Holy Crap: Going Straight to Gay Hell Edition

October 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning I wondered at my keyboard

What the hell is the punishment for buying a tasty alcoholic beverage at 2:01 am in Fayetteville, North Carolina? If they need military grade weapons to enforce it, remind me not to bar hop in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

I’d like to change that.  Remind me never to go to Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Today is President Jimmy Carter’s 90th birthday.  He’s spending it building houses.

However, preachers in Fayetteville, North Carolina, are celebrating by using weapons grade gospel to say that Jimmy Carter is going to hell for saying that Jesus is some sort of “hippy gay Jesus.”

While speaking to students at Grand Rapids Community College last month, Carter had responded to a question about LGBT rights.

“I never knew of any word or action of Jesus Christ that discriminated against anyone,” the former president said, adding that discrimination based on sexual orientation was like prejudice against a person for their skin color or financial status.

But, that’s not right.

In an online “sermon” for the Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Senior Pastor Sean Harris and Student Pastor David McManus expressed outrage at Carter’s remark.

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 1.22.31 PM“We’ll embrace the hippy, you know, Jesus loves everybody kind of picture of Christ, and ignore the fact that, you know, he was very exclusive in who he dealt with, and who was in the Kingdom,” McManus opined.

“We pray that Carter is converted, and that he doesn’t go to hell,” he concluded. “The reality is, we all go to heaven or hell. And when you have so disregarded so much of the Bible, you wonder. I mean, you just wonder. You don’t have a warm fuzzy that the man is born again.”

Phew!  I bet Jimmy Carter is relieved that Baptist preachers are th eons deciding who is going to heaven.

I know I am, too.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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