Holy Crap: Maybe There’s Hope Edition

October 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, this is either the Seventh Sign or something good is happening.

Using strikingly open language, a new Vatican report says the church should welcome and appreciate gays, and offers a solution for divorced and remarried Catholics who want to receive Communion.

Amazing, right?

Next up:  women are human beings.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: Maybe There’s Hope Edition”

  1. BraxtonBraggart says:

    “Next up: women are human beings.”

    Now that’s just crazy talk.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Not so fast, Mrs B. The Church is liking the Gays & Lesbians better than the straights because they don’t clamor for loosening of the Church dogma on birth control. On birth control the dogma remains steadfast: “The synod discussions re-iterated the church’s “appropriate teaching regarding natural methods” of birth control.”

    Natural? If by that they mean abstinence, that is not natural and God willing will not be happening in my house for at least another 50 years. Or that old counting notion, the rhythm ‘method,’ that’s kinda OK, if they allow that my wife should take reproductive care to keep the count steady, or I be allowed to use an old prophylactic solution if the numbers are in doubt.

    Then again, maybe all that “welcoming” of the gays is into the same abstinence boat as the rest of us. I mean really. Why should we trust a bunch of old dudes with a book of exorcisms?

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL @ BraxtonBraggart!! That is crazy talk!!

  4. I still think this pope is so much better than past ones – especially the ex-Nazi.

  5. I confess an appreciation for Pope Frankie, although I’m not a member of the Roman Church. He has struck me as pragmatic. JP2 seemed to threaten pragmatic but also seemed reined in some kinda way so he never made the bold move. Bennie seemed happy as a caretaker. Didn’t expect a bold move from him. Did expect a short time in office. Go Frankie!

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Cheryl, Pope Francis is to Pope Rat as President Obama is to Dubya. Unfortunately, both Pope Francis and President Obama are hindered by the entrenched bureaucrats around them.

    I wish Pope Francis all the luck in the world kicking the Vatican bank into submission, but again he faces many ofthe same challenges as did President Obama with our banking industry.

    As for setting a kinder tone as would be acceptable to Jesus, Pope Francis has the same battle with the Cardinals as Bobby Jindal with the GOP. Stopping the st00pid is no easy task. Albeit, Pope Francis has a chance, while Piyush is part of the st00pid.

  7. I’m waiting for the clarification that it might be okay to BE gay but not to DO gay; i.e. you might not be headed straight for eternal torment as long as you’re a lifelong gay virgin. That wouldn’t be a big leap from their previous position.

    And, as someone notable pointed out, Catholic women are allowed to use mathematics as birth control, but still not physics or chemistry. Or be ordained, or serve as altar girls, or any responsible positions like that.

    Anyone looking for God as a woman, I direct you to your local neo-Pagans. They’re a very welcoming bunch, which is why a higher than usual percentage of them are gay.

  8. “Lifelong gay virgin.” Sometimes the lines are funnier when you don’t mean them to be.

  9. Who says I didn’t mean it to be?

  10. Ten to one Paco would like to go farther than he has but if he did he may end up in the same position as John Lackland of England when the nobles turned on him and forced him to sign the Magna Carta . . . which the Church officially disliked big time. Anyway, here’s hoping Paco can successfully break precedent on gays and divorce and move onward to declaring that unlike some of his ancient predecessors believed, women do indeed have souls.

  11. Catholic girls now serve as altar servers, but no way Jose are women even being considered for the priesthood. Is it any wonder why the 5 Stunted Catholic Supremes don’t view women as equal under the law. They’ve been raised to view women as lesser beings.

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    Keep on expiating, Francis.

  13. Maggie: Paco is old enough to remember Albino Luciani. ‘Nuff said?
