Holy Cow! Three Cases and It’s an Outbreak.

November 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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What the hell are we going to do with an Ebola Czar?   Well, I guess that’s one appointment the President made that Republican can’t whine about.  That sucker eradicated damn Ebola.

I cannot tell you the number of Ebola-Eradication-and-Remediation signs that are on pickup trucks all over Texas, cashing in on the small business boon that Republicans promised.

Well, it was a boon for the sign printing business.  And spacesuits.  Hell, there’s a mess of spacesuits in Texas now.  If it snows in Dallas, half the city can disappear into the background.

Let’s hear it for 24 hour news hysteria!

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0 Comments to “Holy Cow! Three Cases and It’s an Outbreak.”

  1. Can’t wait to see the next story that sends the news into nationwide panic mode….

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    You have to admit it does make things a bit more exciting around the country where there is any kind of an outbreak … Ebola or Repukes!! Both are pretty disgusting and deadly!!

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah, you oughta see the pile of stupid I got on Wednesday, one whole one about ebola and what are we going to do about it. I’m talking newsletter and dire predictions.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The geographically challenged GOP strikes again. Fight ‘terrorists’ over there, so we don’t have to fight them here; forget our own home grown terrorists are a bigger threat. Fight non-existent Ebola here, so that it can spread over there.

    That’s some kind of st00pid they have going on for themselves.

  5. PKM, I think the difference is that you fight terrorists with guns and missiles and that kind of bang-toy, and you fight Ebola with, you know, icky science stuff. Anything sciencey is either ignored, like climate change, or blown up into a panic, because in either case they don’t know squat about the reality of risk.

    I want to live in a country whose leaders didn’t flunk science. Please?

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, minimum standards for a Republican: passing 7th grade science and not tripping over the first ink blot on a Rorschach.

  7. Your next epidemic will either be dengue fever coming around the Big Bend from Florida or Chagras from New Mexico. My money is on Chagras because you already have the parasite, T. cruzi, in your state. 😉

  8. Marge Wood says:

    One interesting thing I learned the other day. Our kids and my husband are all very good at computer stuff. I was trying to get my hubby to change all the passwords. I said our kids could probably hack into everything if they tried. Oldest son said yes he probably could but he has never ever tried hacking into anything because if you get caught hacking into anything the penalty is worse than for murder. It is considered to be terrorism. Does that count for voting machines?

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    3 is an outbreak? How about all those kids with enterovirus?

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, it should count for voting machines; but those are probably covered under the exclusion, IOKIYAR.

    GOP = double(speak + standard) No, not suitable for a bumper sticker, the GOP could never do the math.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Corinne Sabo, enterovirus and the return of nearly eradicated childhood diseases, with no thanks to the anti-vaccination science deniers.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    What amazes me is how fast the border and immigrant children ceased being a major story in a hearttbeat.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, not so amazing, really. Democratic governors, mayors and the Obama administration stepped up temporarily to care for the children, so Governor Oops wouldn’t have to worry his pretty hair.

    While the border buffoon militias really embarrassed themselves, the politicians who supported those bm militia criminals and the Kristian freak nuts who attacked buses of innocent children with their limited intelligence and attention span went all Squirrel, Shiny Object, Squirrel for ISIL and Ebola, President Obama and the rest of the nation will do the utmost to care for the children.

    Will the wing nut revisit the issue of children on our border? Highly unlikely, if we corner them into blaspheming Reagan and all the failed foreign policy that forced the children to leave their home countries.

    BTW Where is Governor Oops? In quarantine, I hope.

  14. Why is it okay to lie? Flat out lie?
    No wonder people tune out.

  15. I can just see it now, one of those really trashy TV stations selling surplus (all of them) hazmat suits at midnight and getting no takers at all. Well, hell! Hazmat suits make you look fat!

  16. No. No. No. Y’all have it all wrong. The Ebola outbreak is over because Republicans took the Senate.

    As for all the spacesuits, maybe the police departments around the country will buy ’em, you know, to deal with the blahs.

  17. Interesting thing is a lot of the recent research on Chagas was done in Texas at Baylor. Didn’t an immigrant woman in Virginia have a baby that she passed it on to a while back?

    Almost as scary is Chikungunya virus, and there was a case in Austin in July and one in El Paso in September. Link is about the Austin case.


  18. Elise Von Holten says:

    Okay montag, you win the internet today!

    I will not be able to see T (for terrorist) Cruz(i) without the connection to a disease…
    I got shigella once–everything that came out from anywhere was NEON green—a very unpleasant experience for over a week..scary! But nothing is a sickening or scary than T Cruz(i)

    L. Gohmert, thinking he is a good candidate for Speaker is so (dangerous) sad and hilarious at the same time, but it’s more like needing “Depends” from laughing and losing control than a

  19. e platypus onion says:

    I’ve often heard Texans are heroic drinkers. I imagine with only three cases the party hasn’t even begun. 🙂

  20. The Scary is all about the things you don’t know: If you did a study of all the ways people died during the period that Ebola has been known to have been in the US there would be ~6900 deaths per day (2011 stats). Most died from heart attack, cancer, and respiratory/circulatory diseases (and old age). If we did an honest calculation, cigarettes and bad diets would be exposed as the killers they are. But hey, we aren’t going to get people dressed in moon suits cleaning the tar & nicotine out of all the smokers homes after they die, or carrying off the bacon grease to be incinerated for being toxic…

  21. I mean, if it really bothers you, lose 20, don’t smoke, go vegan, and wear a seatbelt. (Yeah, yeah, the toxins in certain plants, blah, blah, blah)

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Sorry Diane,but Wayne “li’l pee pee” La Pierre insists school age kids have a 2nd amendment right to die by horrible gunshot wounds. And with an even winguttier congress,he’ll likely make school shootings a part of the curriculum.

  23. Chikungunya carried by mosquitoes will be the Next Plague to hit the red states.

    The water in the old tires laying around outside, as well as buckets, and the hubcap used for dawg bowls is the ideal breeding ground for theAsian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and the Yellow Fever Mosquito (Aedes aegypti). Genetically, it appears that viral strain currently spreading throughout the Americas is more easily transmitted by Ae. aegypti. Both species lay their eggs in containers such as cans, discarded tires and other items that hold water close to human habitation, but Ae. aegypti is more geographically confined to the southeastern United States. Traditional mosquito methods of truck-mounted and aerial sprays are ineffective in controlling these mosquitoes. Removal of water-bearing containers and sanitation are key preventive strategies.

    Not to worry… We’ll have a Chikungunya Czar and a costly truck mounted and aerial spraying program….
