Holy Crap, Bobby Jindal, Have You Ever Been to the South?

August 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I think Bobby Jindal is off his rocker.

Apparently, people in Washington, DeeCee, last week celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Dr. King’s I Have a Dream Speech upset Bobby something powerful.

He got to jabbering that what is wrong with this country is that people hang on to their heritage.

Jindal lamented that minorities place “undue emphasis” on heritage, and urged Americans to resist “the politically correct trend of changing the melting pot into a salad bowl” comprised of proudly ethnic identities.

Jindal insisted that, “while racism still rears its ugly head from time to time” since Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I have a dream” speech, the major race problem facing modern America is that minorities are too focused on their “separateness”

Oh no, you did not say that while standing in the South where “Southern Heritage” is the excuse always used to fly the Stars and Bars.   Good heavens, Bobby, you’re just one generation away from being Paula Deen.

Oh no, you did not say that in the state where Cajun and Creole folks still fight with each other over who has the best food, the finest wimmen, and the meanest football team.  I mean physically fight each other.

Hell, Bobby, you live next door to a state that still calls the Civil War the War of Northern Aggression.

Bobby, we could run you through a meat grinder and you’d still be an idiot.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap, Bobby Jindal, Have You Ever Been to the South?”

  1. “Bobby, we could run you through a meat grinder and you’d still be an idiot.”

    But at least we’d have one less willfully ignorant Republican running his mouth.

  2. Hey, BJ! I was in your state along about Easter-time. Clean up your own cubby hole first. I ain’t a-comin’ back!

  3. The Paula Deen reference is unnecessary……

  4. One thing I have always enjoyed about Houston – it’s the biggest salad bowl ever.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Now now. I heard it straight from my anesthesiologist (I think I was still awake…) that Jindal is mostly doin’ stuff right.

  6. Aggieland liz says:

    Right, and has he talked to that bastion of right wing brilliance, Mr WND himself, Pat “MY-ancestors-came-over-on -the-Mayflower” Buchanan lately? Sheesh, Bobby, consistent much?

  7. “… the major race problem facing modern America is that minorities are too focused on their “separateness”

    Bobby Jindal belongs to a fairly small minority in which arranged marriages are not uncommon. I don’t necessarily mean forced marriage but it is rare for Indians to marry out of their ethnic and caste group or without their family’s approval.

    Bobby has perpetuated his own family ethnic ‘separateness’; not by a marriage arranged by his family but certainly with their approval – his wife is Indian-American, intelligent (and stunning).

    I am not saying that there is anything wrong with that or that we should all marry out of our ethnicity. That is nobody’s business but yours. However, please don’t lecture me ‘Bobby’ (Piyush) on the subject while you are living in a glass house!

    People will throw stones.

  8. The “major race problem” is that minorities are still facing discrimination, whether overt or covert. We know who to blame for that and it certainly isn’t minorities themselves. Man up, Jindal, and take a good long look at your own political party.

  9. Braxton Braggart says:

    Don’t be so hard on Jindal. He’s a politician. It’s not like he’s a Rhodes Scho. . . .

    Wait, never mind.

  10. Re another republican who is running around loose. crazy Louie seems to be riling up the middle east, they are playing clips of him, not knowing that he is just a crazy idiot who should be locked up, after seeing and hearing him they are burning american flags!

    Please could you send the men in white coats to collect him and lock him away forever?

  11. Bobby, you’ve got to stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults. You had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say we’ve had enough of that.

    Paragraph 3: http://news.yahoo.com/jindal-gop-must-stop-being-stupid-party-014220693–election.html

  12. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    Maybe one day he’ll figure out how stupid that sounds.

  13. Joan, I haven’t seen what crazy Louie is doing, but it occurs to me that maybe they do hate us for our freedoms… because whenever some moron runs in front of TV cameras and burns a Koran, they can’t believe that he could do that without government approval and support.

    And I’d love to see Jindal telling some rednecks that they need to take down that CSA flag and get the stickers off their trucks in the name of not placing undue emphasis on their heritage. I’ll get the popcorn.

  14. Let’s send Screwie Louie on a fact finding trip to the Middle East, as soon as he is on the ground, leave him. News clips at 10pm. And Rhea… I’m with you on the stickers on trucks and flags. Pass the popcorn.

    Jindal blew it when he did the Republican Response back a few years ago. Then he further pissed off a whole lot of his fellow Repugnicans when he said they had to stop being the party of stupid. Apparently he has fallen in line with the Party of Stupid….

  15. I think Mr Jindal is either sucking up to his base, or really stupid.

    He goes on and on about how people put too much emphasis on things that separate them from others.

    Then he goes on about how being a Christian affects his view of things, and what god wants, etc, etc, etc.

    He seems to say that being Christian is an inherent part of being American. I say it is not. I think that more and more people are turning away from religion (both organized religion and belief in any deity).

  16. Bobby Jindal, you are an ultra super idiot. Get some brains before you get brained.
