Holy Crap: Aladamnbama Edition

May 03, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let’s all sing along ….

This is is my land, this land is still my land…

In Alabama the Chief Justice of the Court says that the First Amendment only covers Christians.

No, really.  He said that.  Out loud.

Screen Shot 2014-05-03 at 1.26.40 PMSpeaking at the Pastor for Life Luncheon, which was sponsored by Pro-Life Mississippi, Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court declared that the First Amendment only applies to Christians because “Buddha didn’t create us, Mohammed didn’t create us, it was the God of the Holy Scriptures” who created us.

So all you non-Chrisitians out there, and Roy makes the decision about who is a Christian and who is not, just shut the hell up.

But Roy ain’t near the finish line.  He’s got more to say.

“It’s all about God,” he continued. “We’ve made ‘life’ a decision taken by man,” he said, and “taken ‘liberty,’ and converted it to ‘licentiousness.”

Does that fella own a dictionary?  Does he know what licentiousness means?  Has he been doing the dirty while looking at Lady Liberty?

And ….

“We’ve taken ‘pursuit of happiness,’ and reduced it to materialism.”

There’s no “we” here, Roy.  The Republican Party did that all on their own.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: Aladamnbama Edition”

  1. What has Mohammed got to do with it? He never claimed to have created life. Unless it mean when he got his wives pregnant.

  2. KarenJ503 says:

    Between Steve Hickey (your previous blog post), this guy (another less flattering view: http://www.ourcampaigns.com/images/candidates/b7/FullC7244D0000-00-00.jpg ), and, of course, Louie Gohmert, the Republican nut-job fundamentalist right seems to be cornering the market on ugly.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    In my opinion, the God of the Jews and the Christians is also the God of the Muslims and anyone else who wants to claim him for doing a good job and for being there. I realize not everyone here shares that opinion but this is ridiculous. Why don’t any preachers talk about greed? Taking something that should belong to someone else, whether it is about sex or land or clean air and water, is greedy and a sin. And I don’t take up a collection.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    After reading the link, I haVe to also say, this guy doesn’t know equations. I mean, he shoulda equaled Mohammed and Buddha to Jesus if he were going to equate anyone. His pamphlet is another waste of trees.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I guess God screwed up again. He forgot to tell the Founding Fathers to write that business about Christians in the Constitution.

    Lucky we have Justice Moore around to correct God’s mistakes.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Ralph, exactly. God must have sighed a sigh of relief.

  7. donquijoterocket says:

    @ Ralph Wiggam- I’ve noticed the founding Daddies must have gotten distracted a time or two.They seemed to have left lots of things out of that document.It’s not just this twit.It’s wingnuts in general that seem to have been appointed to clear up the Big Invisible Sky Boohoo’s errors.I think it’s also important to remember wingnuts like this have a different constitution from anyone else.

  8. Sandra says:

    This is the same Judge Moore who refused to remove a monument to the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Judicial building, bak in 2003, after being ordered to do so by a Federal judge. On November 13, 2003, the Alabama Court of the Judiciary unanimously removed Moore from his post as Chief Justice. He was re-elected to that post in 2012.

    This guy is a real piece of work.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Didn’t Dubya tie in with these Dominion crackpots? They think “The Rapture” is coming for them. Wait until they discover it is just a raptor with an appetite. Seems fitting that these old buzzards be eaten by a buzzard.

  10. Oh, dear Gussie Mae…and for all this time I thought only Jewish folks were God’s Chosen People. Silly me. Thanks for the update ‘Bama!

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Biggomama, not to be out ‘Bama, ‘Bama-ed, Mittens Rmoney is threatening to return in 2016 and remind us the Mormons have the inside edge on “chosen.”

    Be they Dominion, LDS, or Palin crazy Protestant, what all these illiterates failed to read was that simple suggestion,
    “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

    Per google, it is there twice, Mark 10:25 & Matthew 19:24. Am sure some of the true Christians who take comfort and give comfort with their religion can also remind the Xtians of several cites in the Bible regarding the ‘moneychangers.’

  12. JJ, are you sure the Pastor for Life Luncheon isn’t some kind of improv night at the Biloxi Comedy Club?

  13. Rubymay says:

    I certainly am not a constitutional scholar, and far be it from me to correct the good judge, but I wasn’t sure if he meant all Christians or just white ones. My husband said it’s Alabama, so that’s just understood. Well, okay then. I’ve been educated.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Gee, another apostate. Only God can decide who is a Christian. This dude must think he can make God’s decisions for Her.

