Holy Crap: Family Values Win Out Edition
You guys remember Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, two Michigan Tea Party Super DeLuxe Brand Christians who got caught doing the hanky panky and tried to make up a gay cover story because gays are yucky?
After a pretty brutal floor fight, Courser just gave up and resigned at 3:00 a.m. Yeah, a.m. It was brutal. Gamrat wouldn’t budge.
Yet Gamrat held out. She had told reporters that she was promised censure by Republican leadership when she signed a statement about her role in the affair and cover-up, according to MLive.
“I know in my heart the mistakes I’ve made are not all the mistakes in the report,” she said on the state House floor early Friday morning, according to MLive. “I still believe my actions warrant censure, but not expulsion.”
She was expelled in a 91-12 vote around 4 a.m. on Friday morning, according to the Detroit Free Press.
She says she’s going to run for the seat again even though she’s been expelled. Remember Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction? Cindy Gamrat.
Thanks to Carl for the heads up.