Holy Crap: Cowboy Commandments Edition

October 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This story gets exciting sometime last month, when the Oklahoma Republican Legislature accepted a privately funded enormous tombstone-looking thing and put it on the grounds of the state capitol building.  The tombstone had the ten commandments chiseled into it.

The Oklahoma Supreme Court said that amounted to the state promoting religion and that it had to be removed. So in the middle of the night, some guys came and moved it a few blocks away to the front yard of a conservative think tank. I know that conservative think tank is an oxymoron, but now they are a conservative think tank that covets not their neighbor’s wife, which is even harder to believe.

Anyway, a couple of Texas steeple people with horses and unkept hair decide it would be a mess of fun to get a make-believe stone tablet with the ten commandments on it and ride their horses to Oklahoma to present it to the Governor, Mary Fallin, a woman with also unkept hair.

They invited all the Christian people of Texas and Oklahoma to join them in front of the Oklahoma Capitol building to present Governor Fallin’ with a one foot by two foot ten commandment tombstone.  Hordes of 40 people showed up.


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I do not know if their horses crapped all over the grounds of the state capitol but, face it, that’s what horses do.  Bulls, of course, would have left a more appropriate offering.

Governor Fallin says she’s gonna hang the tombstone thingy in her office. I suspect right beside her velvet Elvis painting.

Yeah, Texas really hates Oklahoma.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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