Holy Crap: “It’s A March” Edition

August 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Franklin Graham has clearly taken sides in the Covid battle.

He’s holding a “prayer march” on September 26 in Washington, DeeCee., starring … ta da!  Franklin Graham!  He’s hoping a million people will show up and do a two hour walk while praying on the mall.

Ya know, with the people meeting in Sturgis and this deal here, maybe herd immunity ain’t such a bad idea.

Graham tweets —

I’m announcing today that on Sept. 26, I’m going to be in our nation’s capital to pray—& I hope thousands of families, pastors, & churches will join me! Our nation is in trouble, & we need God’s help.

Because Lord knows hat Donald Trump ain’t helping the situation any at all.

I wonder if Graham has an explanation of why America got to be such a godless craphole of a country under Donald Trump’s leadership?

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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