  15. Jan Kimmons says:

    This is the same judge in the ten commandments in the courtroom scuffle about a decade ago. He was removed from office then ran again some years later for supreme court judge and won. I was in Alabama when they ran him out. He’s a piece of work!

  16. montag says:

    Boy will he be surprised when he goes on to the Great Beyond and the Flying Spaghetti Monster casts him into the Pot of Eternal Boiling.

    May we be blessed by his Noodly Goodness.

  17. maggie says:

    His meds are definitely not working!

  18. maryelle says:

    It’s frightening that this wacko has such a position of power. It’s as if they’re crawling out from every rock.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, ergot didn’t work for the Salem crowd and apparently the Dominion crowd is having equally unsuccessful results.

    “rye ergot fungus”

    That and inbreeding explains a lot. The anti-government gun toting crazies proclaim to reject the federal government, as we discover how many of those moochers are on government disability welfare.

    Another co-inky dink thought, isn’t the 2nd Amendment they so adore, albeit distort, a Fed thingy? No Feds, no 2nd Amendment for them to distort. Holy Goofy Lords of Logic, ‘patriots’ who disavow their own government. We’ve got us some whole new English going on, when “god” means god damned crazy. Note to RWNJs, SHE is not gonna like it.

    Dear goddess, no. Just no. We’re in the middle of a drought, so please, no lightning bolts, unless your aim has improved.

  20. Boy, they just don’t care any more what comes out of their mouths, do they? They’re not even trying to keep it to themselves. The Constitution be damned.

    But this part fascinates me:

    Chief Justice Moore later defined “life” via Blackstone’s Law — a book that American lawyers have “sadly forgotten” — as beginning when “the baby kicks.” “Today,” he said, “our courts say it’s not alive ’til the head comes out.”

    That suggests that he thinks abortion before “quickening” is okay, which was a view that was held for centuries, as far as I know. None of this “A fertilized egg has full human rights” stuff they usually spout. I guess he’ll get kicked down the road over that one, no matter what other blatantly unconstitutional crap he’s spouted.

    Even if the voters and legislature of Alabama think he’s jest fine, shouldn’t there be some way of removing a state *Chief Justice* who is so ignorant and disregarding of the law and the Constitution? He should be drop-kicked off the bench pronto, and his previous decisions scrutinized.

  21. Whoops, my mistake, he says that Blackstone’s Law– basis of English and therefore American law– says that life starts when the baby kicks. He’s got a different idea himself, and his ideas obviously trump the law in his pointed little head.

  22. How in the world did this guy manage to get through law school? Doesn’t that require logical thinking?

  23. That’s Rs for you. Only they are right, and they get to decide who “they” are.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Dinah, take the LSTs available at most public libraries. I took them for real and despite a respectable score, and admittance to a top law school, I declined. My impression was convoluted questions and even more convoluted answers; just not my way of thinking.

    Maybe Bubba, Sr can shed more light on the issue. Honorable men and women pass their LSATs and go on to become brilliant jurists, both my parents did. Then we have the Condi Rices and Bush2 Justice Dept.

    Some of us are meant to be firefighters, EMTs, doctors, nurses, lawyers, etc. Why some rise to be the best at their field, again I would enjoy hearing why there are good and bad lawyers from a good man like Bubba, Sr.

  25. RepubAnon says:

    Here’s an alternative thought: I’ll bet he’s angling for the Vice President slot on the Republican ticket. The nominee will be a Country Club Republican – they’ll need someone to pull in the crazies. Chief Justice Moore would make the crazies very happy.

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    RepubAnon, you’re hurting Loopy Louie to the cone/core of his crazy. As the self-proclaimed King of cra cra crazy, Louie has asparagus in the game.

    Koch strategy 101, they are happy to send a few $ the way of the crazy to disrupt politics as usual. The Koch end game? Scare the Mittens Rmoneys and Jeb Bush and Chris Cristie types into complete compliance. The Tea Baggers are a tool of the Koch brothers meant to scare the old boy Republicans into complete corporate submission.

    Redux Rmoney 2016? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avQkryZQ–4 “Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right.”

    When in doubt about the veracity of any candidate, check out their Koch connection.

    Where Roy boy fits into the Koch scheme is yet to be revealed.

  27. RepubAnon says:

    I’m thinking that the difference between Louie Gohmert and Roy Moore is that Louie may actually believe what he says. It seems unlikely that anyone with a basic knowledge of Constitutional Law could believe what Roy Moore says he believes. However, I could easily see someone playing to the Religious Right making such statements for purely political gain.

