Holy Crap: Mall Demons Edition
Well, the Steeple People are a determined bunch and while I appreciate them saving me from the Illuminati and assorted devils, I think maybe there’s a limit, especially at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Four former security guards are suing G4S Secure Solutions for $3.5 million, claiming the international security company’s kiosk in a Gresham shopping center was run by a devoutly Christian supervisor who told employees their gay family members were going to hell, played videos about the Illuminati and warned that the security kiosk could be attacked by demons.
Her name is Sarah Houser. When the guards complained about her referring to the security kiosk as “church,” covering the walls with Bible verses, they were fired. They said Houser held prayer meetings and told them that gay people are going to hell. I have no idea where she thinks Democrats are going but I suspect most of her demons at least vote Democratic.
Good news for demon magnets, though. G4S Secure Solutions also has security teams at UK Foreign Commonwealth Office in Afghanistan and a Google Data Center.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.