Holy Cow. What Are You Doing?

May 19, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, what are you guys doing out there? My email server is sporatic today and my domain server recovered from a DNS event yesterday and was down all afternoon having this:

 We’re working to resolve an issue where a bad web server configuration was pushed out to production web servers. This is causing all web servers to be down at the moment while we work to roll this back.

I have no idea if that’s even English.

So, it’s hit or miss on my email today and might soon again be a total miss on my website if they don’t feed the hamsters.

If you’re causing all this, please stop.  It’s getting on my nerves.

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0 Comments to “Holy Cow. What Are You Doing?”

  1. Mike Behrent says:

    It’s corporate Republican sabotage.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    Obviously, this was caused by Benghazi.

  3. maryelle says:

    I tried and tried to get on your site yesterday, but kept getting stuck with “This page cannot be displayed” message. I don’t think I screwed it up., ’cause I don’t know enough to hack. Seems fine right now.

  4. I clicked to see comments a few minutes ago and got a “502 server not found” message. I tried it again and got the comments with no problem.

  5. We’re not the gerbils in the system. This is a continuation of the “heart bleed” security breach the NSA used to access servers. Now as security fixes are being installed, there have been a number of problems with communications between servers. Think of it as tiny little black helicopters flying around the internet.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    It’s a …ARE YOU READY? It’s a CONSPIRACY! Evil grin. I hope I’m wrong.

  7. grammy97 says:

    From here, I keep getting a plain-script screen that says BAD GATEWAY. It does seem like a systemic warp. I like PKM’s image of the tiny black helicopters. 🙂

  8. You are getting a 502 Bad Gateway error message. This generally means that the ‘Bad Gateway’ error is coming from the server, it may just be that the site is overloaded but I don’t think so. I tried refreshing the page several times and I’ve used Chrome, and Safari (browsers), we have also tried PC, iPad and my phone. If you wish to send an error report to the webmaster, you might want to include that info because 502 errors can be caused by bugs in the associated PHP programming.

    I ran a check on the site and I can tell it’s running Nginx (pronounced Engine-X) software. This is a reverse proxy server program that (among other things), accepts incoming requests from web browsers and farms them out to a number of different back-end file servers that store the data for your site and the other sites they also serve. My guess is that Nginx is passing on your browser’s request and not getting an acceptable answer in the time allowed, they either need faster gerbils or more tiny helicopters.

    Maybe it was the American Spring Guys…..

    Nah, Polite Kool Marxist and RepubAnnon are probably correct – tiny black helicopters re-routed from Benghazi, that’s the ticket!

  9. Zyxomma says:

    PKM, I love that image: tiny little black helicopters flying around the internet.

  10. Brian E says:


    Our computers drink.
    We’re trying to sober them up.

  11. daChipster says:

    My fault! I decided to have some fun and went over to a site called neoneocon.com to rattle some cages.

    Well, they must have tracked me back here and initiated a DBAG2000 attack, which includes faulty logic gates, corrupted data and a complete loss of memory prior to system date 1/20/2009.

  12. The LA Times redid their web page so I can’t see David Horsey’s editorial cartoons anymore without subscribing to the paper. If JJ’s is blocked too I may just commit hara-kiri.

    No, I won’t. I have to stay alive to vote. As I told people in 2004, “If I were dead and cremated, I’d have my urn carried into the voting booth so my ashes could reach up and vote against Bush.”

    Good luck with the internet demons, JJ.

  13. san fraser says:

    I’ve been getting the “Bad Gateway” message this past week. Laptop is old and throwing me out as I try to watch things on Hulu or Acorn (shutting off by itself) so just considered it a self description. Can’t afford a new one, so just making do.
    Keep trying to reach us – until it dies completely you are a highlight of my day.

  14. So that explains the strange looking leopard skin I got yesterday instead of the whole page!

  15. I, too, received a “502 Bad Gateway” screen a bit ago. But after I hit refresh, “poof!”, I’m in the Salon. Not being much of a computer geek, I had no clue as to the problem. Thank you, Deb, for explaining the likely cause (not that I can do anything about it).

  16. maggie, the internet tiny little black helicopters are like crows. They fly in and snatch little bits of shiny data. Marge Wood must have made a really shiny comment, as they ate her whole comment yesterday.

    The server issue is world wide. If your bank has not contacted you, contact them, because their portals were not secure either and a number of them have been hacked. Most of the taking advantage of this coding error has been done by our lovely NSA, but there are other hackers out there that may have taken advantage of this glitch.

  17. I had the same experience as Yonit. My first thought on getting the error was, “Oh, no! Not again, Juanita!” as I knew you’d had site and email problems not too long ago. I was very glad when it came up on refresh. I’ve had no problems since.

    daChipster, you should stop being so naughty.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist, “crows, that fly in and snatch little bits of shiny data”, that is the best explanation I’ve ever read – bloody brilliant!

  19. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    When our web servers do stuff like that, someone is in for a major public shaming.

  20. Deb, my wife is one of the most brilliant women on our planet. She’s teaching me to put my Geek into English.

    Don A in Pennsyltucky, the IT guy who made a minor coding error ‘fessed up. The scandal is the NSA that discovered and exploited the what would have been a minor error for over a year.

    No thanks to the NSA exploitation, honest businesses are paying the cost of the delayed fixes.

    Wish we could, Don A in Pennsyltucky, and I apologize for being a pessimist on this issue. But, I’m’ open to suggestions. How do we shame George HW Bush and all the cretins following him who created the NSA monster?

  21. Marge Wood says:

    I get those messages too. I’ve just learned more about the whole situation in the last five minutes than I’ve ever known. I figure, just wait. And wait. You really think we oughta contact our banks?

  22. Litlhorn says:

    Towleroad had the same thing…..
    Same as Last time this happened, ya’ll are either routed through the same stuff, or on the same list for attack.

  23. I think on Chrome I got one “web page not found” error message. I switched to Firefox, and had no problems.

    What I was going to let y’all know, although I suspect most everybody got the same heads up from “Kos” that I did about the speech made by the first lady in Topeka, Kansas, to bunch of area high school graduates.

    Please take time to watch. Ms. Obama can go places, and say things that The President, who is President to us all….has to shy away from.

    I expect some right wing heads (Limpball among others) will probably explode sometime in the next couple of days.

    As for me, I wanted to stand and cheer. Quality time. Well spent. Please watch. You’ll be glad you did.

  24. innerlooper says:

    y’all very likely have explained why I’ve received several bank notifications that i don’t bank with so they were deleted.
