Holy Crap: Have Your Cake and Eat Satan, Too.

July 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Costco makes birthday cakes.  Pretty good ones.

Even the birthday dinosaur cake is yummy  ….


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… but that’s only because it promotes satanism.

Jessica Eckerdt of Queen Creek, Arizona, sent an email to Costco.

“I was extremely shocked and upset to see a demonic symbol written clear as day on my six-year-old son’s birthday cake. What was supposed to be a whimsical dinosaur became something very distasteful. I was extremely surprised at Costco for allowing such an inappropriate joke be sold to an unsuspecting victim.”

Having trouble find it?

It’s the 666 that the dinosaur legs make.

Personally, I thought it was weird that the dinosaur was pooping birthday.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: Have Your Cake and Eat Satan, Too.”

  1. two crows says:

    Back when I lived in Kansas City, Missouri, I heard a story [hopefully apocryphal – but it being RIGHT next door to Kansas (the state line runs through the middle of town) maybe not.]

    It seems a woman got all up-in-arms at her local Safeway store. They printed a demonic symbol on her receipt! Right there in front of God and everybody! It seems the last three digits of the receipt number were **gasp!** the dreaded 666! Can you believe it?

    She stormed into the manager’s office and informed the totally flummoxed staff [probably worshiping a goat’s head when she ran in] that she would never, never, ever step foot in a Safeway store again! Not ever!

    Yes, she would drive several blocks farther, run the risk of her ice cream melting before she got it home – and everything – in order to be absolutely clear that she would not traffic with the devil.

    That showed them.

  2. Zyxomma says:

    That’s a very psychedelic 666. I think Ms. Eckerdt may be partaking of mind-altering substances.

  3. e platypus onion says:


  4. Well, she won. They stopped carrying the cake. Business are going to have to stop caving in to religious nuts. Somewhere out there is a little kid that loves dinosaurs and can’t get this cake because of this idiot.

  5. It offends me because it’s anatomically incorrect. No dinosaur had six legs!

  6. Yeah, and if she turns the cake upside-down, it reads “999.” That’s surely even more evil than “666,” isn’t it?

  7. Marge Wood says:

    What if they showed the 4th leg? 6666? oops. it’ll bounce.
    We used to live in a neighborhood where the house numbers skipped 666…..

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    For all the dinosaurs I’ve seen in all my years, I’ve never seen one with 3 legs on one side of the body … except for the movie Avatar, because that movie had some pretty freaky creatures in it! {I loved that movie!} And some of them had lotsa legs!! LOL

    If you go with the “999” thing, you’d be evoking the spirit of ole Herman Cain and his whole 999 flat tax business!!

    Too many people freaking out over bullcrap crap!!

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Progress wing nut style is graduating from stealing candy from babies to snatching birthday cakes from children.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. I LIKE the cake. I LOVE it when somebody else will make a cake. Wandering off muttering….

  11. First the teddy bear with lady parts and now this. I think these women need to get a life.

  12. Ohferpete’ssake!

  13. It looks like it’s still in the box. Did she snatch this cake away from her child? Was there no birthday cake at his party because she saw Jesus on a tortilla? I hope he grows up resenting his mother’s loopy version of religion because it made her ruin his birthday.

    And did she stop to consider that maybe the bakery was just emphasizing that her son is now six years old?

  14. AliceBeth says:

    I wish I knew the psychiatric diagnosis that covers this.

  15. Jeez, Jessica! Get a job! Get some meds! Maybe even go somewhere cut rate and get a brain!

  16. When I got my post office box a few years ago, the last three numbers were 666. I was amused and wondered how many fine Christians in my town refused to rent that box.

  17. @Marge Wood
    Nahh Four Sixes is a rocking ranch in northwest Texas surrounding Guthrie.

  18. It’s okay, Jessica. It’s all going to be okay.

    Tomorrow you will probably see Jesus in your slice of toast and you will know that all is well in the spiritual world of foodstuffs.

  19. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Personally, I thought the legs said B B B and wondered if the kid’s name was Bobby Bertram Buckley or something. It took awhile to see the 6s as anything but Bs.

    These people are insane.

  20. Rubymay says:

    Hoax or not, isn’t it sad that a story like this is sooooo believable? In my little city, a florist who lost a court battle over the fact she wouldn’t provide flowers for a gay wedding for, auspiciously, religious reasons has refused to pay the silly little fine and is asking local city councils to back her up with resolutions to allow businesses to refuse services because of — you got it — religion. Someone please explain to me how it is that “Kristianity” is under attack from true Christians or anyone else.

    Sad. Just sad.

  21. I was in the checkout lane when the fellow in front of me rang up the lucky number in change. I tried to point out that the decimal point made it anything but 666, but he insisted that I take his coin change. I tried to bargain for the bills, however; he wasn’t that far gone in teh idiocy.

  22. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I still have a U.S. map showing Highway 666. The Xtian bullies forced the U.S. government to change the number because they were afraid to drive on that highway.

  23. lunargent says:

    Mikey – at least you made 34 cents on the deal.

  24. Two centuries ago, the British thought 666 was Napoleon. The conservative thing to do is for Americans to hold to that opinion. Thinking 666 applied to anything else would be reckless liberalism.

  25. Chris Oxford says:

    It looked more like 668 to me, hoax or not.