  28. Marge Wood says:

    PKM, that’s what I do: something smells fishy, I google koch brothers and…..whatever it is that sounds like their way of doing things.

  29. Rhea: They did remove him after he refused to remove the Ten Commandments from the courthouse, but then they re-elected him a decade later. Alabama is a strange place.

  30. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, spot on. If it stinks, look for the Koch/ALEC connections.

    RWNJs are tools. We have two shots to refute them. 2014 turn red and purple states BLUE.

    Truth, register, vote and assist disseminating the truth, registering voters, and getting voters to the voting booths.

    Bring on The Big Dog, Bill Clinton and Howard Dean to stump for the good guys and gals. President Clinton resonates with older voters. Can’t explain why, but Governor Dean resonates with we millennial. Just a guess, but his honest enthusiasm and success as a governor appeals to us. And, come on with some President Obama in the Blue States to give us kids a reason to vote.

  31. Aggieland liz says:

    @Jan: here in Tay-ex-us (hi Marge!) we elected Bill Clements to be Gov twice. People from up North STILL talk about that. I’m seriously afraid that they are smarter than lots of us down here…way smarter!

  32. Wa Skeptic says:

    Are there no intelligent judges in that state? Or intelligent voters?

    The Framers of the Constitution knew of the 200 years (and more) of ongoing religious persecution in the rest of the world, so that’s why they wrote it into the First Amendment. Indeed, many of their families had come the the colonies due to these religious wars. We have gotten so complacent because we, as a society, have forgotten the terrible history lessons. We ignore those lessons at our peril.

  33. Wa Skeptic says:

    Sorry–“…had come to the colonies….”

  34. maggie says:

    heard from daughter who lives in aladamnbama . . . she is one of way many people who are trying like mad to find a way out of that state . . . seems that the descendants of the original settlers find mathematicians, engineers and scientists of any sort to be martians and are a darn sight less congenial to them . . . and their kids.

  35. Does he realize Jesus was a Jew? He was not a Christian.

    And if we are a Christian nation only, he will have to lose the Old Testament.
    The New Testament is the Christian bible.

  36. Rewriting the Constitution to suit their own prejudices is a favorite ploy of right-wingers. They’ve also done a number on the Bible. Other times they are content to simply redefine what words mean, allowing them to label President Obama as a Muslim socialist Nazi.

    If right-wingers didn’t lie then they’d have no arguments at all.

  37. Marge Wood says:

    Diane, thanks, good point. Yes, Jesus was a Jew. All the guys in the New Testament were Jews who gave up their jobs to tag along with a guy from a small town and change the world. I used to tell fifth graders that the rich guys expected Jesus to come in a 3 piece suit. Instead he came in overalls, driving a beat up pickup, and hung out with poor and generally disreputable folks. The super rich who liked him snuck around at night to talk with him.

  38. Elizabeth says:

    Diane, I’ve had that same conversation with the less-educated Christians–they’re sure Jesus could not have been a Jew because (seriously) Jews have tails and are bad and he is “the Christ” and therefore was BORN Christian.

    Making them read what he said to the gentile woman–that he came to save the people of Israel, and why should he throw the children’s food to dogs–has set a few of them back on their heels. “Yes, but in the end he did what she asked.” “Yes…but he made it clear why, too. So explain again why you think Jesus wasn’t a Jew.” “Well…Jews wanted to kill him.” “True. Some of them did. And you want to kill other Americans, like homosexuals…what’s the difference? Every group in the world has its quarrels.”

    But logic rarely wins.

  39. e platypus onion says:

    Dominionists have a nasty surprise awaiting them. Instead of rapture and going to heaven,the word is fracture as when the earth opens up and satan swallows all these dingbats and takes them to hades to get an all-over tan.

  40. Hilary says:


  41. Marge Wood says:

    Wow. I love that. TALIBAMA.

  42. Marge Wood says:

    If you are curious about Dominionism you can google was george w. bush a dominionist. This is systematic.

  43. Elise Von Holten says:

    My favorite part is that some of the early followers of Jesus thought that anyone who wanted to be in their group needed to convert to Judaism first! Because none of them were Christians…since the “good news” was written so long after his and most of his followers death’s there is no way to know what went on before the Nicene councils–the 7th nailing down creeds and so forth. The ignorance out there is appalling!
