Holy Cow, Old Man, Turn Off The Damn Camera

October 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Billy Joe Turnage is 76 years old and he’s the Republican County Chairman in Union County, Georgia.  He seems to need more to do.

Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 7.19.27 PMUnion County Sheriff Investigator Staff Sgt. Darren Osborn told the paper that 911 dispatchers received a report of an ongoing “assault and rape” of a 39-year-old female at Turnage’s residence last week.

I suspect this was the  standard “legitimate” Republican rape.  Because it was broadcasted on damn Skype.

Oct. 22, dispatch received a 911 call at approximately 4 p.m. of what was believed to be an assault and rape,” Osborn noted. “It was being viewed via Skype. Deputies responded and I responded as well.”

A Republican broadcasted his attempted rape on Skype.  Hell, I wonder if he planned to put it on You Tube.

Also of note:

The Atlanta Journal Constitution pointed out that a photo of Turnage with GOP Senate candidate David Perdue had not been removed from the Union County Republican Party Facebook page as of Wednesday morning.

Smart move.

Thanks to Texas Ellen for the heads up.

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