particularly nasty religious virus.

    The Council for National Policy sounds benign, but it’s packed with religious quackery ready to use our schools as a vehicle to spread their message. Google the CNP to read parts of their plans.

    1. All knowledge and facts have a source, a Creator; they are not self-existent.
    2. Religious neutrality is a myth perpetrated by secularists who destroy their own claim the moment they attempt to enforce it.

    3. Parents and guardians bear final responsibility for their children’s education, with the inherent right to teach, or to choose teachers and schools, whether institutional or not.
    4. No civil government possesses the right to overrule the educational choices of parents and guardians.
    5. The CNP Education Committee pledges itself to work toward achievable goals based on uncompromised principles, so that their very success will provoke a popular return to the Judeo-Christian principles of America’s Founders who, along with America’s pioneers, believed that God belonged in the classroom.

    Meanwhile back in Provo, Mittens is packing his magic underwear enroute to DeeCee. “wait up Donnie! All is forgiven, take me to the rapture.”

  9. Hey, Juanita Jean…. I think you mean Two Corinthians.

  10. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Yeah, I get them mixed up. I guess that makes me presidential material, huh? 🙂

  11. Billy Graham is STILL alive, believe it or not.

    Billy lost his way sometime after a good start in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Maybe it was reading and believing his own press clippings. Maybe it was something else. In any case he got to thinking he was more than the sum of his parts. He wasn’t.

    And this whole literal “infallible” word of G*d line that he takes with his reading of the Bible drives me utterly crazy.

  12. In the middle ages, the Catholic Church sold indulgences to their followers. A donation to the church would buy forgiveness for sin. The Reformation pointed out the folly of this system.

    Now we have Donald Trump and Evangelicals, returning to that simpler time when you could transgress to your hearts content knowing a large enough gift to the church could buy your way out of anything. And as usual, Trump has figured out a way to accomplish this without using a penny of his own money.

    In God We Trust. And barter.

  13. millwright 2 says:

    Been reading for a while, just Had to put in my 2 cents on this one! I heard part of Perkin’s interview on MSNBC, and was amazed that no one then or since, (at least that I’ve seen) when Perkins was asked about turning the other cheek, he said “I’ve only got two!” At the time, I thought if he’s like most folks, he’s actually got 4, but after I started writing, no, he’s only got 1, cause he’s ALL ***! Hope this gets by mama!

  14. I liked Michael Steele’s response on MSNBC. He told the evangelicals to stop telling him how to live, who to love, etc. Just to shut the he## up.

    Micr, I met an elderly man a couple of decades ago that told me he used to run hookers (this guy was quite a character) – and one of his favorite customers was Billy Graham, whenever he was into town. I don’t think he was lying about him, because he really liked Graham.

  15. easttxdem says:

    Well…now we know. God loves guns and Friday night football and Jesus loves to play golf. Apparently, Heaven is no longer in the mood to help us — unless we’re right wing Republicans.

  16. Certain “religious” people are used to having somebody hand them something and say, “Believe this. Don’t read it, just believe it.” So they got into the habit.

  17. Evangelicalism is a death cult. Adherents believe they alone will be spared from the end of days, having been raptured outta here while the rest of us suffer agonizing death. Free pass #1. In the meantime, while they’re here, they can commit all manner of sin and crimes against their fellow humans, and simply ask Jesus for forgiveness to remain on the master rapture list without an asterisk. Free pass #2.

    Given that God, therefore God’s will, is unknowable, I wonder who will ultimately be raptured: Those who claim to know God, or those of us who have the ability to simply admit “I don’t know”? Acceptance of uncertainty doesn’t put asses in the pews or cha-ching in the collection plate, though, so there’s that.

    The church gets between people and God. The insurance companies get between people and healthcare. It’s the same grift in different contexts.

  18. Sam in St Paul says:

    I see no evidence to support their assertions they are Christians either but I do see lots of proof that they are lying sacks. The good thing is that there may now be a split in Christianity between those who acct like they believe and those who talk about it.

  19. Believe it or not, the Southern Baptists welcomed Roe v. Wade when it came down and later endorsed it again. It took them years to realize opposing it was a path to secular power. When I relate this historical fact to evangelicals, they always refuse to believe it. It’s true, though. You could look it up

  20. Jane & PKM:
    Thanks. I read a little about the CNP earlier.

    Harry Eager:
    Thanks, I’d never heard that before. “When Southern Baptists were Pro-choice” by Moyers & company is brief but great. Jane & PKM, the last sentence of the first paragraph oughta get your attention if you haven’t already seen it.

  21. A Mulligan a day is a lot of indulgence.

  22. WaPo has a brief collection of cartoons about year 2 of President Shithole.


  23. Anecdotal evidence of young people (under 50) leaving evangelicalism in droves abounds. However, statistical evidence based on church membership rolls does not bear that out. Methinks those churches are massaging their numbers with great vigor.

  24. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    John Pavlovitz has an interesting take on this.

