Holy Crap: And By Your Boobs You Shall Be Known Edition

August 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is not political.  Sometimes you just gotta praise the ta-tas.

Prepare your thinking for this.

A woman in Austria admitted to filming a pornographic video inside a church after a tipster recognized her breasts.

According to the Austrian Times, Bernhard Pauer, a priest with the Diocese of Linz, went to police after parishioners said they recognized their church in the video.

Okay, so …

If you are recognizable by your undressed breasts, it could be that you’re going barefoot-all-over a little too often.

Porn in a church probably moves you a few people ahead in the line for a Godly lecturing.

Wasn’t the priest the least bit concerned about why his parishioners were watching porn enough that they recognized their own church?

And two sentences at the end of the story kinda take your breath away.

Police confirmed that the woman didn’t have permission to film inside the church. After some debate, it was decided that the church would not have to be reconsecrated.

Ya think?

Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: And By Your Boobs You Shall Be Known Edition”

  1. Recognizing the church is one thing but who among the churchgoers recognized her breasts?

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    First there was the thread about some woman who wants to marry Manson. Hell, back in the day I was lucky to get even ugly girls to go out with me, hoping to kiss them on the third date. Now it is disclosed there are those who can even recognize women by their breasts, not by their tattoos but by their ta-tas.
    What else have I missed out on? Can we get back to talking about politics? It was less depressing to ponder a President Perry.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Might be less depressing for yOU, Uncle Dave, but if you lived in Austin you might go into a deep depression if you considered Perry for President and Abbott for Guvner, whereas bare ta-tas are great material for drawing sessions. Wait till I get my drawing pad.
    Marge, to whom all people look like objects to draw.

  4. Was there a bag over her head in the video? Is this exciting to some people?

    Okay, rude joke, so if you don’t want a rude joke, skip to the next comment. No actual cuss words.

    Three village women are walking home when they see a drunken man staggering ahead of them, and he falls face down in the mud. They stop and turn him over, but his face is so muddy they can’t tell who he is. One of them opens his pants and says, “Well, he’s not my husband.” The second woman takes a look and says, “You’re right, he’s not your husband.” The third woman looks and says, “He’s not even from this village.”

  5. Didn’t the Catholic Church promote brothels back in the middle ages?

  6. OldMayfly says:

    Rhea, love that joke! Never heard it before.

    To me, the funniest line in this story is “…it was decided that the church would not have to be reconsecrated.” Wow! Even though breasts (female breasts–the horror!) were shown, the church is still as holy as it was before.

    Who knew that was possible?

  7. Heard that joke about a country club. Bottom half of the Dutch door to the men’s locker room was open and a man was walking around naked, but could only see the bottom half. Not, my husband, not my husband. Hell, he’s not even a member of the club. God will bless me because I did not use the names of any Texas GOP robo-wives.

  8. Actually the church was being consecrated when the porn was filmed. The pagans consecrated their holy sites with orgies.

  9. Well, shoot, L.Long, I’ve been to a number of Pagan gatherings and at none of them did an orgy break out. Just schmoozing, forming a circle and some chanting and holding hands and candles and stuff, and then the food. Of course we all knew what the maypole stands for, but it was the only one on display. I feel cheated.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Way against the internet forces that separate us from our Juanita Jean. Much less an early morning chit chat about the wonders of women.

    I could do some props to women from their ankles up; beautiful, beautiful women. In deference to Mama, I’ll move on.

    Congressional budget? iirc, Senator Patty Murray did in days what Paul Ryan never did in the blank pages he waved around for months. Imagine what Senator Warren, Senator Murray and a few more good women could do for those lazy men.

  11. No need to reconsecrate the church? Times have changed – in this, and so much else. Back in the Middle Ages, there were a bundle of strict rules on when and how sex was permitted – not in Lent, not in Advent, not on Fridays, not on Wednesdays, only in the missionary position, only without enjoyment – and definitely not in church. The reason was precisely that semen could spill on the floor – and then the church would indeed need to be reconsecrated.


  12. Well Rhea that was the middle ages, but today even the pagans are sexually repressed.

  13. aggieland liz says:

    Started at the end and worked back. Thank you, I needed this after Ferguson. which is scary and makes me cry too. Catholics are so silly! And it sounds like we have as much in common with the Pagans as I always suspected we did: “first we stand in a circle holding hands and then there is some chanting and then the food.” Sounds just like any parish gathering I’ve ever attended! And Franklin and Bremond boast some very damned good cooks, too! The food is always wonderful!
